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Show ! SER.VIA TURNS TO NEW KING; ! WOR.K OF MUR.BER.ERS INDORSED ! i I Rumors that Karagcorgcvitch Is Not Satisfied with tho Situa-! Situa-! tion Authentic Slory of the Assassination Told by One i of tho Soldiers Who Took Part in the Affair. ! I I ITIie conform of aonator ml drputlmv hi.l1 at Hel-RiMd.'. p-m-Wid unanimous.!)-, that the romtttttif Inn of is 1HHH tUiouM ( put In furvv. ant! that I'rlnrn ivtrr KnrnKrK'Vltrh ahmilit be flfM'ti'f! klni; , It Ih tint n rinin thnt KiintK''rKi- tltch mill arr.pt the i row n Tim mimt PfU'nihuuil rtnitnrM Imvo t i rcrelvfil from (.nit-va. ()nr In to t Iio I y-fTiTt that the prlmn di ninnd thnt I hrforp hi rut. m Hrliirndr nil nffl.nii J rfmrrrnwl In tho murder h hit It Imwi t left It, r'(iiiirx an Inrionito In h 1m i rlvlt 1st. nml IiimIMm t t-Ht hln elei tlon nu.M he uiiiinlnioiiH. It i l,!t. vr.l thai the t.-rmi Inld I down hy tho prince will Im itrnnted, that tho NaKHtna will In tiMUlMhed, j an'l thnt tiiii.-nty will be extended to them later I I'rlnre KHrtuforfffvltrh. although I little n kllf'Wn of him RNIotiK I ho i pin iif HitvIr nrnrrally mem to hnvu i caticht tin' puhllr funr y. and hln rlee- j tlon wITI he jHipiilnr out. . King and Quttn (Juried, j Tha boilloa of (ho niurdnrr,. klim t and queeQ wore np'inir.1 and Mpit upm . by humlmla ma Ihejr Iny In rude eof- . n waiting burial. They wt-rc hurled . . ;i M4l """" eftor midnight, erorcily aud without -" ren-moiiy. wlili not a single friend at their grave side. The remains wnr liilirn'tl In ft '; vault la tlin cemetery chapel. Two wooden crosses alone di-nolcd the f spot, liisrUcil "Alexander Ohriiinvtcs" ; and "Hraglnja ObrenoWcs.'' The olh er bodlua In- outside In the tn.'l. r)f to rough guivcs. Ue-ul. Nsiiinnvltch was mil linrli' I with tho other victims, Imt In rininno to tho wliihi a ( tbi imlilli' Imrlnl In drllht. with full mllllHry hoimrH. j ftnl In Dow ci'iirinlly lli'il "it lulrlul I who dint fur IiIh cuunir " Tho hIkIitii ami nloi i n uf llii- lulu ' 4Ufn. who harl bi-i-n arn-Hii il ty tho i military uthnrlilo. worn oioliit from tlin niuntry. Il"r ll'r ori IMirmlttiMl to lako a tiirowcll liHik nt th di-ait qiii-i'ti'i rfrnvtiia. Thoy wore i aubtitiioiitly fiiiivi)oil by Ibo mIIio ) on bnaril ft Horvlan lili. whlrh took i thorn out of tbo country. Thoy worn I Inrky to raraiio with tholr llvia. Tho aiiinpiiy hold ban priivoil Hint I tha lat klim roroivoil thirty nhot woftndn, ninny of thorn ilomtly. tjiioou lrat:a bad iminoroui nhot and mihor woundn. and It U allmod thnt hor hnily wan lorn In a baibarlr fii.-lilnn The apinialH if tho royal opart moriU In lli.li-o illmhlo. Tho ,.mr and nnorn nro rhiiiiorl and Iho rulna Iron' hoil llh MikmI. ; A now oloiiii'iil In Iho nilMilHoo In a foollnit aiimni! tho itiiolllK-'iil rlinwii III finer of iho niiollt Inn of a S-n Inn j liionuli hy nltnro'lior. nml lip- inullon of a roiu!illo. hut II If "Ill Hint , Anmrla ami l!'i--U Mi.uhl imt nmii 1 lotmm o Iho rronilon of a r. piilillr. Tho Koioriiliii'M Iiiih laid i liilm to! Iho iHiMM'iihiohH nf Iho l iio noiiiaii h. 1 It In nut known In i Imt ho Ml a fur limo. b it It l miixiMit Hull ho liml '. coliiililorntilo nuvliiK'n liuvlliu IU'-I ooolinnili ally