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Show I LOCAL AND GENERAL. 2S?""We shall deem ita favor if our friends and' ' .t patrons in Southern Utah will send us local items - transpiring in their vicinity. We also invite 1 Kosl!l -nrd Correspondence from all parts of the 'i j9 XcfritcTyron items of interest, local and';general. , 1881 we bid you adieu, I " VI 7A"d gladly we'oome 188,2. 1 j?' We wish ouall A Happy' New 1 n Year! I With pkniy of money, nnd likewise 1 good ch'eer, . ' I Wen ther warm; . . .. V' I BusincKn is brisk r In Jlem tliat the mining -InterjesU in flint I ff;ditnct;are in a thriving condition." Jj s . Union offioe! and 10 000 RubscriW:- H jikorge Union. , ..' t If A coalmine, not far from 'this! city J, . ja being opened up, and will 'evident j ly become veryyaluahle., I For Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles II . 33r. William's Indian Pile Ointmont is a B ' sure cure. I'rice, S i,oo, by mail. For sale by all I ' .Prists. ( '1 ; -P-i J ! The roa(l8vDetween St. Georeand; "I 4 . "Washington are'in a , fearful slate 1 Nothing but dusUdirtAand roc,k8 , and I 5 holes. ' ' ' ; I - , , Moore's Throat and Lunjr Lozenpres : or coughs, S 4 colds and sore'th"foatl, and Moore's Pilules, for all I " , Malarial Diseases, are for'salc by John'Pymm. 1 ' C.Mr Cob Pace is Btilh working at h I ' fill Ridable mine and jwe'-.hope (or see A ; See advertisement of St. Georpre I pottery.,. First class goods and -low I . K priceR.'" '' !. :.. ' . ' '-' : c i . j Many new dwellings are in course . ! ' wwiwlion in.various parts of thU city, 1 ". tttimttu 8ows 1 6omebbd can ralbe , i the wind.' - " " . : '".LlAEv Tiding, The Miner informs us pf another J, :V fire at the -Reef, doing, considerable " 0 Mrf v.. : damage an'd that ihe Miners Union '1 ' i'.; :"HM1 and ' adjacent, buildings are in ishes. wt 1 8 adv of A. R. Whitehead. . I , r fffTheifurnace,5 at the Grand' Guibh" Coppoy Mines are doing good work, H, 1 i. 1'i.L.ng , ,, . , I,,, ,.. ""'CI.' - .. , , 1 heavy shipments pf bullion are boi'ng made and fine samples of coppe bars have'been ,pn exhibition, for "some time, at the St- George Co-op, " See-adv. of powell & lip'uglass A few cases ' have Le.n 'brciught befor-e Judge mith during ihe last month; one for petty larceny,- in the, dhape of a, ham, ..and rmpiherfor seil-inwine-wii'lioiU a License".' The fine for taking; the''!'rtm was-placed .fit 'if.ty. dollars and cots, and ihe wine at twenty dollars and cost9. Call and see the DAVIS"1 Sewing Machine, it. is the BEST MACHINh, IN THE WOKLD for doinK GOOD VVORE,-nd 'Won PROVE IT It is reported tliat S. L Adami3 & Co., of the Grand Gulch Goppex, Mines, purpose moving theTr furnaces irom ihe mines to , a sprin-Saat of this jfty', on account of'ii3 costing so much ;o.:haul water to; their present location. Jim Booth still continues to take .' pictures, for those who -warn them, opposite op-posite Co-op. Store. Ho h;is jus'f received re-ceived a large stock of root op, motto rames nnd glass picture and other: kincU of frames, albums, stereoscopes nd.viewo, and a thousand things too (iumeroub; id mention -'Give him. a al). ; . J- |