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Show INDIAN CREMATION MUST STOP. Pnii.e tuna umi lh aK' tit and other ofheera In ilfiiiKc of Hie Yiimn rcaervutlon atkcd the hrnvex in -t f i ii 1 ii from biiriilna Hi houaea of thu dead Tl.i v l,i, wed how euy It would be fur a lire to in.p over n purl of Hie ri nervation mid put yuv. ,ii,a,,iii property In Jeopardy Put a time the ImIIihi i, I, nerved the ri'iuet il,.. Iii. Ai Keica Tlima riiya. hut a few day nun i r-li t'liiit it the departure of one of their number in the inn.' approved reilakln tyle The peruria) i ftri 1 uf the deceaaid were hiirt.ed arid hla houaa won t-t-i mi lira. He waa euppot-cd to huve arrived In the Imppy hiiulliiK iirounil. nudy for un entliu aluallr rerepllon Hill. Iiiuauiurh aa the peraiual property of a di n an d peraon beloiixa to the heira by the Call-fiiinlu Call-fiiinlu law, there la no doubt that reiiliiua friends overrtiepped the law when they cremated every thin- the dead Indlun had ever owned The practice of the Yuma Indiana In burning their dead, together with the pnaaeaalons left by the depurted bravea, haa arouaed the federal ail-thnrltiea ail-thnrltiea to action. While there wouldn't be In-lerferenca In-lerferenca with cremation A religious rlta tha officers declare (hat government property must not be endangered. |