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Show The young who take advice-ar- e al almoit beyond the need of it. George MacDonald. family. As a boy be rode horseback and engaged in all the other outdoor pursuits of the Juvenile Roosevelt clan gt their home at Oyster Bay 4nd he took some part In athletic during his preparatory school course at Groton and hi collegiate course at Harvard, but In the main hehaa been le enthusiastic on the. subject of Ufs In the open than his father and brother Kermit He has always been of a studious nature and his romance with Miss Alexander Is said to have had Its beginnings In the mutual love of these young people for music. For, all that Teddy, Jr., has eschewed the sensational In outdoor athletics, be did participate two year ago In a balloon flight from Washington, In which who he and the two army officer were his fellow passengers had some rather exciting experiences There was no little surprise on the. part of the public when Theodore, Jr, upon the completion of his college course two years ago, chose a busi; uess career as his life work, and stilt more wonder was aroused when he took employment In a Connecticut car, pet factory tn order fo gather knowl; edge at first hand of the practical side !of carpet manufacture. He started at the lowest round of the ladder, as an unskilled workman at a small salary, g Of course he was promoted as he tered the Intricacies of the business, ELDEST SOU OF ' Barber-ou- t Humor. Barber How would you like your hair cut, air? Studfr Fine. Do you think 1 came In here to discuaa the tariff? Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of Theodore, Jr., and Miss Eleanor ASTORIA, remedy for Alexander Are Married. Eifanta and a safe and sure children, and gee that it Bears the of Signature CULMINATION OF LOVE MATCH In Use For Over 80 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Former President Witnesses Ceremony In New York Church San Francisco to Be Home of .the Couple. ' Soothing. "But those extremely violent women lunatics bow do you manage to keep them so quiet T "That's an idea of the new superin- tendent's. New "Yes? ' Yes; he had the straigbtjackets made up in the peek-a-bostyle. Puck. Hows This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any of cat&rrb Uial vaosol be cured by H&ii s CdtAiTb Cure F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Tolrdo, O. feave kaowe F. J Chewy Wp, the unCeratewd, for the last 16 ymra sad brttree him perfectly honorable ta all bumM UaiictKni and financially Able to carry out any obllruitona made by hie Arm. Walmno, Kinnan a ' Marvin. botcsale Drucfftsift. Toledo. O. Cet&rtti One M taken lutentally. actlnf directly pmi the bleed and mueoue eurfacce of the loUaeamie emt free. Frice 7k eeota pec eyatem. bottle. Bold by all Dnurrlata. TaAe UaUb Family Fills tor eonetlpatkm. York. Of all the June wedof 1910, the one that baa dings aroused the most general Interest was that of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and Miss Eleanor Alexander which was celebrated ,lu the Fifth Avenue Pres- byterlan church on June 20 a large number of prominent people witnessed the ceremony, but naturally the most noticed person in the church, after the bride and groom, was Col. Theodore Roosevelt, father of the man who was entering, the state mas-youn- ; ... Didnt Know the Purpose. "'Mark Twaln,aa an example of - ... -- - un- conscious humor, used to quote a Hartford woman who said one day in the late spring: My husband Is the dearest fellow. Jim, I said to him this morning, are you very hard up Just now? I certafnly am hard up.he replied soberly. This high cost of living is terrible. I dont know what Im going to do. Then. Jim, said I, Til give up all tnought of going to the country for July and August this year. "But the dear fellow's face changed, and he said: " Indeed, then, you won't, darling. I thought you wanted to buy a hat with an aigrette or some such foolishness. No, no, my darling Jim can always find the money to let his dear little wife go to the country. " A DETERMINED WOMAN Finally Found a Food That Cured Her. "When I first read of the remarkable effects of Grape-Nut- s food, I determined to secure some, says a woman in Salisbury, Mo. "At that time there was none, kept in this town, but my husband ordered some from a Chicago traveler. "I had been greatly afflicted with sudden attacks of cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Tried all sorts of remedies and physicians, but obtained only