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Show Hrrreii 7 lloaraa, I'tah, June 2. Knltoa Titan. : I Mi.. J.-Hrif. ..! Or.g.in, hoJ ,r v -I'll n r-l.i'i-e. here for -veralt.,,h, ,,., !.. -.,, ! vi-i: . I'ark C':,,,n,, j,.e.k. j K der I'rley T. Hichili", lio kra l...,a la'i..r:rir a- a mi..ioi'arv in Arki,, ,t the p ."t t eiity-.iuh inrii!., tT tn.iiii- on lh Smh. Ilia roB-, , ,. I.tfeiie smith, ol l.liiho, ri-tius- ,,, lilliiand m ule a hrii f vi.il li-re. S ioieol our .l,.-..r,.r. have Wl nri ' Ii.iiiii- and a-. pr- -trn.g lor tia.i,( Mi-a M. I..'trcni of Hilnt.vill. , u0 alio ia v'.iii' g with n-lativt-a hrri tlt gil-at of Mi. and Mi. i. l:.il.erte,,.r,l o.ir t-iltidny .chonl oil llieSlat lM .lt IMlt ill the eli-ici.t'l. Mr. and Mr.. Win. I.a ender l j ( , Ihi ir home in l.ity t-ill iluiing tU.4, ,. A lew aieiiiliieinii'allligatten.ll,,',..! auxiliary iii'.t ttt'g nml the Si.d ti ii h.K.I .onferenie at llikley; WlMir l-e...le are verv hii.y ju.t now. Mr. and Mr.. I.e. Ill- li. Shill ,, lima In Hgden thia act k. T he Heli. f Society and Young Uljel got up all t-nti-rt liiimeiit la.t Mi.! y night, 111 honor ol Ihe reliun ol K.ilt.i I I'.iil-y T. Itii hin.. A verv Inter., e program cniiai.ting (if long., apt-er-K.l recitation., 1 ic, etc., ti.ik up tg. attention at-tention of the people until atfter 101 uVhtck. Tin 11 there una it (lance till ' ll;:;u. alter al.i. h di-liclniia plcnk wua , ..rv.d in aUiii.l,iiii-e. Klder Hielilnai ana puiieiittd witli a heautifiil llllllller. A novelty of the occa.joi)VHa a miaaionary rake, lu whh Ii waa pu a a'ick gal ia ; ire luta.ioiiarira were .eivd nn. I the cuke pjiHid, the priza Imng aecilred hy Klder ti. A. Hl'lirden. The hall en. en utile. I and a very enjoyal.le tiine waa ha-t. Whenever the people, turn nut we ace Ihe need of a new iuee. ing hoii.e. |