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Show Hi : :st. qe.org e union. HB i $T, , GEORGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Next Door To Post Offick. JOHN PYMM, PROPRIETOR. H, " ALSO AGENT dr DKALEK IN HHB Jah Biro's Wagons, Timbers. Flows, Reaper HjK f ttf Mowers, Extras, Ac., &c JTOtiN EARDLST, manufacture. I am now manufacturing' a. first class article H aid guarantee it to be superior to any manufac- K lured in the Territory. Will supply all Coop- HH ratiVe Stores on Commission or cheap for Cash B ''at 99 days Orders solicited from all Stores bo H , - I3i2n tween Bcsiver and Bunkerville. " WARREN HARDY, , tfaCfeinifit, Millwright, 'VftoA & Iron lnraer fey oil othr Bhmvg, Chopping all kinds og H Grain & Grindl g 8 1. 1 JW Mill & Shop on 2nd North Street, ut of H gatf. Toirn, St. George, Utah.WR HB 7 EJIWIN r4 RIDING 1,11 "'" CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE MAKER. R. 0. McQUARRIE, WM ryv- CARPENTER $ BUILDER, B VV ALSO DEALER IN FURNITURE ; J. W. CARPENTER GENERAL and Hl j-., Blank Book Manufacturer. - PAINTER & ORAIMER a- , t ., f(pSuth side ist. block South, of TabcrmwJe; 8t gorget UtaU. 5. George Co-operative Store. (tUBBERHAaEa BUSINESS SMHrejWDE ' ' JAMES BOOTH, . PfiOTOC-RAPHER, ;; ' ; . (i It now operating at the building- recently occupfed . -tr ' by the Ladies' Co oi Store, St. George, Utah, xvt 1,1 from 8 to 4, week days only. Pdcos Uoaeonahja . ' ; Work Eojjal to any made east or west. Canaan '? "..,, aad Factory pay taken at Cash rates. ' f j'. g'" Viewing' a Specialty. 0 iBiiildeF? Union ' v H. PICKETT, SUPT. , Depot l3t North Street, hear Post Office. ' Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of " FUKNTTURB. DWELLINGS, STORES, &.C. Krected on . SHORT NOTICE and REASONABLE Terms. ' Wall Ppor and Borders In SfcooV.. JLumtor, Shinerlee, tec. Constantly on hand, "meat makket. ' . '' . A. P. HARD Y , PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN . Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, and Sausages. tf JDffDeHvery Wagon rnn evrry moraing.?ESL j if . JOHN M. MAOFARLANE, ! LSarvoyor Mb Attorney-&tLaw. ( i J'" . 1 5Onice in Courthouse., a. j. macdohalTT" . m -BBALERIN ?k I OJHOIIO I WON 1. Jljk M 52rofctl?d Wines s. SpeciRlty.ia TjjL . . . P. O. St. George. Middleton, Utah ,: Advertise i THE UNION ! J ER. WHiTlHI HAS ' JUST RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY OF GENUINE ! mm nmn mmv Which he offers at EOiIE RATI, j He has also the best variety of j Flower Pots, Picture Frames, Vases, Shells, ( Ornaments, Glassware, Crockery. Machine Ex j tras, and Notions, South of Salt Lake City. Also on hand ) CLOTHS, BATTING, YARN &OVERSHIRTS ' Fronthc WASHINGTON MILLS: FJ-OUR, I GRAIN and SALT. ORBANS & MUSICAL MERCKANDtSEi j In fact everytliing in the musical line ; if not on hand, can be ordered on Short Notice. Give me a calf. A. R. WHITEHEAD. A beautiful, work of l3o Pafroc, two pojored Plowor Plates, and looollluwtratioas, w'lth Descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, with price of seeds, and how to grow them. All for Ten Cents. In English or German. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbHbbbbbb9wD KrlflB bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHHbbbbbbbbB P. O E: M ' s , . I JUST P TJB'J? I S H E5TJ . I Jlfe for Sale at. the , BESERST NEWS OFFICE, WOMAN '5 EXPONENT (jffice, TJtAh Ooramisalon Stor, I Dwyer'a Book Stor And th c LION HOUSE, SALT LA3C2 CIXT. PRICE, $1.20 $1,25 AND . 1 John.Marder, Ernst Scu'iSNfcocK, 1 President. Secretary. I m Charles Kahtenbein, Supt. of Constrttction. VW THE KA-STENBEIN V TYPE-SET1INC MAGKIKE 0 139-41 MONROE STREET. I Branch Offices: CHIOAG0. EUROPE: Brussels. 1 NEW YORK: la and 14 Spruce St v I ; SAN FRANCISCO: saS Sacramento St. 1 SOWS &C, FOR SAU AT ; J ST. GJ'iORGE UNION OPFXOE. I Song, on Pres. B. Young's Birthday, C. L. W. . ic ,1 4 75 " A. Randall,.. se Temple Song No. i, by C. L. Walker,.". c II Temple Dedication Song, 1877, . :i je " 1 Jubilee Song, 18S0, " J M 31st Anniversary of Pioneers !1 entering Salt Lake Valley, jc 1 I Strike the Cymbal ill - I Rules of the United Order, J.'f lliIC "I P3Postagc Stamps taken in payment. 3 J IB MANUFAOTUllED BY FISH BIOS. & . ... s Racine, Wis. 'r ' ' I I WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY Of , ; , ,, . , . J FARM, FREIGHT & SPRING WAGONS, And by confining ourselves strictly to one class of work ; by employing none but th BEST OF WORKMEN, : Using nothing but 8 FlKr-O&A80 IMPROVED MAOHSNERY and th I VERY BEST OF ELECTED TIMI1R, And bv z THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have jusUy earned the fejS$uUtfoa-J fejS$uUtfoa-J of making l. "THE BEST 'WAOOM' OW1 "WHEELS." Maunftcturers have abolished the warranty, but Agents my, on thel own reaponsrtbiilty, glv the following wrrnty with each wagon, if ao agrotd : ' " . Ws Hereby Warrant the FISH BROS. WAGON No. ..... - to be well made in every partial. Jar and of good material, and that the strength of the same is. sufflcent for all work with fair usage. Should any breakage occur within one year from this date by reason of detective material or work manship, repairs for the same wjUl be furnished at place of sMe, free of charge, orthprice of said repairs, as per agent's price list, will be paid in cash by the purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defective parts as evidence. " - , Knowinc we can unit you, we solicit ptrohif?e fbm every Hoettori of the United; Statcf. Bend fo irlcea TermBd fo?copy of TK MOINE AGEIOULTUBIs;r to I Boine, Wi. Jenusey XM88t ' ' " , , ' I |