temporary relief. As soon as I began to use the new food the cramps disappeared and have never returned. "Myold attack of .sick stomach were a little slower to yield, but by 'TsnrmnnBfThST66a7TEarTfouTrretas disappeared entirely. I am today perfectly well, can- eat anything and -- ovary thing I wish, without paying the penalty that I used to. We would not keep house without Grape-Nut"My husband was ao delighted with the benefits I received that he has to his beeq recommending Grape-Nut- s customers and has built up a very large trade on the food. He sells them by the case to many 'of the leading pbysldans of the county, who recom- mend Grape-Nut- s very generally. There la tome., satisfaction in using .a really scientifically prepared food." Read-th- e. little book, The Road to W ellvllle,in pkgs. Theres a Reason." Etc the hkn kttrrt A new a a nears from time ta time. The) r ursaiae, trar, a. a fall af fcumaa - iair rent. - , - mi . To Lydia paced m ; Gay boy e Men are no good, eh? Wasn't it man that made us smokeless powder, horseless carriages and wire. less telegraphy, eh? Mrs. Gayboye Yes, and I d think more of man If he'd make you smoke less tobacco, drink less wine and spend spend less money! IN A SERIOUS CONDITION. A Cass of Terrible upon Yhe has that-prope- ity Cosur d'Alene district In northern Idaho, have produced ore of a total gross value of $192,415,691 since tha discovery of the placer ground lata In 1832. Six inches of hgh-gradgold ore, with the remainder of the four-fooledge all material of good milling grade, Is the showing In the bottom of a shaft siuking in the IndepenKfe Golden Bee Mining dence claim of t tcompany, about one mile north of Bane t' nock, Nevada. Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Tart Tongue. C. Carter, at a hanquoL was talking about Nash-yUl- e Foster-Mllbur- n re-gar- c? o JT V y A if ; shown by the May statistics of the Copper Producers association, with li considerable alarm. Mr. Walker believe that we are producing about 18,090000 pounds of copper a month mors than we should. The expensive and Interminable the Manhattan involving Jumping Jack and other properties Nev., district of tie Manhattan, seem to have been rounded out into setting shape by recent negotiations between those having the welfare of the tamp and Us mines at heart. It it expected that the output of the Coear d'Alene district ift 1910 will amount to between 115,000,000 and $16,000,006, the increase being due td the opening of new properties and the extension of works in the producing mines, several of which have ore blocked out for years of operation. Drifting which was started about two weeks ago upon a which was cut by the west drift on level of the Wihuja workthe ings of the Seven Troughs Ccalltlon company, has resulted In opening strong shoot of high grade ore, acfiom the cording to latest advices v a h I Reading from left ta right: Theodora RooaeveltJr., --yworth. Lara Andaman. lira. Roosevelt. lire. Long but he continued to live quietly in a modest hoarding bouse. Many persona were skeptical as to whether young Roosevelt would stick to ao presale an of matrimony. The date of the wedding had beew get to permit the attendance f the former president, and this was owe of his very first social engagements after his rgtunr from abroad, for he landed 1a New York only two days before. Mrs. Snowden Fahnestock, Who before her own recent marriage was Miss Elizabeth Bertroa, was the matron of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Ethel Roosevelt, Miss Jessie Mllllngton-DrakMiss Janetta Alexander, Miss Jean Delano and bliss Harriet Alexander. Rev. Henry M. Sanders, a great uncle of the bride, officiated, assisted by Dr. Gordon Russell of Cranford, existence, tut ha is wlflentiy ddiFN" mined to win his fortune In this sphere. Kidney Jrojible. Henry Palmer, Cole and Walnut Sts., My kidney Barnesvllle, Or, says: trouble was caused by hardships and exposure in the army. The awful pains across my back gradually became more aevere until I was in constant misery. My feet and hands were swollen to twice their natural aite. The kid ney secretions were in a terrible condi tion for months I voided what aeemed to be clear blood. I became so dlsry everything seemed to whirl. My condition was alarming when I began using Doans Kidney Pills. Before long 1 Improved and was soon strong and well," Remember the name Doans. For sale by all dealers. ' 50 cents a box. Tbs latest Walker Copper Letter the accumulation of copper, as si E rV ' Cot. A Robert cam- paign comrades. "Then there was Dash of Company A, he said. "Dash bad the reputation man In of being the nastlest-tonguethe regiment "It was Private Dash, yon know, who, out foraging one evening on a rich estate, came accidentally upon the owners wife, a grande dame In evening dreB. "Dash asked her for food, Ebe refused him. He asked again. But, still refusing, she walked away. "'No,' she said. Til give yott nothI'll give ing, trespassing like this! you nothing.