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Show I A Tracklrcs Trolley Car. I rml.ahl i..,i ln.lf ua run. h ol.)i-r r,n 1 lias li.vn mi. - - I i llm ! t inu of I lo i: rI"ii C Ihe I r. .1 1. vi.r.-it 01 to Hi" I la.lni: nf tmri.s mi r whir h iho run I aro In run. f:uir...is rap. . lull v scion- I liilt In have ii i;rn .. suuIiimI Hi.' liur I liK lip c.f Ihi. k,h, f,,r thin i.iiri I Now a Ho. li.ii mini linn -..ino lu the J ciiii In iii iiuil It l,n run hi l llm tlKliI J nr any in a.-t llm p.. I. -a v. r hl. Ii In 1 IraiiKtult llm -l.-.-irlo i-iiiinit Im run I maiink'n In .In kHIumii ilm rails: in I fare. ho will put a rumor i.n any fil.l I mi'ili ami Hun the In.ru i mil to na I or a I 1 1 tl 1 1 1 1 lllin.ail In In. I'lilrii. One I "o if tlii. rail In a trolley nyMriii Ik I Car Travels Ovar Ordinary Rosd. I to convey tlio return rurient, after I It leaves the m..toti nf I lie car, line I by uhIiik a duiihlo wire ll.u Invrnmr I ilnra eay wlih Ihls ucnl fnr Ilia rails. I ilranlnu Hi" power from one wlro ami returning ilirnitrli tho oilier atirr It haa acrvnl lea purpose on lila wac,un or rar. The usual trolley hio htipiinrea ehu contact devices, lilrh In thla case comprise a pair of wheels ni u n t ! on a lary tmiKa mechanism, with a spring tn maintain the pressure on imlh wires. It la an rimy thins, to provide fnr llm atccrlliK nf III e-hlrli e-hlrli anil with kihuI rnaita lint la to hinder tlio rnrnii'r from coming to town liy trolley with hla Innil of pro dure. Innliail of making hla tram haul the heavy Ion. IT Now Panmanahlp Chart. It la universally loliicilcd Hint ths in nil toltcra, w, m. n, i, v, I. u, c, a, a au'l a, ahould all Im of the same height fnr the liase lino, anil serve aa a unit nf ui"nsuro In forming the olhor In li ra ut Iho alplnhot, whic h extend two or nu.ro nulla ahove ur below tlio base tlni. In what la railed "slant writing'' thcro ara In the perfect copy I. lit two angles, which, with Ihi'lr mrKlinrallnna. form the baala of all amall Icttera, the ' main alant, wlilrh lira at almiit fifty dcgrcee. anil llm connective slant, at ; alxjut twenty five degree from the base Hue. Taking advantage or 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyk' three principles, the Inventor haa formed a chart which mit only haa the horizontal lines iiNtiany rnund In copy books, hut haa. In ailillllnn, a sol of ohlluiin lines placed at aurh an angle thul thn curie. 1 llm nr thn letters let-ters will extend irimi Ihn crossing point or Hi" Imrlrontnl anil otilloue llnea to the crossing above or below. The aliidi nt anon lonrna Ihn currivt ninvoiniuit of thn pin in fnrni ac ruralfi r.irvrs. Imlh anrriidlna ami drurrnilltiK, aa hla pnn iniiHt atari at a rortiilii point anil nut ul a acronil point, rlllirr niinvo nr !.r!,.w. fiillnw I ii I! llm uniriul ani:ln nf thn ulilhiuu lino whlrh I'l.niinriH ihn auinn ihiIuIh. For viiitlrul nrllliiK thu pul.li. Ilnra are iliunti vonically Inatrail of alaul-luK, alaul-luK, but the piliulplii ronmlna Ibe aauie aa In ohli'iuo wrltnic. Future of the Yukon Country. The aKrlciiliural pnaalhllltlra of