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Show MEDICAL NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For t lie Debilitated Herrm System. DR. JORDAH. of th AoaUea.-ral Mntim, S Moi1t,rons.T7 ttrrt, (nw Cl !,) 8AN f KANCIe'OO, CbJifc.ri.le. tun pnllil foerof hJJ cat iiu;-jrtai. t nd inatrncli Leclaree, In a d( tiI'KD''. f'.r Minou who cuuol mtfod (fee LcetarM it (tie Mi-. Brry unmarried ud Hurried man honM read and itcdy Itirae important, Leo-lurr Leo-lurr "f (lie o-c-d of hinuitf ud oflprlD. By ilrf.iu the ecrelary of Ihe A Bttomlcal Muenaj, flea Pnmcuco, ud one I a in Tweciy-Fiir Tweciy-Fiir Oriu In ptu,;e tuipi to pay poUge, ibe If k "ill W sbi-rled to nj part ol the Stale Dr. Jordan can be cooralted bj letter. ja HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SAJT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL O V UTAH. J AM C.S TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. Tbij Hotue U oentrally and pleaeantly !o-Mtod, !o-Mtod, well fiurnlitaed, and hit aooommoda-Uooj aooommoda-Uooj for 0 weoU. TUB PROPRIETOR li now propazin baildlario addition! to hi Hotel, whitb. when finished, will ren'-er It the Mort Complete Establishment In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for (lie Reception of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. H.. S... GREELEY & CO., l'ROrltlETORS. t29 TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. Free Coach from the Depot. Taylor & Cutler, J PROPRIETORS. myll " AMERICAN - HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OMR BLOCK EAST OW IHBATRK, SALT LAKE CITY. Term 3. 00 per dw. Board with- I out room tta.00 per week. Delhi ! free to (uiti, . J.O.LJTTLE, j on24 Proprietor. Washington House ltirtl Mouth, Htreot, HALT LAKE OIXY Hoxril and Lodging, per Week IT 00 Uajr Bnenl , ' 00 rrnoH airliig Beds " 9 00 Bli,MrIlth( - BO fleale - -,- . MS New Commercial Mm Rooms, 46, Commercial 8t., Salt Laka City. 0. W.TAPPAN, Proprietor. . O I ' K N ALL NIGH T. lrlti Utile, an, nml 50 cte. per Nlftltt-I ll-DU to 9'J.OO per Week.. SluKle llovmi, nUe.nt7!(o.per Hlgbt (J. 00 lo1.5U per Week. Dnuhla lloomi, fl.00 to 91.00 per KigUt. 016 &1T WESTERN HOTEL, j UN THE KUUOPKAil PL, AW. Fit u Med In bu.nee pnrt of tho olty, with aoooiu laudation. for WeuojU. TM RST-CLAKH noootnmodatlon for FamlliM J? enri Iravolers. Konntt, OUo,, T.lc , 91.00 and 91.50 y per dy. Dining 1111 and Restaurant Qnder the m no (i .torn tilt f M. H. Iieardler, late of the Mi'rnfoii lluufe. Umtha, and Tiohoor iiou'o, Linoolii. Hob. lloartl ir weak, 7( Melat50o. h'KKli UMMUUS IX) HOTBL. 8tnK(W Icavo (inilT for the ri!doi. Laundrr oooDooted witb ihe hotel. 8MITI1 . BIOAZR, my 17 Preorletora. M JONKVIIUOUMHIil, Ol VII, E N O I N E K U V. b. AlIN KUAIj AND TK1'UTY SUU-VKVOK SUU-VKVOK Full UTAH, tnw: l'ir"t South Street, nearly opmito 6t. Murk's Cli'irch. HENRY WACENER, Unit l-iikc Cit)-, Vtah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, t.AUH lil.CH, ALE A D I'OHTtn, rnoi.?svLit yn hstail." fi;('iNPoi!TH STKKKT, throodcoM oast hlci'litint 6luro. ocW hood: wood:: H fcl keep wrutantly ou hand jvaionod. cord ml (vo iroyj. 1U.LJ PINK, MA1M.K, (JVAKKNAP. A.NP COTTONWOOD, lr -nlo chcarcr thun tho choapact. OilWe nn,UNilviml ncarl. C K- -Wvt, just w.