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Show Woman Accused of Burning Hotel. Wciaor. Idaho. -Mia. II, lie Howard, j fi r many yeata a resident i f Men d ins, thla conn:), haa luoii bini.i ! nor by I'rohalo .ludi.e How-en 111 Hie sum of fl.ni'O to appear hetoro tin d'ati'lcl court for I -Till on the chuiT.e nf m ami on the nlitht of the IMh o II. t llecelllher. The linl.'l lloivilld ! beliiuiilni! to the defendant, with ill. Ilia roiitenia waa deairoyeil by lire Mia. Howard was riimilt-i: the hold ' nt the time of the tire. Huanloioua ellcnilialliilies cotlileeieil with the Mr;' aroused the auaplfloua of ihe ofllcera. ! An Inveatluiii on w as aim led. and It i waa nai erluiiie I ihui iho huihlliiK and -mil, nis weio Ip avlly Insured. |