Alnaka are ihiIiiIim! oui by y, T. Con-doll, Con-doll, llio new t'unaillnn Yuknn cum mlHHloni'r, alio aialoa Hat when Iho mima la rvinovftl from (ho anil that i It la fnunil In I." very luitlln. lie la ri'pnrtml aa aioinr. : "I want lo Im-prraa Im-prraa upnn Hie public mlrd that tho futuro of Hi" Yukon ilnna mil ilrixiul i uiMin inlnrrnla of any kind. The die- trlrt la float liii-d tn be nne of tho grrati'iit, anrli iilniiiil apola In the world." Ntw Electrical Radiator. 1 A new t'li'rlliral rnlliilnr. Inlrn.liil to eup.TM-i!" Ihn atritm hi-atrr, la I fnrmrd by unanirli-il Iron plati-a, the ) apace boiut-rn brhiK llllnl with pow- d dried rurlmii. krpi In Kmiilnn by ' aabratiia rardbnaril. lulu thlH radla- Itnr are led thri-n ct.pprr atrlpa. one at i-arh niul and onn In Iho router, i and a n. lillliui.ua i iirrrnt of ulrrlrlr- 4 11 y la paaard frtmi tho rrnlrr tn Iho 'I olid alrlpa. Willi riirlrnl nf elxlit aniprr.a, at In" vulu, a hrniliiK ur- fare of twenty five aiiuuio frol can be i kept at a tcmprialure of IV.) degrcca j J-ahrenhflt. 1 Commercial Bales of Liquid Air. 3 Uiliild air la ilrllvrrr.l In li. rllu. two J IHera (di,;h pulhm: at a Him for alx.ill S.1 rrlila. In a mrrnt laaue of I Knrruln, nf Hull rlly. It la luted that j -the rerrpiailua aro uimle of glaaa with nf Im-Iiik in.' I with i.n Kinui.i'im: 11.111. I 111. tr... 1M1 : 1 ! Im -Ill' l.-l tC ir.i.ni r-.i.r.on I.'.". and the ' .. '. ! 'r. i. ; Ii.- !' n. i I. -iiiil. T' r. n il i h.-1 temp, i.nuio (nr f.rirli- ii .lui vi r.,1 il-.,,a In a It U IT:'. -n.l. I t.u -ii. Ii ii n r. :r-h mi.- : t i r i (. - nod impi Hi" f.oji- II. .u ..( Hie uli In m I. i- .111 rt. Ba(pty firnovh Fj-.1enlnt. A It'll. aiiKv .if lie- 1 l't end l--...in.l 1 column-. ..( tin. .Lilly p.iprra olll hliow II. hi oui- ..( Hie aillrli mi"! Iliirly tn turn ili niirfflnu' la t!i bmneli. mi.l rnr r .rry mi" al K-rl lnl na lrn.1 tli.T" nr. iuol.nt.lv tnat.y inn'n whlrh rr. .i no public not I. .-. 'Ph.. inortl prolnt.lt- u'ihi' for tlirnr loi-aea la the lliil.iliiy of Hie end of Hie pin tn be. ..in., unf.-i -len.-.l. whi n tint l.r.x.. h .mi i"k ...,t.(. nml (all mil tlui.l Hie wiin-r brink' anarr i.r Hie fm I. null n Mime oil" rlinnrca tn rail ail. nl In II. In tho nr ri.mpRr.yli.K- llliiHinitloiia wn ahow a drvlrtt wlilrh boa iN'i-n Invrnl.-d In prevent tint end nf Hie pin from com IliK l.mait. One dralliK allnwa tllfl llm ilrarrn.lii.g pin; aiinttier ahowa Ihn pin In plieo and acmrely fnalen-ed fnalen-ed by the honk rl.ii.TiiK over It, while the till Ml In. II. HI. -a t.'m iHialtlon of Ihn fllHtener III plliro mi thf brooch. Till) pin la an mount. .! Hint It haa a run-alant run-alant Iriulriiiy In aprnm tipeu, and la Him piillii.K on Hie iiiid.tr al.ln of Ihn h.aik menib.T. and Ihn hitter, brink- under Una lenalnn. haa no opportunity oppor-tunity to fnll ba. k and rnleaao Iho plu. Tu reiiiiivu llm hriKM h the pin Self-Cloalng Guard Holds the Pin. muat be flepreaaed and the hook member pulled open by Ilia flnner, while lo t luao It tho pin haa only tu bo preaaed lu Ibe el.it. aa the guard la aulumntlrally thrown over the