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Show No Action Thl Setnlon. Wa.hlllKloll .Thn I'lHeH of Hull rranelaeo uml New tirleana. whhli havo been i'Iikiik'-iI In a aplr.tod eon eat before loiiKie.a tor tho honor ol mldltiK Iho Iniernatlonal celel.tatleii if tho op.ulim of Ihe I'aiiamii canal u I'M"', are doomed to dl.appolnt ill. Ill ua lar ua lei'.lalatlou at thla aoa lion la lolieellled At leaat thai I. iho almiial ulianlmoua oplnlnll of hnae who have kuonlc.lKo of theauli ect. Tho only v..i the mailer i.iii ho coualdi red la h a apeellll rub' hlih aeema Itiiprol'iibl" |