-ttf a;iini'linx- wurk.. trivial nitcs to iur-i-lii'r--( car Iff. Wood delivered m any purl tho tilv un fbort notice will font a part of our otliiO on liberal Cw'l NEWMAN CO., BoxTT, COAL AT SANDY, GORDONS MURRAY Are in reocipt if ?overl car-loads of Vine ivl iYoui (ho ac vein ol iho ROCKY M-H N1A1N OML CoMl'AS V, and offer theamclo ibociUiciu of Hmul) , niiiRlimti. Little Cottonwood i ltd vlclully, In iii;intttii to suit, at low ficurcj. ?pod in your order?. . Alv for ttilo a nw and well-selected stock nl" (Jrocertee and Provlelonn, llaiiin, Uncon. Com, Onta, Barley, Ac. At bottom price. tiOKDON A Ml'llRAY. e'M Sandy Station. w. B. clapp & CO., manufacturing Jewelers, !to ruroRTrRS or WMth' and Fmicy Roods, WWKST WASIIIXUTON SIREET, Kej-wL0Tmu : NOTARIES PUBLIC. WM. M. CILLMPIt V. IT. TOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArK50WLKDGiMESTS taken for the lereral States and IxaaiTURi&a. Office boar. 9 i, v., to 9 ml Roo-n Ne. 5 eTer First National JJank, call Lake City, L'tah Territory. 5 Jix W. Slain Dnm. Cbu. A. Qould. STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, OOVnTANOJDXia;, COMMISSIONERS 07 DEEDS FOB New York. Maaiaahasettf, Pen nyl Tenia, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa. Nebraska, Wyom-injr, Wyom-injr, Montana, Nevada. California, Oregon. Texas, Colorado, District ei Columbia and o I tier State and Territories. n Applications for Patents, Minlnc Deeds, Asreemenu and Bonds til Deeds, Mortsaiies, Power of Attorney, Leasee, Contracts and other Instrument of wri tins' drawn with afliiraoT and disDawh. DllnlDff and other Compamlee I M oorporated aaar the Lawe of Utah, Abstraots of Titles to Mininc and other property made in the moat complete form. Mlnlnfr property examined and reported re-ported on. Ovvc at REID8 BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE ST.. SALT LAKE CIIY, 0. T. A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished from the first Minlnc Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lake Mining District (now Big and Liuio Cottonwood Districts), and from these of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. my21 CHAW. W. HTAYNKK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qualified and commissioned by the OoT-rnor. Ofiicolst door south of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Halt Lnko City. mli! MEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. M&nofkotarers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broadwa dU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la FUR AND WOOJLs HATS, I Straw G&odi, UmbreUi fcc, Roi 408, Broadway, t" ' NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Hun-ir. jfl THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's O Tj O T HI3STQ, AT WnOLKSALB, 313 315 Broadway, New Yorat. J. . oowlis. f27 Cochrane McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbori of DRY GOODS, White Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embroideries and Laces, I 4(52, AM and W BROADWAY, ! E. . R. waiOHT. NEW YORK. Juyai RICF, QOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, .714, m and Brosdwar NKW YORK. W. 0. BAKNEY. j2o L. M. BATES & CO., ll 41 Broadway, If)C W YOHH, ' laroaTias abd josbsju in Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKRY, WHITK GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOIIONS, dec. J. II. BUL.G1CU. . Jul HOWLAND & ASP1NWALL,! 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance liberally on consignments consign-ments of Ore and Bullion. Bullion purchased at hl;heitt market ratee 37 MORE ARRIVALS. Different Sizes and JL3 Styles of DOORS. J Different Sizes of WINDOWS. Tbe most complete Stock ever brought toU'tnb,! LiTIMER,TAVLOR & CO S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOK FACTORY, One block west of the rabernaele. T. LATIMER. W. U. rotJOM 9. lAKLOfl. 0. SOliNir. LEGAL. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Office oTer Dun ford k Sons' Store, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Warnar Barll. 