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Show HOME H NEWSf: Tim hint of t tie "lliimn ciiimIiik" visitors l ft till" morning. Mrs. W. li. Kliuhall wit In Morgan Mor-gan tde forepart of the week. Mm. Ahna Smith luft for tier homo In Malt I.nke this. Friday, morning. Mm. Joseph Allen and noil CHIT, were In Morgan Hit' forepart ( I lie week. Kngoiie Allen, "f I'rovo, win In town In a largo aulomnbllo during the week. John lluchanan left Sunday for Couiherlund, Wyo., where ho will Reek employment. Alex. Knrrell left Monday for Cumberland. Wyo.. after spending fi'W liny here with hie family. Mikh Miniin Jensen of Ogden and Miss Winnie Smith of Hlt I akeare the gueala of Mlaa (lladys Heard. Wild" it Wlldo l the name of a new f.rin who liar opened up a Batumi In the England bulltlliiR during- the week. Mr W. It. Hennutt returned to On'un Sunday after spending aevor-I aevor-I days In thli oily. 11a enjoyed hU lay here very inui-h. Work wm begun Monday morning morn-ing uy J. II. Salmon, the contractor - i story hrlck building for K. Sw.vIihIiiii, Sr. We will lve more pi''io'il'ir next week. Watch Coalville Coal-ville (,ro. A coiiitniuclal club la being organise organ-ise j In tiila oily. Already thirty In ul.er have been heciire J. It la tim..klit. tliat the club wilt be organ-Ir organ-Ir ' " -fireanother week baa gone by and wo will be able to give full details by then. An 1'lwtlon will be held at the Hrlck Heboid boiiei' on Moniliiy J uly lltli. Itilil. for th purpime of election one ai-hool triiHtee for the term of three yenm In School llietrlct No. !l. I'olU will be open from iM p. in. to 0:W p. m., on above date. A meeting will be held at the Hrlck School holme on Monday, July lltli, IHU), at 3 o'clock p. in., for the pur-pom) pur-pom) of hearing the auhool trustees' annual lliianciul report fiirthesihool yer ending June With, 191(1, and to vote on the cotnpe matlou of treaa. urer and clerk for the year ending June mitli. una The cane of the State of I'tali, vs. J. 8. Salmon and Walter C'ulderwood f ir Mulling out of aeaaon came up before Justice of the Peace Win. '.. Terry this, Friday, morning, and on iiiotlon of County Attorney Feter Clark, the cme waa dismissed for want of ufTtolant evidence. No game warden or witnesses being preeent. We forgot to muntlon the prelim-iuarlea prelim-iuarlea In the Yokel-Harherlann match last week. A three round boxing contest between Sam Wright and drover Hommem waa very good and waa declared a draw. A w rout-ling rout-ling match betweeu lllmti t'aldor-wood t'aldor-wood and a young fellow from Og-dun Og-dun lasted twenty inluutea In which Calderwood bad the better of the match all the way. (It-orge Wright acted aa referee. Mr. M. W. Windsor and Mine Zlna Keddlah, two popular and well known young people were married laat evening, June ii.'lrd, at the homo o( tlin bride, by J UHtlce of the IVare N.J. IVt.raon. Only Immediate rehiilvea of the family Iii'Iiir prmi'lil AfliT tin- ri-reiiiiiiiy Mr. and ir. Wlmlnor b'fi for li.-nvi-r, Col. win-re tliry will Kirnl tlii'lr boni'yinoon. On tlu-ir way Pimt lliey will alnp off al Itlnrr. Wyo.. and piinl a f-w d Willi Mr. and Mr. (1. K. Hlone. The TiIiipk liaKti'im tonxii'iid to tbim ruiirntiiliiiloiiii, and may all tlu-ir triiulilfM bp IIUli- one. |