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Show PALATIAL HOTEL AT PALM BEACH, FLA.. QUICKLY DESTROYED BY FIRE LAST WEEK. The greakura, at Palm Ileai-h, Kla.. ono ot Klatjli-r's nuiKi'i:lciit cast-coail cast-coail aoicla, was destroyed by fir last nk, Th Ire started In the kitchen of I Can I no, the Florida Monte Carlo, owned by a Chicago firm, aud that soon was doomed. An hour after th lire started Iho j hotel, the Casino, the stores and two Th Brcskora, Palm Beach (Fla.) Hotel, Destroyed by Fir. The Croakers, and In fifteen minutes th Inmonse wooden hull. ling, which bail arcommoiluflotis for h0 giieis, ass t msss of flams. A strung wind rrrll brands and sparks lo the . adjacent lollagcl were heaps of glowing glow-ing HmltT. The mammoih Poluclana caught In half a dozen places, but superhuman effort prevented Ita I itcMrwilnn. |