Din by tho prcaaure. I Origin of Petroleum. R. Cnate, the president of the Catia I dlan UliiLna. Inetltuie. rernntly read an Inlereaiing paper before that body setting forth his ream. ns for hollering holler-ing that petroleum depnalta of the world are ur volcanic orlitln, saya the New York Commercial Advortlaar. Ho points out a number of facta which rnniler the theory at present generally held by Rciili.ulita that It haa arlaen directly fn.m Hi" il.cumiMmlllon of oriHinlr remain-, unlmiil and veiretnble unlenabl". He mlla attention to the fart Hint no am h pin. ma la nt preaent under way; H it all nt-.:nnlc dcrnmpn aillon of n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ninieriiil Is io rapid anil ciiiuplrln Hint ih.-re la no opportunity oppor-tunity fur the eut.nnhmriit of anything hut l.i.nra In aedlmeuiiiry rnrka; that aa the oil drpnalia of ihn lower HI-lurlan HI-lurlan llmeat.ui" nf (ihlo and of other flrlila are I. .low the t arbonlferoua beds, and a II la Renerally admitted by genlniilHIa I hill previous lo tho latter lat-ter UK" Ihirii w very lit I lo roKetnble life on the e.iilh thrau enurnmua d pnalla roiil.l mil have arjacn from or-Ktllllc or-Ktllllc reiiiulliri. bei aiuo thorn were few nrkHiilMuH nl Unit tlnie. and, finally, final-ly, llm I ir pelrnli'Um wna due In the ilri.lru.tU" dMIlhillnii of foul, there would now bo no nuil b.-ila, all havlnn hniK nun been t rn iit.f.irine.1 Into pi Itolriim and a eiikellUe renldiie. Rapid Field Analyses of Water. I'nilel a ayali-m n-i r. led by thn iMIrora nf the llydniaraplilr llivlalnli of tho l'iille.1 Htiilra (lenliiKlral Purvey Pur-vey a ruiiid aualyalri nf water can be made, Iho iilij.it being to n.uk. i a number nf approximate iloiermliia ttntia. aulllcleiitly arrurain for prurll-cul prurll-cul purpohi-a. rut her than a rcw very cnuipleto ilelerutliuilluna. A apnelnl O'lulpment timi been ilealunnd which will be Ihiu.iI abortly, and ran be curried wlthnut lurmiveulence by the men rng.tKe.l In the held work of In veailnalluK unnllty of wator. The rallaav nuuiiaiilea and railway rhrm-lata rhrm-lata are Intereaied In Hie mailer, as by Ihn new system aa many aa ality determinations of aulphaie In water ran be niu'lo In ono day, lima urenily farllltutlng the work of Invealmntlug Ihe quality of boiler waters, Dlspoaal of Smoke. At a recent congress of Ihe Snnl-Inry Snnl-Inry luatliuie. Iirhl In Muni liral. r. Knillaud. V. N. Shaw iIIi.i-iihm.h1 tho ilucHtlnn of muiikii almti'innut. Ho drew an lntrro..itnn parallel between the tit-attiieiit nf aiiitike and Iho dU-ponul dU-ponul of . n:... ai d staled that tn London nearly a million tons of aew-Bk'n aew-Bk'n anrn rriiinved day by day from about i;. 1.1,1)1111 houaea. anunuliiK about a ton and one half for ea. h house. At Iho name time, each day In winter naeh hunan iim.we lulu (he atmonphero on (ho averat;", pertiapa, len Ions of sniiii.il lu-len air. or a total of tj.Vuii.. nml tuna of siiinkp la.lrn air for tho Inhabit.-.! Iiniiies ur I.ondim por day. Thai wna hla eatlmatn of the amount of refuse whir Ii la thrown Into the London aimoapheio. |