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Show 1 v DEDICATION OF BINGHAM MARKER ! SET FORAUGUST 1 A marker, commemorating the .discovery of ore in the Bingham j area and honoring early Bing- ham pioneers Erastus Bingham i and his sons, Sanford and Thom-i Thom-i as, for whom Bingham was named, nam-ed, will be dedicated in a cere-j cere-j mony at the marker's lite in front of the R. C. Gemmell Mem-I Mem-I orial club in Carr Fork, Bingham Canyon, the evening of August 1 at 7:00 p.m. Many Bingham family decendants, Kennecott representatives re-presentatives and officials of the American Pioneer Trails Assn. are expected to be in attendance. The bronze plaque will depict the history of Bingham's founding found-ing in part. The following tentative dedication dedi-cation program was outlined this week: introduction of George Albert Smith, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter-day Saints, who will act as master mas-ter of ceremonies, by David C. Lyon; Bingham high school band or Magna Drum Corps.; posting of colors by Boy Scouts; invocation invoca-tion by the Rev. Thomas A. Nav-ien Nav-ien of Holy Rosary church; welcome wel-come by Mayor Ralph A. Murano, Kennecott and Bingham" family representatives; introduction of Mrs. R. C. Gemmell (if she is able to be present) by C. T. S. Parsons; dedication by Bishop Raymond Bingham; address by Howard R. Driggs, president of American Trail Assn., song "Come, Come All Ye Saints", and benediction by a Pioneer Trail representative. The above program was outlined out-lined at a meeting at the city hall Tuesday afternoon and a complete authentic program will appear in the Bulletin next week. |