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Show ... , JEFFRIES M JOHNSON READY TO F1GH1 N'5. ' - k JAMES J. JEFFRIES, RETIRED CHAMPION. '. I By KNOCKOUT. TIIK eye of the iorHiiK world are on Hun Prauclaco. Kven haaehall with Ita thiiiiaauda of follower haa been forced to Ink ii back aeut until July 4, when Jiimea J. Ji ffrlea, rctlrc-d chuinpliiti, who ra-lurna ra-lurna In the ring to win hack Hi Klury fur the white nice, mid Jack Jiihiiauii, chtinipliin, meet fur tho wmld'a aiipremacy In pi'Klllam. That ll will la. n Kreal liallli. there In no iluiiht. Jeffiiea nt hla heal never had n auperlor. I'ew peraiiu who huve followed tha piiKlllftlc Annie belli be-lli ve there ever waa u fluhtcr who n, n, I have whipped the .Ii Itrle Ihal trliiiiiicd Huh l-'tlalniiniua and Jim t'orlietl. lint rliihl there la lliu iiie Hun on which Hit liKht hliiaea. la JIiu .leffrlea the iiiun Imi wna In 1I'.iii, when he lunk Ihe chamiiluiiahlp away from "lanky Hob," or In Hull.', When he defeuted Ihe t'orillhlllllllll a aei nnd time? Keporia froiii Jeffiiea' tralnliiK cuinp for Hut mat month have auld Ihal he la In the Krcutcut uf condition. con-dition. Kxports from nil over the land have expreaaed their Aalonlah-ment Aalonlah-ment thai tha "big fellow" nhoiild have been iihlu to bring hliuaelf to audi rure form. Jim ("orhett hua heen wllh Jeffrie since Muy I'K und they huve hud aoiue wonderful lllta with the giovea. Joe Choylnakl, thotiKh tutu h lliihtiir, llrother Jin k Jeffries und Hoh Armatrong have tried Ihelr heal In knock Jim out, ao goea Ihe re porta, but he hns been too much for iheiu. Cnrbelt's ultti has been to give Jeffrie speed and judgment of ill lance, ao eaally loal by u man who hua been out of Hut ring alx yeurs. When the mutch wua miidii they i-iild Jeffrlea would not hn able to gel un, ciindlilnn. Hut If Inking off many pounds und hardening hla muaiiea iiiiiIich coiidltliiu Jeffiiea hua It. Ha will welKh cluae to IH'O piiiiuda vheli he atrip for the fruy, hut will there he behind Hint mux of honu and muscle tha stamina required for a uaiile wllh ii man like Johnson? I'un Mdly I think thu alumina will he there. Jeffrlea never luia fought a man a big or good a Johnaon. This a aaylng u good deul of the man who lethroned Kltiiaimmona, but tha John-ion John-ion of tuiliiy probubly would have hipped the r'ltialmmona who fell 'der Jeffries' crushing blows. It Is lie Hint Johnaon never baa whipped ,'n n tvhn wna the equal of Fits In hla piilmy dnya, but that la barauaa he never had tha chance. Johnson never hua been known ns A great "knocker out." Men who had any chilm at all to chiaa have atood him off, but Jink la A loafer In the ring and liua ulwiiya seen fit to lake It eaay nnd go Jual hard enough to get the long end uf the purae. Jiihnaon Alau la In the condition of hla Ufa. Hut thla huttlti with Jeffrlea will ha different. Jnlinaou will have to niak a faat battle. 1 1 as will have to worry Jeff with hla apeed. lie liiuat muk the big fellow uae hi lega. It would be aiilclile nnd the nthl would be over liihldn uf lx ruiindu If .Inhnann nt leiunleil to riiiigh It with the "Alfalfa King " He'll huve to keep Jeff off for nt leiiat ten niuiids nnd then peek hllu to piece If he win. To do Ilila to n mun who hn never been knocked down will be n hard tnak. I Jack JuhliHiiii equal to It? The big bettor any lie la not. Their money Is talk, tug. Hilly Pupke anys the criticisms , hurled at hi victory ovur Joe Thorn- . a ur unjiiat. In a signed statement sent broadcast by Papk lie explain w hy It would have been folly for him In have faked the match And let . Thotuna stay more than 15 rounds. I -- Tlm crltlca aoein to have Ignored the rf!.'V fitct Hint Thotuna never hn been tho tj y ; eaaleat man In thu ring to whip. He ft j hua a 10 round draw with Htanley Ketchel to hla credit and It look the , P.;.'.. Mlchlgun "AaauaHln" 33 roiinda to do- k feat him once before, although In V . .' their 1ft mi buttle Ketchel won In two 11', round. , From all Hi pre account I'Ackey J'.'.' i McKnrland got much tho worl of the declalon In hi fight wllh Freddie 'i,'"., Welch In Uindoti on Decorutliin day. The apectntors hlaed the druw vor- " jj , diet handed down hy Iteferee Scott ii , nnd It whs utmost the unnnlmniis npln- I' 'i '1 Ion of Hiuae nt the rlngalda that tha tr',l, American won hy half A doien city i'j, block. Now let Welch come over hero and ace what Mi Karlunil will do v ', lo hint. ' : |