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Show UTAH ST ATK NKWS. I.chl mill have Ihe grentact Fourth of July rnlchrnilnn In li history. H. T. Whltakor of Null Lake hns been made director Kcticrnl of On tltiih exhibit at (In- Hi. Louis fair A Hull l.ako paln'cr lnl week slipped (nun a scaffolding nnd Ml for-If for-If foot, ensuing without a scratch. The tiniwn amle of (In- lin arc said to l.e killing thn r-lm It In the cl'y parks uf Knit Jjiko. The smallpox cpldemlp In Ncpht continues In spread, despite all the precnnflnns taken. (Ir'n llorrlro. an llallan mln r. wb fatally Injured at Castle Cain by rock (alllnic upon him. Tho cVi! oven men at Caaile Gate went cm a atrlke one day laat week demanding thn removal of a foreman. Thn 8 yearnld nun of D, C. Jensen nf Kphralm was tliruwn rnim a horse taat wpck, esrsplng wlih a lirnkrn arm. Rcvaral hundred riollara has been raised fur omil.x.r simrts during (ha Fourth of July celebration at Itlrh-Bold. Itlrh-Bold. Sevier ciinnly now has an experimental experi-mental farm. The land la lielng cleared and crops will be planted In August. James Carroll, who robbed lha post office at Bandy In March, ha been sentenced sen-tenced to throo months' Imprisonment and flui d 1 1 0(1. Morcnro, tha little dsughlcr of J. A. Wright nf Halt Lake City, la dead from burna rii-clvcd by falling Into a tub of hot water. A movement Is on foot lo estahllah flno aenllBrliiin In Klchflcld. Tha water will hn plHd from the hot springs ten m lt-a south. N. A. Ilurfon, manager of a Halt Iak daily, disappeared on hla wedding wed-ding duy before thn ceremony waa performed per-formed and foul play la feared. t Thn twentieth grand IiIk. Kniahta of I'ythlaa. domain of Utah, ran-nl ran-nl In Halt I k t wcrk, . alia from all nir thn aiats li'lni prcaint. VI. K. H. raynx. on trial In Bait tMkn CUf for tha murder of Mtaa An-nla An-nla I). 1IIII, a ai hool tvai linr who dM In tho diN-tor'a o(hi-o on lN'fiinlMr TO laat, bruuttlit In a venllrt of not gulPy. xv Tola, a lAyear-old Halt jk boy, waa accidentally ahol, Hatnrday ' taat, by hla brother, thn bullet atrlli ln hi in In thn abdomen. Tim dortnr claims tho boy U Ip no prtti-ulut dancer. Thn lOyeorold aon of Mra. Dollah Wlliuin of Wellavllln waa attacked by aavann hoc one day laat week, and Bo badly torn and lacerated that hla llfo la deapalred of. tho boy being In Intense axony. .J, H. Crane waa aerloualy Injured In a ball nmo at Ncphl hut week, when he collided with another player, hla fare being badly bruised, a number ol teeth knocked uul, whlln ho harty os caped loalm an 'ye. Merrill SlnKleton, the 8yonrold son of Mra. I'heidio HIiikIcIoii, a widow of SprltiKVllle, waa quite aerloualy hurt by the rxplnalon of a K'ant rap. tic found the cap and attempted to put II In a rl rtai to aho.it when It fx ploded. Jumea Krlckaon waa Injured In a runaway accident Dear Htockton laat week. Krlckaon was thrown out of the rl( bealde tha road, wher he lay belplesa for thirteen hours before a paaaerby plrkrd hlra up and took hi in to tow a. 1 It la said that If the people of Chea ter do not turn nut en masse and waae ,ar on tha grasahoppera, alt the grain (Will be deatmyed. Tho poata are ao numerous In the moadowe that there !ls Brandy room na the surface of the ground for them. 1 Richard McAllister was found In a dying condition on thn si airs of the White House hotel In Halt l.aka, Hun j day morning, hla deal li occurring si- j moat Immediately after the dlsrovuty ' of his condition. Death was due to ) acute alcohollatit. j Huaaell I'lula, aaed 9, stepped In J front of a paaaenger truln on the Hhnrt Una, north of Halt 1-ake City, and waa Inaiantly killed. The boy waa ,, on one tis' k and saw a train roinlim : and stopped onto another track direct ly In front of the lialn. Mlaa Kllrnbeih Kink of Providence sras drowueil nt AN mo, Idaho, Ual . MUs Kink, who waa ilwut ID yearn of age. waa on a lall with friends at Anion, and went bathing alone In the river, to It la not known Bow aha rama to n.eot ilculh. |