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Show A FINE CARRIAGE FOR'SALE OH BAP!! ' !f JUST RECEIVED FROM TJ"CE EASTll! , Anv nerson desiring such d vehicle can procure a Good Bargain by applying to HENRY EYRING. 1 . , at.Stf; George Co-op, Store. Bar-When applying, please say you.saw'itadyer-s you.saw'itadyer-s v s b ted in St. George Union.J i li 9 v ' .J . I - 1 32 Pagjs, a Colored Plato in ex'dry number and many hrie Dngrayings. pj-iee $1.25 a year ;f1?ivQ -H Copies for Sc.oo. bpecimcn Numbers sent for. .tq jH cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. S.. Addrc'ssi JAMES VtcKHtochesterN. Y. SKIH DISEASES GURK-; By Dn. Fkaziiir's Magic Ointment. "Curj' as if bv magic, Pimples, Black Heads or. Griibs, 'M Blotches and Eruptions on the face, leaving Uie skin clear, healthy and beautiful. Also cures. H Itch, Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Tetter, "Ring- WM worm, Scald Head- Chapped Hands, Sore N(p: .H pies, Sore Lips, oldi obstinate, Ulcers and, Soresif &c. SKIN DISEASE. - ' F. Drake, Esq , Cleveland, O., stifiered, .bpnd' flH all description from a skin disease which, appear ted on his hands, head arul face, and nearly ides 11 trbye'd his eyes. ;The most careful doctorhigvfail-ed doctorhigvfail-ed to help him, and after all had failed he used' Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment ahd Wascurtdby a few ai)plications. t y B JSSrlha first and only positive cur'e-.for-skin 'H diseases cvcrdiscovercd. H Sent by mail on receipt of price, Fifty Cents. flH HENKY .CO; S(l'Propr?r WM 62 Vcsey Street, New York City. QODBE, PITTS &.OO:; WhSlesaldA gents,. ' 4,.Syt Lake city, Utah. - ' ' " ' Tiiiita- 1 rji Jj JTJ 1 w H A Monthly Magazine oj Home Literature . mm REPRESENTS ., flHi The Young Men's and Young Ladies' Mutual Impjgvc- H ment Associations of the Latter-day Saints. flH Edited ahd Published by Junius F. Wells) '9HHI 4 f Salt Lake ttity?Utah:?lillS '!;:KS!&:-T.N ADVANCE.,, v' i One Year:, including two Engravings? . . . ,. .S9l()n, iHHH Six Months ' , VRtotffao. SHI '''Subscriptions received at the Union office. fHHHj Manufacturers of the original and only genuine JHB9H iiar. Wood Hnmjp flH Oliainpion Wind Mills, Tron FumpsfBosa WImB tf " vlt -vvlil nor, co3t you flvo cts. BHHHE |