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Show S.'U tk'' MORMONISM, '9 us? Under the above head tlie Herald . arid Presbyter for Bee. 7, a'Presbyte-itttoii. a'Presbyte-itttoii. rian paperpublished at Cincinnati, 0 i plainly exhibits the bigotry the editor possesses an.d how he is trying to fuifill the sayings of the ancient prophets, when they said "Wow also many na-?vv na-?vv tions ato gathered against . thee, that gay, Let her -be defiled, and let our Jo '." eye look upon . .Zipn." "But the 4: I' .know not the thoughts of the Lord, V s neither understand thqy his counsel;1' ' &rwBut the eyes of .the wicked shall fail, End they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghoBt;" tor their "eyes have been blinded" and they have "hardened their haart' "That seeing the may see, and not perceive; 9 K and hearing they may hear, &m not understand; lest at any tim they should be converted, and their ms be forgiven them:" and "O Jeru I' aalem, Jerusalem, thou that kiltest the prophets, and stones t them which are X sent unto' th.ee, Ijow -often would L have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chicken? under her wings, and e would not." Enough. We little thought of. giving giv-ing so much scripture when we began. Nevertheless, 'truth is mighty' and blessed are they' that 'see and understand. under-stand. Wead the artiticle and remember that fhe insertions in brackets are. editorially ed-itorially ours. We do not wish to raise a muss,' yet do not feel like passing such a .'pernicious and degrading' degra-ding' r aYticle without some comment "The adherents of this sect arc shown to be j;. jjj j, 3tv!w n)' lumbers by reprutis from the East I arid iJrop'e" and by the natural increase. Correct. " Docs it frighten 70U ? Protestant missionaries ! ' 'arid teachers' arc doing good work taking: the !tr 4hii tikum, oh, we mean apostates, and liaye cause to rejoice that the fruit of their labors are apparent. . . . . There is, however, a very inadequate supply of , . . , funds for the great work to be done' before the ";:a '' find may besaid.be occupied." That's it! 'Tis not Polygeny they wish to put down, it is the "land" they desire to "ocenpy" since we have 'tf8?: ,t ir ' lde.thc desert blossom us the rose. . ' ' "Becape the pernicious arid degrading influ- fH V .' ences of Mormonism 'Blessed are ye when men IH . $ k revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake, H ' . t ' Rejoice and be exceeding glad : for great is your $v i ?;'. n ward in Heaven : for so persecuted they the &t i iUtt yrophets which were before you.1 are not so , t$i:?i artrfjngly.felt among us as they are out West, "asiil'M " V ChristianXQ people do not all rise to a proper -r'k ' - ' sense of their obligations to combat' it. That , . which impairs national honor, affects in. any way 'Y.JP'V our moral status as a nation pr undermines any 4 fundaoifntal principle, unsettles society and i threatens personal injury to every qitizen, Ishould riot be tolerated. But let those who are so zealous in fighting the pririciples of "Moririqiusin," look at home and befora they try' to cast iieuinote out of their brother's eye," let thern cast the "beam out of Uiclr own eye" by rooting out the many 'vices' that are in their midst'. ' Close your houses of ill-fame, stop the whoredoms, and let all. children chil-dren that are born bo Legitimate instead of bastards, having or knowing, no father! Honor and "Virtue arenot half as "pernicious and degrading" degra-ding" as villiany and debauchery. "This know also, that in the last days ' perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents unthankful, unholy, Without With-out natural affection, trucebreakers, false accuscrs, incontinent, fierce, despiscr.s of those that arc good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God ; Having a form of godliness, butdenying Uie power thereof: from stih turn away. &c.j &c. Now as Jannes and Jambrcs withstood Moses, so do these also resist the trutlt : men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." 3 Tim. 3. It becomes, therefore, the duty of all who desire peace and good government to contribute something towards the correction of the abuse that Christianity is heaping upon the. uMqr,mqnsl The Mormon Church defies the power of the -Government, incorrect and the leaders are growing grow-ing rnprc arrogant and rebellious in their utterances, utter-ances, Still incorrect, as they see the influx of converts from the work of their missionaries. These proselytes are mostly from the ignoran classes, false : Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh j Mat. 18, 7 are easilv'brought under their i.nflu. ence, and, for a timej arc move zealous than older members. Th'e. most; .important question Congress .'will have to pass.upon.tjus winter will involve this question, of course," it wouldn't do to pass it by, they would lose fa'v'or with the christian world, it Is so popular, and riiuch concern is felt as to how it will be dealt with. Better let it alone ;; for the first amendment to the Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting.an establishtrient of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.' The Clerk of the House of Representatives, it is said, has decided in right and honor, to place upon the roll the riame of Cannon, the Mormon delegate, notwithstanding the courts have falsely decided that he is not a properly naturalized citizen. citi-zen. -When he presents himself to take the oath, objection will be made, and the House will have j to;vote him in. upon it. If decided in .his favor,, then, the real question will come ip, in which the people feel a greater interest ; that is, whether a representative elect who is living with three wives in open and notorious violation of one of the fundamental laws which Congress had no' right to pass, according' to the Constitution, therefore it is illegal, of the land, instead of kcepjng it secret, se-cret, is eligible to a seat in that body. 'Ve hope 1 that there will be no effort to avid or postpone the ' question. It should be settled now and forever's Amen A violator of the law is not a proper prson to enact laws, jtfst as 'though , hef does ; ha, ha; ha, ha; Mr. editor, inform- yourself, and for every Presbyterian we protest .against it. The, right of petition guaranteed by, our Constitution, passing by.the clause "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," yet they are equal in power when justice rules!. in , a powerful agent when properly used, and should be exercised at this! time in, .defence of Rational honor and purity," -- - "a - - -- |