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Show vm From the Farmers' Home Journal. Ii 4 WHITEWASHING TREES, ' . t ' , . request we republish tne fol ' ! ; ' lowing, from the August number ot -''' - the Union, hoping our readers Will I " ' pardon us for ao doing. Ed. ! " Do not be afraid to whitewash fruit troes'of alJ kino's. It looks neat, fresh i . ' and nicej and it not only destroys in- I ' - aects and their eggs, but the white j ; . coat on the body of tree refleots the ' beat and keens the inner bark and aap vessels from being wcalded and I , !' blighted by the rays of the sun. Every I ? ' fruit grower knows by experience how injurious the Maze of the sun is v to the limbs and trunk of a tree. 1 f A thick coal of whitewash will be m ; tnuch better protection than straw, 1 t j0ir(jgi 6r otner materials, under I which mice, bugs and worms can B harbor. These destructive pests c&n I ho completely kept away by using ml- I j phur in the whitewaah. The way to mix it is to take for each peck of lime ' t i - folir pounds pf flour sulphur. Mis I k the lime and sulphur together iu a ' ' ; " ' barrel and pour in a bucketrul of hot I 'l "' water. Cover the top of the barrel 1 while the lime isacking so as to re-m re-m . -tain all the fumes of the sulphur. 1 . When slacked, add enough water to I f' ' isaake a thin - whitewash. Put this 1 . V -wash on the trees with a broom or I bruh, taltiat? care 0 keep th sulphur I- 1 we stirred up, as it will be found to ' float like a scum of oil on the surface di.the water. , . . , " Thja lime and sulphur wash 'is good grapevines, pdstsand stftm m 'K- it " Bkr. ..?. j - - -c - -- r.ai j"t- 1 "yea the vinyard. When properly made and put on, a strong smell of sulphur will 00 detected several feet ftom ha trees and vines during the whole summer. These fumes ate caused by the slow combustion or oxidation of the sulphur when sulphurous acid gas is lormed, which is certain death to all the low order of animal nnd vegetable life. This oxidizing action of sulphur is the reason why it is I used to dust grape tierries and leaves to check the spread of 6Wrwri,mildew, grape rot and other fungoid diseases, because as soon as the sulphurous oxide gas is formed and pervades the sui-n rounding atmosphere, all these fungus growths are instantly killed. So, too, would bo all insect life, nod on a large scale, so, too. would be all apiraal life. The use of sulphur as herein recommended, recom-mended, in combination with lime, in a whitewash, being found efficient and valuable by several who have tried it, it is hoped it will be more generally adopted by all orchardiste and grape growers. |