7. M. Smith. EARLL A. SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, salt la ti orrr. First South Street. Ronmt 11 and 12, No 105, Kimball Block. James m. carter, ATTOEXEY -AT- LAW, Office orer Irt SaL Bank. oct8 E.A.SX TEMPLE STREET. T. T1LF0RD. S. A. JliSJ, TILFORD & MANN, ATTORNEYS - A T - L A W , No. 30 First South Street. oQ J. B. Ros borough, S. A. Merritt RosborouQh &, Merrill, ATTORN BTS AT LAW, Salt Lake City, Ctnh. Office, 1st Sonth Street, first building- oast of Desoret Bank corner. uct H. H4TDOJT. C E. 0ILCHRI3T. HAYDON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW. SALT LAKE CITY. Office orer 1st National Bank of Utah. a 12 C. H. Hempstead, M.Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATR1CK, Attorneys-t-Lwr Main Street, opposito Weill1, Fargo k Co,, Salt Lakk city. alO I r. L. WILLIAMS. Ll OSU.KB TOUXD WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Offioe, half-a-s look south of Theatre. Halt Lake City. - jl2 Zt SNOW. . D. HOQX. SNOW & HOiiE, A.ttorner avnd CoojoaeiOTa nt Law Salt Lake Olty, Utah. Office at Snow's comer. 1st Btt Street. Jo 6 PITTSRURRH TRiflF. CESTABLISUED I830.J Win. McCully & Co., jManufocturers of the Standard Brands of WINDOW GLASS AICD DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Mako a specialty of lame sites of Window Glass, and all odd sues out to order. . OlTloe 1 8 and O Wood street, Pittsburgh, Fenji. P. S. Having the most extensive ftctories in this country, and making a lam or lino of KOods.doH.lers will find it to their interest to get our 4 notations before purchasing, .25 BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LANAHAN & SON, .1LLKKS AMD JOBBERS OT. RYE WHISKEYS, Ware house Ho. 0 Light Street, BALTintORK. ititII COGSWELL & CO. JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY And ovory thing in the wnyfof JE'lTELERS' SUPPLIES, 300 West Madison SI., CHICAGO. EQ..10 A HALL'S W fM VEGETABLE SICILIAN IMA II A IB tkz": RENEWER. Every year inoreascs tho popularity of this valuablo Hair Preparation ; which is duo to merit alone. Wo cao assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliablo and perfected preparation prep-aration for restoring Gray or Fadxd Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The soalp, by its use, beooincs white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonio properties, provcntS; tho hair from falling out, as it stimulates stimu-lates and nourishes tho hair-glands ; By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will orcato a new growth, except : in cxtremo old ago. It is tho most economical Hair Dressing ever used. as it requires fewer applications ana gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap- ' pcarance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assaycr o Massachusetts, says, "The oonstitaents arc pure, and carefully selected lor excellent quality; and 1 consider it tho Bkst Preparation lor its intended purposes." Soid by all Drvggist and dealers in medicines. FRICE OSE COLLAR- Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. Ad our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, Whisk-ers, wo have prepared this dye in one p epamtion; which will quickly and oflcctually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. .