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Show I . ' wm ( t- ONE, HUNDRED BUSHELS OF CORN'TGTHi: " ;! ' acre. . ; , . 5 ' ) Kathan G. Pierce teils'tlie ,mcr-vican ,mcr-vican Cultivator- that one, hundred bushels of shelled corn can bgj grown f ' from an acre of Jand by selecting a I i gravely loam, plow deep about tha J j first of May, harrow and apply nine I j hundred pounds of fertilier to the acre, j and liarrow again. Th'e-rosv&.are to j be mit'de three feet- apart and plant L I three kernel of corn to the hill, two i i feet ajpart in the row. It must be j cultiv$te.d and hoei, and allow no , J J weeds to grow.. After Ihe' corn pet Jt J a fair start, cut each hill down to two .r M stalks and keep off all - suckers that y 1 may appear. If any smut appear, cut I it out and remove from the field. , v After the corn lias rjpehed and be come hard, ciit and stacks and when dried it is ready to busk and put in the crib. If our farmers would take, a little pains, save and apply to iheir h'nd, . X, eli the manure, tbey, can procure, they wou'd reap the benefit, having larger crops from thelsame"arhount of v land.; . . Better cultivate, pmall farms and ; put plenty of manure on ' them, than , ; to have, large farms and apply no ma- " nurei |