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Show Didn't Know the Purpoaa. Mark Twain, aa an cxiiniplo of un roiiHrloua humor, uacd to quote a tinrlford woman who aald ono day In the Into aprlng: "My huahnnd la the don rent fellow. 'Jim,' I wild to him thla morning, 'are ' you very hard up Juat now?" '"I certainly am hard up.' he replied re-plied aoburly. 'Thla high coat of living liv-ing la terrible. I don't know what I'm going to do.' " "l imn, Jim,' aald I, 'I'll give up all tuought of going lo tho country for July and Auguat Ibla year.' "Hut the dear fellow a face changed, and lio aald: " 'Indeed, then, you won't, darling. I IIioiikIiI you wanted to buy a hut with nn iilnrutlo or aomo such foiillxhneaH. No, no, my darling Jim ran nlwuya I) lid Ihe money to let his dear III Me wife go to the rounlry.' " |