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Show NOT 'HARD ToV? IN one mi1 If not pleased. any drug store. T.4 T 40c fungicide, contain!' V S?! alcohol. IT PENETB, ches MORE germ, . lE Today af Knl0 IK&lmmmtBr "AutomiBtie Cook" Electric ilnnfc ' . COOKS WHOLEMEAL i fsH mae you're miles : $15 !.).-, DON'T MISS SEEING ITI Imagine! Now jou can Like the Aiua.it)g new convenience. New afternoon off . . . unytime . . . coiut; "I p-Down" Unit gives y ou u ltli Lome to a piping Lot dinner. Yes. hui faee unit or a thrifty Scotch Ju.t ct the "Automatic C.K.k" K ttle ut l.ue l,ick of a wr'Bl! control . . . tLe range does the rel! Ciant i)roi,.r.ovell io( u 25-1L. turkey with eac. t aimer drawer, Brilliant new Control Panel . . . m-ven-heat surface units and a top-o'-the-range. Now all control dozen other wonderful features for are easier to reach... easier to read. extra value! STANDARD GARAGE 425 MAIN STREET PHONE 18 , ; "fUJ fi Enjoy the $& JjJ whiskey that's Kentucky Whiskey A Blend jiational mmim prod, cotr CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT l)uo to the small amount involved, in-volved, we do not accept want ads except on a cash-with-order basis. No ads taken by telephone. LOST Rosary in small brown purse, vicinity of Copperton. Call Bulletin office. 2tp Northwest Model 40. Serial No. j 3410 Combination shovel and dragline good condition, used. 315 c.f.m. Schramm Deisel driven portable compressor, new. Hyster 1000 lb. Fork-lift truck with extra scoop, completely overhauled. ALL PRICED TO SELL HEINER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY SUP-PLY COMPANY. 501 West 7th South, Salt Lake City. Ph. 33979. FOR SALE 80 base accordion. Practically new. $150 cash. Call 363. FOR SALE Refrigerator, kilch en tabid and chairs, washing machine, china closet, library table, ta-ble, day bed, buffet, rocking chair, che&t of drawers, roll-away bed, full sizo bed, Sparton radio, 2 linoleum rugs, and cir , culaiing heater. See E. M. Chir-rick Chir-rick at 79 Carr Fork, between 7:00 a.m. end 2:00 p.m. F OR SALE 3 pc. living room set; Weslinqhouso vacuum : cleaner. Cnil 340-J. WANTED An inexpensive can- yon for month of September. Ada Duhigg. Phone 363. r.t rOR SALE Electric Stove.' Call 468-J. FOR SALE 1937 Studebakor ! , sedan. Good condition. Tele phone 340 J. FOUND Pair of child's good ' glasses. Owner may have samei' by calling at Bulletin office and i ' paying for tnis advertisement. ' Shop vif Bi care . COMPARE I i t x , , . i MAKE Y0UR 0WN HAR0, V BOILED COMPARISON .,, WlvWfl FABRIC FOR FABRIC, POINI Jf 1fJ ll lllfm lj J F0R P0,NT PENNY m r3 ,mJMH PENNY. NO MATTER WHAT ll . h fM , I' JM tji ll UNDERWEAR YOU'VE EEEN i II v r yltim i n BUY,NG' 0R PLAN T0 m I fi ' SMfl lull I fl C0MPARE IT W,TH CRAfTS' 1 ATHLETIC A QC l SHIRTS tjfcy SANFORIZEDtyffJc fShrinkage will not exeed 1 I shorts y I) ATHLETIC SHIRTS of fine cotton, combed BROADCLOTH SHORTS with rust ! 8m0tl1 ? the toutb- Ked si9tant gripper fa8lener8 anchored on to wnh firm el.,iaty, for extra "g.ve" and Uy. Rich l00.x60 broadcloth, sanforid long, long wear. Sue 34 to 46. and coJor fagt gflfe eagy m f MEN S T-SHIRTS - Heavy nouflh to b worn as polo and work shirts. 