iliirlnu tho IiikI i!oi hiIo. It la ioHirtod Ihnl tho Kioiiior part of hl nomoy n d'Kliod In Knuland hut II la iiuoatliinulilo wholhi'r H"i i ai-Ital ai-Ital wniilil ho ih llvorid to Iho Sorvlan kiivitiiiiii in. Tho opinion at Hi litrado In Unit all boloiiKK to tho malo, tvon Inrluillnu Iho kliiK a forolun Invrxt-nioiitK. Invrxt-nioiitK. II la iMmrihlo thnt o yuoon Nniallo may alM aio nr as an hotro. Quoon liinita waa In roi oipt of art iuki guidon monthly, and nlio had Kront avlima. whli h will bo haiulod omir to hor throo aliitorN. NEW KINO OENIES COMPLICITY. taya tbt Killing Wat to Him a Shocking Shock-ing Surpriaa. I'rlnro I'olor Karam-orRovltih, tha prwtondor to iho Korvtan lbnno, aava an Inlorvlow at (lonuva, Hwllrorland, In whlrh Un ropoalod hit dlix lalmor of any rompllrlty, dlrort or luillroit, In tha aaaaanlnatloii of King Alonandrr and (Jiw'on liraaa. Ha oipromod hla dotnatatlnn of tha rrltnn, and ft brlof outline of hit own nolltlcal ten-donoloa. ten-donoloa. Koplylnc tn ft aorloa uf dlrort quca-tlona, quca-tlona, I'rlnca I'otor aald: "It la truo my partlxaua hava ft com-liloto com-liloto orKuhlatioti In Horvla, with whlrh I am In frriiuont romiiiiinlra' Hon. I know trom otbor aourroa luat tho illaoontitit of t iici Horvlan people had rvnihoil Ita holKht. but I rould not tmnaihly hava fonni-on the evvntt of ttio nthof nlKht I In no way run-trlbiitoil run-trlbiitoil to tholr proparatlon, and 1 took no part, dire t or Indirect, In them. On lb" eot.trnry, tholr porpo-tiailnn porpo-tiailnn BurprlBcrt mo. ".My iiplninii of tlin oiorutlona of Iho klim and iiioon of Horvla la Ibla: I dooply rouri't that It bna boon Hiotii!ht noooHcarv to ahed atroililm of IiIoihI. I formally dlaapprovo of tho violent mi lium a, and I eHM.i lally deplore de-plore thai Iho army hna had rcooume to au h moimutoa -nn army whleh haa nobler tankii to aorotiipllHh than aawaa-alltiltlon. aawaa-alltiltlon. It would havo aultlred to force Klnii AIi'XuikIit to alKii hla abdl cation. Ever a Soldier of Fortune. Hlnco I'rlnt v I'olor KuraKeorKevltch hut boon Kkoli of for KlliK of Hervin. tbofo wbu have known for ft Ioiik lime Iho uionibora of hla family ami W'ho aoiiin yoati aj;o knew him aa an InloronlliiK tlturo In I'arla, are re-i re-i iillliiK varlouu phaaea of bla ftdvon-tur.iua ftdvon-tur.iua and chiikored career. Ilia life haa been filled with dnrn-dovll em apadca and the tipa and downa of a royul protonder and ft aoldler of fortune. He hna boon eoualnntly on-Kauod on-Kauod In tnlrlituo. plula, and rountor-plota rountor-plota for tho ronllinilon of hla royal dotiiamla. The prince received In llelnrade the 1 I " f View of Cornar of the Haiace, Showing Wlndowe of Apartmenta Occupied i uy the King and Queen. early i-ditrallon of ft prince, but jrn . a to v or !'' bo nw tho rulv a , ! fiimllv i' ruilmiiod and hn and , ' rohitlt'H ' ii' driven Into -xl!. j, oiil. r.'l lb" 1) of Salute llnrte ir, thoro iiillllllril hllns'-lf for tho l:ilir,tft achiiiil or Si. Cyr. from which ,, kuiiI'iiiioiI a uliilouieimnt. I atr j,, onloro'l Iho mllltniy Bluff collect, ail)) Klll.lil.llll ll thclefnilil jurt h' ti ri ,(,,. niithi. nk of the I'rniuo I'llKnlan r. ho oiioorly pltti'io-il Into thla 'otr.nt aa an oil!' -or of tho rorclitn lnim whhb