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Show I "6bff:Biatans; PUtin, or in Colors,' ctly and expeditiously executed at .this Office, at prices that defy cbmp.e-'utCop. cbmp.e-'utCop. Address, J. W. Carpenter, ? " St. George, Wash.-Co., Box 56).. Utah. a ' t . . . . i . 8 ' ..8IZ6H SWP 19x24,' With his Autograph, ackiiowled by "himself, to be the best likeness in existence.. f $7.00 per hundred. x f i Single OopSos, 25 con's. Copv of Autograph Letter giv.en with each picture. Address, Shuher & Carqtteville Litho Co.,'' ' r 119 Monroe St. Chicago, .Hi. . 90,000 SOLD W CHICAGO INSIDE OF ONE J- f : WEEK."-' ' , iFor sale at the UMONofficetO PDLHi ! PllUifi PlILii'l A Sure Cure Found at Ijast. I Wo One Need Sufferl A suro Curo for Blind, B eo-Ung, Itching and Ul-coraed Ul-coraed Piles bus be. n discovered by Di. "VVHJliom, (Hn,I.id:(in .remedy.) cftlled Dr. Wilnatu'a ludiau 0 ntm'olit; A ln 'q box h& Mured tin worsi chronic c&se ot 25 or 30 years B'auoiug. No 0 e rjoed B.uffer five miuutoB after a) p yiu this wpn-dorfm wpn-dorfm soothing mtdiolne. Louodb Instruinen a and olectuarieo do moro harm than "o'od. Willi m' OijjtmQJut a.Vsc-ito3 tno turn-re, allayq. the 'InteiiBf' t ching, (partfiulaly'lit nlghfaftor getting wariii ill bed,)act3'aB a polti "6, gives iiiBtaut and painless I relief, re-lief, nnd is prepared only for pis, itching of the pr vale paw, qA ''OthiriAe'B?, , Bead what the Hon J 1ST 0 ffinberry of OIrvq-land OIrvq-land Bays about Dr. WUiaui a! cJianPil . OiituiQut 1 hjivo UB6d nc rB of t,JJe Cares, and it alfortfs mo pleaauro to Bay that I have nevpr ' found anything which gave such immediate nnd permanent relief as DrV William's Indian 0 ultra ent. For sale by all drugifjEts or mai'cd on reQelpfctOf price, $I.P0.. 4 HENRY & CO., 3Propr, ' : , , 62 V'esey Street, New York City. GODBS, PITTS & CO.i- Wholesale Agents, tit, . Salt Lake City, Utah. ,, H . . k . $ , J , . ; ; j THE BEST MD THE' STANDARD. I If you intend to " GET THE EST go . See above picture in We'bster, page iici, glr ing the namo of each sail,- showing tho value of DEFINITIONS BY JXL,tJSTRA,TION8. The pictures in Webster under the 1?? word, Beof, Boiler, Castlo, Column, Eyo, Hoiv.o, Molding, Phrenology, Ravelin, Ships (pages 11C4. and 1219) Steam engine, Tim foors, define ,343 wordaand terms'. New Edition of kasp 118,000 "Words, SOOO Engraving, H . .4800 Wax? Words and MoAxiings, H . of ever 9lOO jam.es. PJ WEBSTER'S is the Dictionary usadtlf in Govern't Printing Office. 1881. Yw "gvery State purchase .of Dictionaries''! 1 JO'fot' Sphools hns been Webster's. , JES ! ; , ""ooks in the, Public Schools of tho"0 ' jO U. Sare. mainly based on Webster. JwS . 'fl Safp'ojf IFcbstor's is over -20 .times. , the 9 3ale oranyther'serlc'ofsDict's'.. 19 ; THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND hnre been put m ' ih the public schools of tho.' J. ', "ifach npvr edition has become niore' and t -b&i more The .Standard. ftO 3) Q7WTidi by StfttaSupt'a Schools in "S3 i " 36 Statos. cnd BOWBe PreB'ts Ja IE 11 HOT-THEi'STABAKB? ' tublla)K.d by G. & c. MEuRl A M , SpThfSold, Mass? THE TRIJTH ABBUTrTHE Is tliat it is the Best Machine In Ihe WORLD I lfc does no take an Hour topjtfcady'o.6 a minute's work ! but is always readj in n mlntito to do a day's - fh'e Favorite of the F'rrjjly ;circlp, wherever used. Runs more Easily nnd Quietly than any . other Machine 1 ' . 'Il The Davin presents the following r.d vantages, which should not be overlooked : It prevents full- H ing or tsllherin of jjopdsiV will sew over thick H seun'is, pr iroh' orte thickness tb lahbther, without H chanare of stitch or tension, and' make '.lie most H Khistic, Durably, and Uniform Lock Stitch of any D Machine before the public. H The only Machine having an Automatic Bob H bin Winder, by which' the Bbbbitn'svcan be wound H easier, quicker and better' than with any other aH machine thereby inakinij the.sew.ing: more uniform SH than can possibly be done on any other Machine I. H The peculiar features of.the Davi'$ is its VKR. TICAL FEID which is e,ssenti.ally different from any other Machine manufactured, requiring: H no acquired skill to operate it, nqrBastin;r of the rHI ffoods, and all should give it Sn; examination at HH least, before Purchasing any other. iH Afttrsix weeks1 trial at the Franklin Institute flH Exhibition, held at PhiladelphL-Vvn 1874, it was flH Awarded the Grnd j-Medal Against 'flH ' Hinei'eotxt O9mpetitorsl! 'HH And has universally been awarded the FIRST H PREMIUM at all principal Fairs where exhib- BSH ited. T T A ran It is the best Manufacturing Machine in use. OH Tt is the only Machine tharwill sew velvet ot iB plush, without drawing; or puckering. J6 HHI For tucking-, cording,. braiding, qniltinsr, cm J0 HH broideringr, shoe-fitting-, dress making;, tailoring;, flHH and general Fmily.usc.or general manufacturing 4 " HH it has no edujii I. v . ' "BURTON, I1ERRICK & "WHITE HHi , ; ' Agents for Utah, Opden, Utah, ' hHH ... J. W. CAnpENTER Agent for Southern UtaJv' HHH |