- My mind la made np.' "Made np, is it? said Dash. ,Llke the rest of you, eh?" d and right aide, and was tired all tko time and nervous. 1 could not sleep. and every mont could hardly stand the pain. Lvdia & Pinkhama Vegeta ble Compound restored me to health again and made me feel like a new wo man. I hope this letter will induce other women to Avail themselves of Mrs. E. M. this valuable medicine. Bloomdale, Ohio. Backache is a symptom of female weakness or derangement If you have backache dont neglect it To get permanent relief yon must reach the root of the trouble. Nottdng we know of will do this so safely and surely as Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable Conv pound. Core the cause of these die. tressing aches and pains and you will become well and strong; The great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pouring In 1'EEDKRicK, ely proves-conclusiv- that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots arm herbs, has restored health to thou sands of women. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkhams Yege table Compound will help yok write to Mire. Pink ham at Lynn for advice. Your letter will be absolutely oonfldnntlatt and the advice free Mass., Make the liver Do its Duty Nina ttaxa ia tea wlwa tha Eiar b rfgjk dtt teaack aad bewak an agU. CARTERS UTTUS LIYER PILLS gRsIjrhattraly Eife1"'" tipSU. w- i- r Sick Headache, cmttS lITTU II IYER II mu. saj Distress after ns gatl Daato CE.TJSC mm Ur EatfsgT Wtf cross-fissur- 500-fo- h 30 ft. Bowels s e, for-San- to-you- I i Lfi; a? to 10. 1 quick-movin- A Clem Mm g - Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery g habit-formin- AXLE GREASE two-third- ni -- IbMc f ;v IS SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED The ff n ffarlngton. Tl Mrs. ffarlngton, who Is engaged to In the treatment of affections of the Mr. Tom Curtis, is the widow of the kin and acalp which torture, disfiglate Mr. W. E. ffarlngton of Worden. ure, itch; burn, seals and destroy the DAISY FLY KILLER ST: Utoton Lancashire. The spelling of this anhair, as well as for preserving, puricient name with the small "ff found fying and beautifying the complexion, in old manuscripts Is merely the retenhands and hair, CuUcura Soap and tion of the old form of capital "F." inCutlcura Ointment are well-nigDeeds of conveyance in the time of fallible.. Millions of women throughGeorge H. and 111. recite: "George of camp. N. J. out the world rely on these pure, sweet Great Britain ffrance and Ireland The Coeur dAlene district of Idaho OMx3cMfcax i end. genJtl'; emollient :;f.or,r.ali Lpnr-pose- s After the ceremony-- he bridal party KUjgrf tCS .th.ejom xoulAnat there; of the toilet, hath and nursery, was entertained at the home of the fore be doe to ignorance, as has been 190: the and for the sanative, antiseptic cleansbrides uncle, Charles B. Alexander. sajd, for in days when gentlemen of since production of lead since which time the yearly output i At least a part of the honeymoon 'will estate were gentlemen of quality such ing of ulcerated, inflamed mucous surJa 34 pet. cent faces. Potter Drug & Chera. Corp.; be spent at Sagamore Hill, the coun- a spelling in deeds could hardly arise has ranged from-2- 9 of the body the of the total production of the United try home of the Roosevelt family at from lack of knowledge of spelling Boston, Mass., sole proprietors of the Biggest organ most MiSBOurl-Kansathe States. bowels important end The district on Cutlcura Remedies, will mall free, Oyster Bay, Long Island. Later in the The ffarlngtons of Worden hallrrLan-cashlr- tranks second, Utah third and looked after Cutlcura be to summer the young couple will start Its neglect latest their well like several other request, got prefer, . - of Book on the skin and Tialr. Francisco, where Mr. Roose- - known families, Including the ffolkes' means 'and yearsuffering The east has had a report to the misery. CASCARBTS helj ) effect that the Utah Copper company Why He QuiL was going to Issue $250 000 new "Uohdronby