wn taraely made up of arion,, of niihlo lmii. a and nilvolitiltoni nr cltnora Ho wim In the bnnloNt tlKtitlti r the war ami t k pmt In the lia ttl ol (irl'sint, wli'io hla loimln. NI-dIh,. vlr-li. wni killed. Ho there attrtrt, the attention of (ion. lull.. I, who (,. him a member of hla peraonal itat Ilia ronaplruoua bravery In the batua of Vllleraeiel brought him the bailie of tho lotion of honor. On the coa-rlualon coa-rlualon of tho war he turned hla at-tontkin at-tontkin to HorioKiivlna'a atriiKKle .for liberty ami look a prominent part tt the rlaliix whleh waa tho atartln point of the Ruaao-Turklah war. lit apent the great part of hla fortune II aiding the Inaiiricouta. ACCOUNT OF THE MURDER. Royal Couple Long Evaded Trttlr Determined De-termined . Purauera. The following la a narrative of th reviilullou given by men who took an active part In It. "Army oltleera to the nnniber of ninety having formed a project uf a Q V 3 .!! Where Cabinet Mlnlatere Were Killed, revolt, among them being deleRalrt from almoat every garrlaon In Horvla and the majority of the ofllcera of tho SUIh roKlmeut. l.lout. Col. Mlt-achltach Mlt-achltach Invited hla roiurnilca to moot lu tho KullniaK'lon ttmilon at II o'clock on tho nlKht of the murder, and there tho linineillute carrying out of the Intended In-tended di-od waa organized. "At 1:411 a. m. the otllccre In eight groupa wont to tho roynl palace. Each had apoilul dlroctloua ri'tunllng hit part In tho revolution. In tho palnre Itaolf ttio revoliitlouarlea bad two Important Im-portant partlnnua In the klug'a body, guard Col. Alexander Mimcbln, tjueen Drnga'a coutln, not bnithor In-law, and tho kliiga poraotial adjutant, l.lout. Natimovltch. Two oltleera of the Mull military academy appeared at the appointed hour, ! a in . at the Knle of the im. ace, whoro the klnx'a mllutunt, Tana-Jolovlc. Tana-Jolovlc. who win lu the connplraiy, haiulod them the kea to the Kardun gale, which la nlwnva kept locked. Klrnt, atopplng beforn the guard at the pnlnco. one of tho two ollleora railed, Throw down your nrina.' A fluht entuoil. with aliiilt from both! Idea, In which acvcrul pcraniia were wounded. "The rovolutloniirloa then entered the f font garden without hindrance ami reached the conrtynrd of tho old pa. ace, whoro l.lout. Nnninov llch wna awaiting. He oponod iho lock of the Iron door tending to the front room on the rirat floor. Hy thla It waa i that Iho pulnco wita curefully closed and that thinner wan tiiupcctod. Hurrying Hur-rying up Klulrn to thn tlmt floor, the rovolulltig offlcora nttriicti-'l tho atton-tlon atton-tlon of tho palnco atiomlnuta and tho royal couple by the uolie of the nhootliiK. l.lout. Invar I'otrovttch, nlurmoil by tlio iiuwontod hiitihiili, hurried hur-ried forward with a drnwn revolver In one h in il mid lu tlin oilier a aword. "'What do you want?' ho cried. ''Show ua whore tho king anu Ulieon are.' caino the reply. Hack!' cried IVtrovltrh, and at the annio moment a bullut stretched htm on thu ground. The revolutloimrlt' pnnoii fnrwaid, when iiil.lonly the electric light gave cut. All Blood In darkuota. In the greatoiit oxcttoiueut, Ml fooling their way, the revolution-trlea revolution-trlea cllmliert the ulnlra and got Into tin. durk anteroom to