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Show I Mr and Mrs. William D. Cook lanfdauThterKay Lou ust re I turned from a weeks vacation in Yellowstone national parK. I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 13. Cai ter and family just returned from 'a week's vacation at Rooseel. : local notes: No. 1 Firemen and auxiliary and their families enjoyed an I outing at Saratoga Mon'day ev-jcning. ev-jcning. In charge of arrangements I were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jen-I Jen-I kirus Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Longfellow, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leon-ard L. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd J. Nerdin. A picnic dinner and swimming were enjoyed by about sixty members and their families. Copperton ward Sunday school superintendency gave a party last Thursday for Sunday school officers and teachers and their families. The party was hold in Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kosovich and family have returned from a vacation trip to California. Rose Mae Root of Arizona also made the trip. No. 2 Firemen's auxiliary held a special meeting Monday night. Contract bridge followed by , a dutch lunch was enjoyed. Mrs.! Verl Peterson won the prize at j bridge. j Mi-, and Mrs. Bob Jimas enter-1 tained Saturday night at their! home at a dancing party followed follow-ed by a dutch luncheon for Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Niel.sen, Mr.! and Mrs. Harold Chesler, Mr. j and Mrs. John J. Creedon, Mr. ! and Mrs. J. Lynn Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. James, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd J. Nerdin and Raiford G.i Benson. Mrs. Arthur Bentley visited Tuesday with Mrs. Betty Johnson John-son at the county infirmary and : reported that she is getting along; nicely. She also visited with Mi'a j Marie Blaine of Bluebell in Salt Lake City. Bingham Fire department 1 square dancing group held then'i weekly .session at Bingham Central Cen-tral school playground Wodnes-: day evening. ! W.B.A. members will meet , next Wednesday evening, Juiv 27 a.s guests of Mrs. Edna Jacob-sen Jacob-sen of Copperton. I Mrs. Marian Jimas was hostess ' Monday afternoon at two o'clock at a nicely appointed bridge : luncheon for Mrs. Nellie Chesler, Mrs. Gwenevere Niel.sen, Mrs. Ellen Carl, Mrs. Barbara Soren-: son, Mrs. Becky Jones, Mrs. Juan ita Buckle, Mrs. Agnes Milnei, Mrs. Ernu Davis, Mrs. Mary Zac-, caria, Mrs. Doreen Delanev. Mrs Nike Jimas, Mrs. Iiosella" Raifr and Mrs. Rosella Nerdin. Prize.: were won by Mrs. Nerdin, first; Mrs. Buckle second and Mrs. Mil-aer Mil-aer consolation. j Susan James celebrated her fourth birthday Saturday with a Jelightful party given by her wonts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl I', fames. Twenty five little guesis njoyed games and refreshment.! it No. 1 Fire hall after which hoy attended the show. j |