has given up smoking. nature keep every part of your bonds. This Is denied olficla. y, how-- , "Impossible. Hes been a slave to bowels clean and strong then r ever; and must have come lr6.n the !bo habit for years. they act right means health "Hes given It up, all right fact that the Bingham & Garfield rail whole body. ta road construction will require sa ex"Why? Did the doctor order him to CASCAKETfl wet (tea for awaekW freak eient. All inwftm Binro eeller ia penditure equal to that amount at d do it on account of his nerves?" tut world Maine boxes a aaSk this is the company to issue the No, I dont believe so; hut you bonds, know that peach of a stenographer PACKERS . Having received from their supertn- - hes had for the past few weeks? Well, tendent a report that be has opened I happened to overhear her say one ft fctttinftM row. n their property a ledge 15 feet wide day, when Bondtonby was listening, . Foils to Mwwn Ow v s r to Colon Hu ito Teethful that the would be as willing to kiss a Oore ol with both' walls well defined, stockhair teiiu gaaDfljtiftl)niglOg man was a who as kiss to alwsys holders of the Jarbtdge Badger Min- pig ing coffipany, all of whom are resi- smoking. you hit looklnjr for on liriffttwl fatrai la dent of McGill, Nevada, the smelter thft Httmunonto Vnltoy, Cal Hn. WIaiJow'i AoolHaff Fjn. town near Ely, have 'subscribed Tor Ferrtatt jro tdMMM.titf. mIUmb loe'ifUMit, Writ today for lit Id formation. naiffti C4treewunleu4i Smummsa Idoal rllBata. a, alfalfa. PrtiU, poultry, 5.1,600 of the company's treaiury stock, Eaay teraa. I.LKU4STU A Uk, 28 USA St,ttwe that work may be continued Unsung songs cheer no heart. A. Because of renewed mining activity Williams. W. N. U, Salt Lsks City, No. . ,c , . in western Arizona, eastern California ,. vv, - v v and southeastern TTeyada. as a Tesult - - , a ,( . ! : of the United' States Smelling taken over the smelter Ths Roosevelt al Oyster Bay. at Needles, Cal, and having placed Outside cleanliness is leas thaa hall the fiattle, A naa inry velt ia to be In charge ofkthe Inter- add Drenches, to retain the archaic it in condition to' treat a large tonscrub himself a dozen times s dty, and stilt be unclean. Good ests of the carpet manufacturing firm capital "ff." - The family trace their nage, of ore, the Santa Fe railroad health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means with which he has been associated for descent from. Hugo de Meolls, who company is plann'ng to build several a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, n clean liver, and some time. ' new, clean, healthy tisanes. Tim man who ts clean ia this way came to England with tha Conqueror, branch line to tap (be best of the will look it and act it. Ho will work with energy sad think district in that according territory, ThS love rftory of the young couple and they have been associated for genclean, dear, healthy thoughts. . has been a erations with the court,, army and to advices from San Bernardina, CaL . romance. Ho will never ho troubled with liver, lung, stomach or Mood Their engagement was announced only church, and with public life. From - The anc produet ter- - May of the disorders. Dyspepsiaaad indigestion originate in unclean stom est mine,- ah aohh. Blood disease are iound whoro there is unclean blood." cabled the Court Journal lat slater,-anC5 an said ' amounted to 1.1 tons, it ts to Colonel Rooseveitr resulting Tn the Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. increase of 500 tons over the April speedy receipt of fais approval and Ravens Sharp Trick. output. Thls was In addition lo tbs The bride, .whorls congratulations. ' The the regular output of lead silver concern the daughter of Henry 'Addison ' Alexander of New York, la twenty-on- e big collection in the London Zoo" Is t rates. prevents thaso diseases. It make a mans inside oioaa a raven who came to the aviary last aad healthy. It cleans tha digest! organa, make para Over 150 companies are operating in yeara old, of a little more Hullo! Jack!" Is his favorite than medium height, slender, and year. clean blood, and elaca, baaltby flesh. Kern oil field of California, and and it is the voice of one over river temark, aver-agnof erj attractive appearance, havare wel.a 1,500 producers It restores tone to tha nervous system, Snd cures nervous exhaustion aad who meets an unworthy friend. Soon beautiful coming an especially a little better than 60 Labels g prostratioa. It contains no alcohol or drug. after he arrived he used his