the klng'a apart-nn apart-nn nt. Here they found rnndlca and lit thorn. "Thla BoemliiKly allchl clrciiniBtance ana ileclalvn to the whole action. ; w ithout Unlit they rould not havo fi ned the vlotlmt, who Hod from tholr ih opine; apartment thrum: h corridors I ti ll nuiuoroiia rooina, and might have it -.railed, but aotne of tho ortlcera with liurrlnK cauillia and othcra with pit-Itnlt pit-Itnlt commence'l to aenrch for the nal couple. "lu brcnthloaa haute the conaplra-tnra conaplra-tnra ran through the rooma, opened aurdniboH, and looked behind cur-talna. cur-talna. In vain. In thn anteroom con-BP'-lInK with thn corridor lietween the old and new pnlare the aergeant of crTtT" . l Vie of Belgrade, Where Aeaaetlaatiti of King and Queen Took Place. IB) lendarmee waa aleeplnt;. Awak-alna;, Awak-alna;, he atnpped before the rovolu latiarles, who felled htm. 'At last Queen llraga'a tervant waa land. He wounded ('apt. lilmltrevlo merely, but waa apared hecauae he nt Deeded In DndluK tho flnolm mple. Indeed, this servant ihuwed tavfltcpra whore King Aloiander and (aoen Draka haa gune to am-rolo tbrm-Mtve. tbrm-Mtve. When he told them this he ma shot. Vol. Marhln now Joined the rovol-tittmUita rovol-tittmUita anil led thorn back to the I'toplng apnrtment. whore the klnij'a iuitnt tried to hinder the aearch. 7 bbnl at l.lout. Nauniovllch, who refl dead. Tho olhon then killed the aijutauL. ASer a long aearch small don. leading Into an alcovo waa dlar lvered, but! II waa fount! locked. It waa hrj.on In with an at, and here the roul couple were found In undreaa, "The older olllcera tlmt Intundod fnrclng the king to ahillrato, but tha young olflcera wero In no mood to bo held back anil ahot at the roynl couplo. Nolioily kuowa In the eicltetneni who uliot llrat, but It la generally said It Mat l.lout. Klxtlrt. f "After the murdor King Alojnndor'i body waa found entirely covered with blood. That of Oueen Draga waa bad ly loni by bullets. Tho report that lhf bodlea wero thrown out of the wlniluw Into tho garden la untrue. The young officers Intended to do so, but I'oL Maschln prevented It, eaclaltnlng, that would bo barbarous.' ! "All the servants of tho royal couplo Jed wbon tho first ahota worn heard, ,Kl!b. the exception of Queen Drama's tenant, who waa found dead. At 2:12 t'ckiik all was ovor. Col. Machln lamed la-med from tha gate of the palnco. iround which great rrowda bad collected, col-lected, and made a apeoah saying: I "-Wo have now destroyed the dy-tatty dy-tatty of the Obrenovltcbca. and have lot rid of tho dishonorable womun iho was tho klng'a evil spirit. I-ong 'Jve Horvla." I "The people responded: "Ixmg live liie anny.' " i Almoat elmultaneoimly with tho lutchery In tha pnlace Hie troops en- nUS-1 f jJ, M U M & A V Geographical Position of Servla. I itftvorvd to arrot all the relatives of to queen and thimn nilnlnloia whom to cotiKplralois dliillk"d. Two broih-a broih-a of tho queen, l.leni. Cols. Nikola Nlkiidem Luiijevlia. were sotted a.d eacorlod by a dotiu hinont of ,K)ps from tholr dwelling to the Ir a'drooii! of the dlvlnlornl crm-lender. crm-lender. They were eild. ntly not ana-. ana-. J)i of tholr diHiin. and wero lluht-ii lluht-ii llgurettea' when they wuro allot Ituii by night aoldUrs. |