-'old by all Druggists, Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. II all at Oo Jlashua, ST. H. FOR SALE AT Z. C. Itt. I. DRUG DEPARTMENT. JXO. S. BARNES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Flour.Grain&Feed, 'o. IS SKCO.D SOrTH STRKLT. ca-to paid ri WUEAT, 0AT5, BARLEY, ELOLK AND DRIED PEACUEj. YIXOS &(X)AL. Bi:r rocks national wfalth. Iron arui CoI. Capitalists call on me, I own iL I will divide Address, J . Jl. BI.A1R, Sl'j P.O. nox IPG, Suit Lke (Hy. ll'ANTKD. ?J.vn CASH. KC-K "XE T Ve.iT. Will .livido the 5r.et minin: intorwt in L lah for the .ue oi tho in nry. Address, 6. ,M. BLAIR, Salt Lake Cit', P. 0. Sot 186. INSURANCE. AGEITCY OF THE Home Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOIIN EC. REDIXGTOX, President., CHARLES R. KTORT, Secretary. Principal Office, 433 California St., SAN FR AMIS CO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking House, A. W. White Co. TRIUMPH FIRE LWRIME CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable UnderwrUlnsj. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair' Rates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. R. MAN IV, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY; Office. Banking House of A. W. White A Co. P. 0. Boi !W. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M. A. DaUGIIERTY, JACOB PEETRY, President. Secretary. Cash Assets - - $S71,152.S1. Bt reason of a hoary caau capital and a lario btuiness, well distributed, we offer to the pnblio indemnity that is second to none. Oar Chioago record is a rnarantee of prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment Of lOBHOS. H. R. MANN, Agent. Offlcet Banking Bouse of A. W, White Co. Post Offiee Bos, No. SM. mjlO amizon mnm co. J. n. nrXVKTT '- - Jrsldenl. D. JD. WEST '- - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JISE 30, I&T9. Cosh on hand, in brink, and in couxBo uf tr.i nsuiie; ion. 3111,308 57 Unitod Sutos Bonds, morkot value l..lti9 09 Mortuaccs ait),fM(! fi7 Collatoral Loans J2.s,4h7 00 Accrued Interest. 3i).2 58 Bills Kocoivablo 36, 9 ft IS Stato Bonds and Miscellaneous 6.,t17 99 Duo from Agents - 3S.0W as 188006 70 IsIARILITIKS. Outstanding Losses arid othor Lin bUiUos $7J,m Oi H. R. MATN Agent, Office, llnnklittr House of A. W. White A Co. P.O. Jiox, 554, - - ir28 I t-i" g a c 6 s u a U rj o " S S . M 4 o Pi b s w H 1 " i1 Ml & 13 ' s H si -i, S H- 2 ' a psp zS s pis TRIUNE BAKERY Cracker Mamfactory, Door lolov Wilkrr llotir," .Main Street, Salt J.nkc tlly. W'o have now received our CRACKER MACHINE With nit tho late! in,rrvptncnr, and are .unkins Kit IV DlFthUK-M' KIM'S 91' CKACKKKS. GALLAGHER & SONS. oti- Send lor Prico Li.-I. ai4 Address 1. 0. Box!14. ASSESSIYIENJ NOTICE. Emerald Hill MlnlnfC foniiany. Lcxatioa of Work., :alt Lake County. I lah Ti.mt.irv. Nr.ti.-n in herohv cirn Hint at a tacclin.- if tho llr;ird ol Tru.'teo' uf faiil Company. Com-pany. Hold on tho lTtb day of ctber. IS?-.', an tent uf Fiity Corn. per fhnro was levied ui-on tho capital .-tx-k uf jaid Ctimi'Licj. pa-atilo pa-atilo immnlntcly in United Stales gj.ld eoin, to tho iix-rotary. m tho oliico oftto Cuuirauy. Ki-jui iNt. (! Merchants Li'-bnnire, Califor-aia Califor-aia street, San Frant-iw, Cilitoniia. Anv (track uiH-n whifh ..ud .Lsossmci,t "h nil remain unr itid on Wednrnday, Ihe '40th day of Aoveinber. UTi. ih.ill bo dsfomod dolinqucnt. and will bo dulj-a Iverlise-1 fo: .ilu at public a';cti n, ar.d uc,s pajmrnt fhall be made bef-ro, wili bo "old ii'rtifi. day, the 1 Tth day of Iet t mber, to py tho doliminont ase.-sincnt. uxrether villi cjt of advertising and cit'njce ot sale. Br order ol the Jrd frsi'ieee. F. MADtiK. SecreUrr. Ofrieo Xv 6i Mrrrhar.tj' trchaEt-c, Cali-form" Cali-form" street, San 1 raflciscv. CalLfomta. octi GODBE & CO., EXCHANGE Bl'ILMG, B. W. ALLEN & CO., -A.OE3STTS Yi'K Tin: CELEBRATED GOLD SEAL WHISKEY, I acli LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, IWIXD0W9, BLINDS, MOULDING?, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of I HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron find Steel. Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLI, Ag-rlealtnral ImpUmtatt Ad JtiBlmg Teals, At Low eat Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAK.sK HO USB nil m 8 22 -ft? 83 O " 1 paq ! CL I d m. m s- s (D. W.J. HOOPER St CO. IT MinaEROIAL 1TRKKT hendriebro's 33 lit A IU BTRaCKT, . SALT LAKK CITY, Manufacture; California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM . PLETE in any of tho Mining Districts. wo mnafadlaro tile Varney Wheeler Pane, Patent Pressed SUoci and Dlti, Patent Stem Uuideii, and llie Machinery e.nnplete for ST-A.VII MILLS REDUCTION WORKS. of whioq we make a ineoialU and u a ran tee sal La faction in all ouses. Manufacture BoltholT's Ball Puherlzcr, FOR DRY CRL'SHl.fO, Will do the work of IS Stamps, Price, $1500 Manufacturers' Agents for the Sale of ' Ntnrtevant A. Root Dlnwere, Karle tfc Cameron Ktenm Pnmpe, UoUtlnK. Portable and Atailonary KnHlnea, Wire llol.t tit nope, (put and Round.) Tunnel Kail Iron, 10. 12 and le lbs. te the yard. Iron Pipe for On and Water, Dndae Jt Blake Oro Crnehera, Mini Oft Care and Iron Ducked, Arft-lllc Plre Urlck, and 91 1 ik 1 n g applies. ESTIMATT and DRAWINGS furnished FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO IMPERIAL. Having ooncludod arrangementa with the largest Refinery in the east to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby rive notice that w now have for sale the DIPERIiL CIRBOX OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in this market It is water white and stands 15j fire test We recommend it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALK A.D EXAMINE. i I REESE & CO, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. Jat MISCELLANEOUS. W.T.RKTNOIiDE k CO., E- B. ZABKISKIE, San Fraacisce. Salt Lite City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HA VI TOR 8ALI A FUJI UNX OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call th. attention or DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. 6CLS ASXNTS FOB! "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB .A. IR, IN THE CITY CONNKOTXD WITB THX HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET1 Two detitre sonth af Welle, Farsro A Ce'i Bank. m6 City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening up he largest and most complete stock and assortmant ot Gas fixings avor brought to the westers country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deaeret Hank. Gilt, Bronze, and all the latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lighlr of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now en hand and will continue to koop the largest stock of Gas and Steam pipe to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of homes, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at ratM that will defy competition. Ovor 60,000 feet of gas piping n.-w on hand and am receiving it daliy. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will bo supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at the lowest possible rates. I also keep on hnd full and complete com-plete assortment of the latest improved pumps for mining and domostic use. Tho Celebrated Knowlos Stoam Pump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Pu-mpB and Plumbing of overy description, and witb Gas, Water and Stosara Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Thmo Doors North of Deseret Bank, Office of Halt Lnko Uity Gas Oora;.iny. jn5 SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE ini RETAIL , DEALERS IN - IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICK8, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS Of - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, pirE ai,i, Klfft or riTTi?fs POB rrRXAI'FA SIILIA. 