69c ' MEN'S KNITTED BRIIPS-,deal for th. octly. men. Ixtra long wearing. 59c j BOYS' ATHLETIC SHIRTS 39 B0YS, KNnD BREF$ 59c BOYS' T-SHIRTS 49e JatPeNMEYB Call 61 GREATER rrosram S infarction. H I I 1 T H JULY mia m4 ifri Lm' ill I 111 J 6:4- and 9:00 . JiK j Matinee Sunday at 1:30 7.ft(l Jft 7.00 and 9:00 12:15, 6:00, 7:' j llfejr with a ReVuTATION ' 111 I lASSl Bj identification . . . and today, in over 40 Intermountain communi- M ' '"S K ties PeoPIe knovf that the "brands" of Timeway and the Member vlvCS ZJw Banks of the First Security Corporation System are identified j w'1 banking . . . sound, dependable and progressive ... serving 200,000 depositors and 100,000 loan customers. h I ,- 1 1 J CONDENSED STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT H FIRST SECURITY BANK OF UTAH FIRST SECURITY CORPORATION National Association System of Banks j June 30, 1949 June 30, 1949 ti t RESOURCES RESOURCES J 1 Cash on Hand and in Banks $ 31.008,615.51 Cash on Hand and in Banks $ 56 256 275 93 U. S. Government Securities, fj. S. Government Securities ' I I Direa or Fully Guaranteed 42,383,843 28 Direct or Fully Guaranteed 109.988.723 78 A Municipal and Listed Securities 2,442,676.55 Municipal and Listed Securities 3.829.855 16 If 1" Total Cash and Bonds 1,73534 Total Caih and Bonds .11 70.074.HS4.87 Ut Loans and Discounts J53.527,53.77 Loans and Discounts 9726114 ft Banking Houses Furniture and Fixtures 1,728,644.07 Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures .... 2,'910,'287 28 It Investment Bonds and Securities Investment Bonds and Securities ... ' 1 00 f t Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ... 180.000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 315 000 00 fl I Other Resources 1803.69 Other Resources 370.682.66 f j - ; Total Resources ll.l't475J12L87 Total Resources S27Q,792.S29lT5 ( LIABILITIES LIABILITIES J i War Loan Deposits $ 1,015,590.83 War Loan Deposits .. $ 2 081 752 04 ' I Other Govt, and Public Fund Deposits 13.180,680.54 Other Govt, and Public Fund Deposits 36,401,900 84 ff j Due to Banks 8,180,741.59 Due to Banks 9,654,022 39 5 )' Other Demand Deposits 64,635,917.07 Other Demand Deposits 135.602.496 12 I Time Deposits 33.674,244.74 Time Deposits 68,0S8,57Q,80 t TowL Deposits $1 20187,1 74.77 Total Deposits 5251.742.19 Interest Collected Not Earned 5 405,f4T72 Interest Collected Not Earned 7i639Tr5l ' Res. for Taxes, Int, Expenses, etc 758,059.85 Res. for Taxes, Int, Expenses, etc 1.264.395.72 SI f Res. Under Auth. U. S. Treasury, Mim. 6209.. 591,052.51 Res. Under Auth. U. S. Treasury, Mini. 6209.. 1.501.626.75 fj Other Liabilities 67.16363 Other Liabilities 142.538.26 1 J,822.0l7j 5 i624.9S2.27 it I j Capital $ 3.0d0.(KX).0O Capital S 5.625JWOOO if ! i Surrlu Surplus 5.125,000.00 Lodivided Profits 1,632,844.77 Undivided Profits 2,772.213.79 I Reserve for Contingencies 1,229,986.38 Reserve for Contingencies 1.682,121.35 (4 p Deferred Cred.ts to Income 103.O9S.24 Deferred Credits to Income 164.4W.4S f S 8,965.929.39 $ I5.368.8s4.59 ll ' H Total Liabilities ..$13i,475,l2l.87 Total Liabilities $270,792,529.05 J ; ; mit Mfml miit rtDitM eo(it insvinci cowomtio mimim neiui iisiivi tritt |