conver Aa is She animated as plexion. her satlonal to the well. According to the Oil Well Coostipatioe is the most unclean uncleanlineas. Dr. Fieroas Pleasant Palwith powers effect sister-in-laupon great lets our it. They never gripe. Easy to tak as candy. Mrs. Alice Roosefamouf Record only 19 wells have been abanvelt Longworth, whose house guest a lammergeier who shares his 'cage doned. This is a very low percentage London the Spectator). The she was for a time Just before Mrs (relates Than two pel cent. had a piece of meat of failure less Longworth sailed for England to join lammergeier In bureau of mines the the which raven the cregtlng was desired, but he her father. unwilling to surrender It The raven government is buying the lives of the turning-poin- t to economy Theodore Roosevelt, Jr, strongly re- hopped up. "Hullo! Jack!" he began, 2,000 men a year, for, of tlie 3,000 wear and tear of wagons. Try sembles his father in looks, but is de- and the lammergeier, s a now year belngkilled, aghast at the box. Everydealer, everywhere cidedly reserved and is generally cred- voice of man, his dinner and might be saved. It Is paying but POt KALI Wt ited w t;b being far ' less democratic fled. But the dropped 1 never $200 each for their lives If there war lammergeier OIL CO. ban certain other members of the a bird of much no from benefit aside spirit (IICMIWATbM liiesivng. e, r Pinkhams from terrible headaches, pains In my back vein of silver-lea- d been oieued a four-foo- t gold ore which Is said to average from ftiO to $.so a too. Reports eomplhd by the statistical department of the Spokane chamber i imp In L Vv Vegetable Compound I suffered Bloomdale, Ohio-- i j.iSt being fs ft WILL YIELD 1 is -- 5 ' unw-gieriu- which FT BACKACHE still following the fissure wlth.ore as at ifcstreporied. Btsing its conclusions upon flgHies which hae alre.uh appeared In the newspapers, the Boston News Rti.eau points out that Utah Copper Is now thethtrd largest copper p. educing compaii) in the country. It Is anounced that the Ely Consult dated Cppper compaii) wil soon Install is pimping plant at :ts Brilliant shaft, the mine to penult of new levels being opened at depths of 500 f, et and till feet. Mach tiery for a Lane slow speed mill of 10 tons daily capacity Is being freighted from Washington to National camp for the National Minii g company of Nevada The mill Is to be installed at the foot of Charleston hill. That the Mg snihe recently made In the Nevada Eagle mine, at Searchlight Nevada would kelv never have been made h id not the mine manager displayed instinct ons from directors of the compaii) to ciO.se down, has just COme to light One piopvri) of he Clifton district Dutch Mountain. Paired. She was an amiable old lady, and volunteered much Information to the fair stranger who had come down to see an important event in the country town the laying of the foundation stone of the new church. Yes, prattled the old lady, "that is the duke and duchess, and the ... couple behind them are- - the - mayor and mayoress; and those two to the -right are the vicar and er vixen. Ideas. Lazy William. "You are advertising for a chauffeur, I aee, Mrs. De Payste. "Yes, we had to let William go last week." "I thought you were well pleased with him. "At first we were, but a new broom sweeps clean, you know, and we found that William was lazy. He wan fine at washing the windows, spading the garden, pumping the vacuum cleaner, mowing the lawn, tending the furnace, running errands, pressing clothes, sweeping the walks, polishing the floors, oiling the furniture, preparing the vegetables, waiting on table and doing the dishes. But he was lazy. He used to go to sleep at midnight regularly, no matter where he was. Many a time Mr. De Payste has left the club for home at two oclock In the morning and found William snoring in the car outside. Imagine bow it must have looked to our friends to see our chauffeur asleep in the street!" YOUR shipp ng list is the Spoiled Fawn, on Good 8cheme. commented the shame, friend of the restaurant proprietor. "Whats a shame? asked the restaurant man'tn surprise. Why, that you should give that pretty waitress all the tough steaks for the patrons at her table. "Oh, I pay her extra for that. You see she is so pretty not one man would kick if the steaks were so tough they pulled his teeth out. MAN. There Is no change reported In the New York Bonanza work on the 00 level at Park City, Utah, the dilft Halt Its a OF BEYOND POWER MINES AND MINING IE'- -' ft |