3M A. H H A. HE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, EON PIPE, pipk Ki rn no s. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. ASKNT8 TOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. Te whom it may concern, 7"E, the Bodenmed, rlalm and mm V tweiTe honlred ;jnf,) feeU inrlndiOf Scs- two t'2 and tiirfe ('... in the Tituf Ir.-ia, in Little (ttonwood canjen, and hold tbr name b deed fvnt the onsinal lrraUri; and have enm plied wili the lawj of Ui djj-trict djj-trict In eTen r-i'ct. And we hereby caattr-n all r-ersoas sot to ! trade, bar er barter for said cUiiu. wiLhem oar oensenU C. TT. BASSETT. 1 AdmtnlFtrfn ol tbe MVLSS. J estate of Anient, Irlns deceased. LSRAKL IV 15 fl. 111 UkfrOltj, JutQikUn. m j MISCELLANEOUS. Taylor & Cutler, Hare just itvt in anwher bis suck of jLINSEYS, FLANNELS, And ercrj thine in the Dry Goods Lino; alio OlIOICK JAPAN TEAS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOCKS, &C, &C, Which thoy arc determined to sell as low as any one. CHEAPEST STOVES IN TOAVISr. Under Taylor's Hotel. EAST TEMPLE STREET. .a.,6 MUSIC I MUSIC! MSICiL IXSTRIIMEXTS, Of all kinds, including iho BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaior thnn ever' J. DAYNE3 & SON, First South Street, Two doors oast of God bo's Drug Storo. aiiell Furuacemeu, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM I CO. 1" AGISTS TF1 QUI. Dk. rf CI I V V1RK BttlCli, WhioI are eqnal If not superior to the Vest ff-fliiih. Srtv-inl ratef slven by the nar load. mnlS plroTlTOlflip. I-lII'OVI'AMTNl-KSIf Il IlKKimil'dUR exist ins bptwiMMi l';ivid Diiyand V. U. Onlmor, imdrr llie firm mime uf I'nv A ful-ti;r, ful-ti;r, i this Any dit-uli od ttv rontiml Viin'nt Tho business will bo rmtinuvil lit the rnmo Mantl by Unvid Hny, bv whom ull iritleH.-d-neas ol'tho firm will b poKl.ad. AH ..pnonj kniiwiDK thpui'i'lvon imli'liii.,1 to thn firm aro ro'iucvUod to c(tlo tho jiii ii o immcliniolj . )AVI) IiAY, , , , " ' 0. fJUI.MKR. talt Lal(oCity, iJct, l'J, 1K72. oil The Bssl Stock of Candies AT II. WAILAIK'S. Nuts, Raisins, Figs and Dates AT H. WALLACE'S. Canned Mackerel A Spscialty AT II. WAM.ACS'... GENUINE ANCHOVY SAUCE AT II. w Ai.l.An:S. ENGLISH BISCUITS A W H. WAl.LAtX', CRACKNEED'S BISCUITS j AT. II, WAM.M'I'VS. 1 CHOS54 I1LACKWK f.I'S P IT K I. E M AM Ml it fU ur Jniiii, .Irlllri, aiirt Fre-"i-vti, nt II. AI,I. ( lS, rtmi Nn ulli Nlrcrt. KICKER'S Little Was her, THE BE T AND CHEAPEST in Till, MARKET, Only 87.00. J, C. COLTRIN, Agent, Specimen. ) "tb Ward Co-oimralive Store. Thn highost i-rice in Cn i-h i'l f.,r Uidei and l'elt. .1. ii. t'ltl, Till . tk. CO., 29 At P. I'jjr-lnr'B Tsnnerr. l!i(h Ward. Right About Face I Co-operative Store Keepers I AND 0TU1.RT Who wish to SDSUtn thoa.br whos. labor 7. IIt.I BUY UP THE WOOL! tnd bar It aianoftf tered at home, and ihereti- rare four-f.hLi of the nmnej ym will hT to rT f"f eriun-l or hf. raci, to., in the shape of Cloth, front tho eaji. UK WILL PAV TO'r Tim niOFIKRT MARKET I'RICB P"K WOOL, and ell T"u lio'i-it for the L'.wert Cali Crii-e, and guarantee ererr artiole, as re,retetitd by as. We will also EXCHANGE CLOTH roa PROVIBIONH, Wbre we in tnh'' 'hTn umiUble fr,r nor fl-vn'.. ani reoelre thm and tbe Wool at oor Sterea. We are making, and bare ea baud. READY MADK CLOTHING, MISERS' SUJRT. etc; FT'LLKD CLOTTT. of flft-laM ftrle and inalitr: '"' Llnej, b-.'.h rlmn aad fr"-r; V nmii of all rolorr: I t toni'I't, lA'ncnn Covrr, 7nbl Ciol Tow rllnn, Iiickt,if, totklni Yarn, 1 .r,d pari f.f.'