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Show HEMTl'Cf JUSTICE. ! v I Jury In J,, VVhi Trial Unabl to W Put fir '"" Jt rurtli J.'tt would bare born com,, a, j,,.!,,,,,,, Ky of the ouii'lcT titiiuney .1 (1. Mar, cum, misl " l y tf the Jury fa Tored In f'""1 of Thomas While I Iso. Hih are, n jnii nt Lexington. Lexing-ton. ntJ ""'f l trial will ho at Cynthlana. min,.,n )oii miles from Jack son, a""! bit the ninuiiinlua and In tli '"ernes region, under very dlu i1""1 .mions from thnac existing I" ,irllt county. Tho Inleroii i!n change of vomie waa geconu onfct, n. verdict. When Judgo Rcdwlhtfuicd to hear argtt-monta argtt-monta on "'"kumn of location, it waa atated 'Jinny In Iim court, house tbst lltircsldlng Judge had beard from nfnor liorklinm. who Is gpnertll- Moved to have bad aoniothIM ,0 wllh Iho change of yenuo to llsn-an county. |