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Show NEGRO JACK THE HlfPER. Colored Flood With , tor Killing Womtn Turns Us in II Louis. j Two women, una ,te and thn other colored, wore u liel and left for dead about thn Mil's kalf miles east of Knat HI. Iaili T'l"day 'ter-noon, 'ter-noon, and a ookmo la ait linking for a negro described by oat of hli victims. If he should ho CBpturcd It Is believed be-lieved there will be rrn, him. for tho crime baa caused great radtemont and Indignation among tte farmora of the American bottoms, ihoro It occurred. oc-curred. One of the victims, Mrs. Annie flreen, a colored woman, itfi 25, was clubbed about tho head, her skull fractured and loft arm kokt-n. Just before relapsing Into nnirnsclousnesa he told of the asaault avl deacrlhcd a light yellow negro, ail 26 yenrs. as her aaaallant. Hlio evidently the first victim of the fl.-nl. who lutsr prociH.dcd to Ihn homeofJohr Ilruno, a well to-do farmer Ititig between Hast Ht. Ix.iils aud IMI.tillo, aud committed the aocond crtmo. |