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Show THE LICENSE; QUESJJftN, . :, 'Wine is a mocker, strpng drink is f famine: and whosoeyeft is deceived thereby is! not wjse.' Thereforet drink not the wine pr liquor, dry your graphs, store; away the grain, and keep tbemtfor .food, God, makes the grain and fruit, but man makes wines and liquors, It is, by destroying the grain and fruit that wines, and liquors are produced. The .decayed food produces deaths , . Eat grain and frhitj76uUl'!iid them good, ! There's nothing better fp,r yew food; Drink them andypu'll poison find , ' - For the body and :uVe mind; V ' 1 ' ' I .. Eat them, you'll be well arid itrong, v . " 1 Happy as tlie day is lonjj0 1 ft" ' 4 r 9 l tDrlhk,tlxemj'sooii'yith'fobtfltep.'j.sloy,. ... , ll Staggering on.vour w$y youjil.go. v I There is moM truih than poetryin A I the, above, .also in the following, which , I etcomnatpHhe : -notice 7 pf f men (. J wines or liquors lo be drank. i.f ' Licensed to" makcjthe strong man weak ; ' L . 4 f f Bicdusfcd to laftthe wise manlow 1 f fiiccnsS-d a wife'sVoud heaft tobreal f , M ,.And make her.children's tpars to flow. " '4 , m '1 ' - r i - 8" ' JL Eiccne' to do tltf :hclgfcbor;harm;0,j f Licensed to kin die 'Nate aftd strife ' W. flLic'cns'cdttq nerve, thcrobbcr's arm r - . - f ' 9 IpTliiccnsdd t whet the nmrdererts.kWc. f : IK' T Licensed .thy neighbor's purse to drain, ' IE;, ' . r And rob Him of his .very .fast ; ". v C' iQenscd to heat hi fe'vcriBh brain,' '.;( x ff ' Till madness crown thy work at last - ' ; . Licen.s'cdVhe're; peace and qujot dw(ell, ' iff -';, , ' To bring-, disease, and want, and'Hybe: 'mh Licensed to make this world a hell, W " mi Ajndfit inan;fdr a hell beiow.r ji-ni J.;Jt.- -5 JOHN.PlEUPONT. P The.. above re our views v on the jr.. ', liquor 'and wine licensing, pjainly v spoken. We naV, -is it rfight tolicense Irlen to coTpmjts"ytlese depredations ? If;;. Judc;e ..ye, yourselves!' Wine''-'and : Ji5w6r, of ooiirse, Have to be used, in preparing some kinds' of "medicines, i buwe say pnsjs lavvs. proliibiting tip- 8 v piwg phops, and repeal all'4 laws' or It ' parts of laws conflicting therewith, ' F. and pass a law making it a crimo to I - aell or dispose of drugged or aijliqr- JJ nted wines or liquors, and let us have' JSothino but a JPIJ.RE ARTICLE, Let the criminals 'be punished : -with J j,fin.eor-imprisonment or both, at the J discretion of the court,' for each offence. I , Strychnine, Blueslonc, Oil of Vitrol, -Aquafortis, and other poisons are ndt m""S suitable nrticles to mix with medicines, li 1 and whoever sells or. disposes o.f wmes ' jor.li.qju.prs c'ontainingrsuch ppisons are 'amenable to- God and the peopje for , dispensingDEATH to their fellow - .men: iaiid'WOE to Cho guilty; . |