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Show Flatter Summer Meals With Properly Cooked, Attractive Vegetables WHEN the thermometer speeds into the nineties, every home-maker home-maker worries about meals and family appetites. Even thouyh appetites ap-petites appear robust on picnics, they are apt to seem on the slim side for a meal in the family dining room. Is there a certain remedy for the waning appetite amidst the wilting heat ot hot sum-, sum-, mer days? Yes, certainly, there 1 are several surefire sure-fire ways of coaxing the fam- ily Into eating what they -u,...t.4 r,a rtt Vegetables, cooked or fresh, chilled and seasoned, arranged attractively on a salad platter add appetite appeal to the main course. Arrange mounds of the small vegetables like corn kernels, ker-nels, green lima beans or peas with strips of carrots, asparagus aspara-gus or celery on lettuce and pass with a tangy dressing. LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU Leftover Roast Beef with Barbecue Sauce Baked Potatoes Summer Salad Bowl Toasted Rolls Butter Beverage Blueberry Pie Recipe Given. with French dressing, to which may have been added one teaspoon of soy sauce, if desired. Refrigerate he salad ingredients for one hour. Drain off extra dressing and serve the best ways is to serve attractive vegetables which are so plentiful for they add zip, in the form of vitamins and minerals, into a scanty diet. Vegetables add color, and consequent con-sequent interest, too, to the family dinner table with their glorious greens, reds and orange yellows. Who could ask for a better artist's palette with which to decorate the mealtime scene? Serve vegetables fresh, whenever when-ever possible since this saves food value. When they are cooked, however, how-ever, use only a small amount of water, season carefully, but not heavily, and cook until tender. ' Vegetables are best if they have some of their natural crisp texture, with mayonnaise. sprinKie top wiui minced chives before serving. HERE'S an excellent way to prepare pre-pare and serve asparagus: Asparagus with Sour Cream Sauce (Serves 6) even though cooked. Seasonings should be mild so that you don't mask the delicious natural flavors and thus jade the appetite further. You may add some of the nice sauces for variety, however, and thus create interest that might not otherwise be present. WWW YOU CAN'T BEAT a salad bowl of summer vegetables, espe- .1.11.. ... U M there's a tasty dressing to go along with it. Here's a suggestion sugges-tion with a delightful de-lightful dressing seasoned with blue cheese and 2 pounds asparagus spears cup thick sour cream H cup drained horseradish teaspoon salt H teaspoon paprika Cook asparagus In a small amount of boiling, salted water until tender, about 25 minutes; drain. Meanwhile, make sauce by beating the sour cream slightly, add remaining Ingredients and blend thoroughly. Serve with cooked asparagus spears. Broiled Tomatoes (Serves 6) 3 medium tomatoes, cut In halves 1 teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper H cup buttered bread crumbs H cup grated American cheese Season each tomato half with salt and pepper. Blend crumbs and cheese and sprinkle on each tomato toma-to half. Arrange in a baking pan and bake in a moderate (375) oven anchovies: 'Summer Salad Bowl (Serves 6-8) t cups fresh spinach leaves 1 small head lettuce 2 cups shredded green cabbage 1 bunch watercress Fresh diU Tarragon 1 cup diced celery and tops W cup green pepper rings I cup crumbled blue cheese cup French dressing 1 2-ounce can anchovy fillets Rub salad bowl with cut clove of garlic. Break spinach and lettuce let-tuce into bite-sized pieces In the salad bowL Add cabbage and watercress; water-cress; sprinkle with the herbs, fresh dill and tarragon. Add celery nd green pepper. Sprinkle with cheese. Chill. Just before serving, add French dressing and anchovy fillets. Toss lightly. Chinese Salad (Serves 4-6) 2 cups canned bean sprouts, drained H cup diced celery 1 medium cucumber, sliced thin 1 green pepper, minced 2 tomatoes, cut In small cubes French dressing Minced chives Combine all vegetables and toss lor 15 minutes, or broil 8-10 minutes min-utes under low heat. H GOOD main dish to serve at home or to tote to a picnic uses corn and tomatoes, seasoned sea-soned beautifully beautiful-ly with bacon, green npnnor and a cheese topping. Corn-Tomato Casserole (Serves 6) 4 strips bacon, diced cup chopped onion V cup minced green pepper 2'A cups chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons brown sugar I teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 2!4 cups corn, eut from cob, or canned corn H cups dry bread crumbs cup grated cheese Fry bacon in a skillet until crisp Place m a Hi quart cassero, onion and green pepper to bacon at and cook until tender. Add tomatoes, sumt anri ;;rv, . a seasonmgs Summer for , minute!! g g corn. Cook for eight minutes Tf using uncooked corn. Place a mixture from skillet into the ca hin with c With brad c then u th h find bak . 'orVminutr Treat fresh vegetables kindly and you'll be well rewarded for their acceptance at meals. New potatoes, quick cooked in their skins, are tender and delicious de-licious when teamed with cheese-crusted tomatoes and plump, green asparagus spears with a nippy sauce. LYNN SAYS: Keep Meals Cool When Thermometer Soars Refreshing fruit platters come in for a big bid during summer. Place cherries and grapes in the center of your largest, coolest platter. plat-ter. Surround with a mound of each of the following: peach halves with a cluster of blueberries in the center; cen-ter; cantaloupe edges, pineapple chunks mixed with halved strawberries, straw-berries, honeydew melon wedges and watermelon triangles. c Serve it on a bed of watercress or tettuce and pass with sour c "am in which are fln-iti ,i iK'im of cucumber. Sen w,t h wedge. h a le!T'on Lamb chops take well to barh cue sauce and broil quickly to kP your kitchen cool w keep garn.sh of !iRC,' If 'th ha, and grapefruit n. diaresi for start- You might try U ii S1' Spirit" |