.n. fanry Wool Varn, or rr.itt r.r. Col-ton Col-ton Bulling, fcUdCarpet 1'nrn, etc tc, eto. -Yin will tp'eMe to nhierre tht we pri'le oarF":!" i,t, liarir.cttie t''t colord fait in the TTttoiT and workmen who tennot be excelled. JOSEPH BIRCH, Arent of 7, C. Hio Virjim ManofactttrLaA Cftu Seorce aad Wawbiarua, avr. BANKERS. DESERET 1 National Bank SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Paid up Capital, i00,000. Authoriied Capital, J l.CKX-.OOO. PKliIHAM YorN.i. President. 1 ll. s. K:.iM;i:Pt;r;, Via-e -r.-.-'t, ; w. 11. HO-'t'KK, I A v. JKNNINuS, ; Director. JOHN SHARP. I Fl-.llA.Mi'K. LITTLE, ; L. S. HILLS, Cashier, I (itH.D M'ST, nIX, KM'H.tlMK, 1AMI M A Hit 1 TS, fL. I.Kt.K Si Kll, etc. ColltwtioDS maiie and promptl" rt-ruitted. rt-ruitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. IXTEKEaf PAID ON Snvius Doposlts, nS WELLS, FARGO &. CO., EXPRESS. FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers In Kicdah Drafts on Korope. Kuropean Collections promptly attended to. K at Temple Street, Hm.it L.ke Oily, mli Taao. V. TaaoT. Asonti i First National Bank of Utah" SALT LAKE CITY. See Special AdcrtiowtHt on Third J'ltie. mS A. W. WHITE & CO, BANKERS KANT TKaPLK ST II K IE T, Salt L.K;'Clty. Dealers in GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION, Exe.hangt on all tft Princijnt Ci4 of the United States and Europe. Particular nttention given tn Collections and proceeds reinilttl at Current rate of Exchango on day of payment. GKO. K. WH1TNKY, Atlornoy COHHKSPONUKNTSl Bunk of Cii Honda ... ftu Pmnriece Lot A Wallt-r - - New Vorfc Cook Ci'iinly Nutinnnl Bauk - - Olilflaara lliukpll Hunk flt. Slale Uauk ot NelirnJ'ka - Omasbe SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK lSn.lt L,u.lii) t;ity, Uuk Ter, Authorized Capital - $500,000 Benj. M. Onltell, l'rc.dni, Hugh While, Cashier, HiurBTiiD k KiaxriTaioi. Atlprneyp. COE8P0NDINTl NBWyORK-f"atton1Ip"k n"V I Uonne .. Lawnon A Co. SAN P .tANCISOO-Ca.ifornta Trmt Co. LONDON J Ay O.ioko, MoCullooh A O. f.li Dr. j.p. p, van mmii Ilnm I'lUHKln, tiie anaoAT "w o rt ivx EXTERMINATOR, LutoufSuii Praneisfo, Cal. Itninii Uitlilo Ctirei Tlii-f I- tnoertify that mv wifo, lluldx 1'.. rk. h.H hn. aniicto.i i,ir ,h, 1,,-t ci-hl v.v.ra with .hr..nilKrPntnrv.i-l, , hr rl-i..n.-li. hiick, mil-, mid m.vvip I l.u-hr: in hiut fh win ihm or fri'o t.om , i iind mi.orion. ah,. ilool.irotl a iM-o.it iIimI intli Iho ).n-t doctor" o hour .,!'. :m.l 1 , -iiy .. wiih-ml iniy roliol. IV, ho,iri o mnny cnrr ithirli Hr. .l 1' (V Vmiliiaiiijourli luitl iioTlonned In uiidnlumt Suit L..I.0 Citv.whHi indiicxl ih tu rniiMilt him; iui,l (ho lcir nt once told u. thiil till hor .oni.;ii!iH ii ii. I ml.nrio. xrre hi' iiifdiciuo oM id,. 71, f lllfll t a,d nisen -iit ' nil T'in mot ir,...ll(, i-hronw Ji THory arKciiMxl, uml In al nhu conridcri her.'oll a wull uuiium on iro. JII'iMAK II. PA UK. Hi" X mark. Ckxtiii.vji.i.k 'hii, I'tiii, Doinuaitnor -hi, Over I, OUD Wm-iM, .ud from Air. H1-),y. . Mver.tliholoc.itu,,., 11(J , mlk ,,in ffl. ' Io'mui: M.-it-jiii-iit: J 1m. I 1,,'on iiHjt,.. for iiihfi-. Ji'.u wit-i h roinidiimi in mv m-.n, Ihmljiij;: I i,oul.J , it.i itiM. 1 co-,,11 co-,,11 lir..l.P. P. Yun l..t...,uh. ll ro- h,:V in worm, find indued I IpoI liko anothur WOlllllU till CO Ul'llu. ' .. , , . ,. M ATI I DA M. UIMtV. .'-lilt Lake City, Sept. oil. r7. Wrt. tho .l..,.i,.llM, in ,nIirv ,, i-r- uToront uiiijiiu tin- (inm iho nlmi o nonm paBud. ,M-HY H'Ji'TH, Mix. H I,. IH.AMIiMAN. II. A. J'LK'iUfiiJ.V Hve ll.i...l,r.IMii..u KaIIr.l from (l.llil onlri,iu .ri olrl by Jr. J. I. I. Vm Ienlrri(li-a Worm Kyri.p. I t):r..kittuy,,ts l.,M..t.,tlrf..n.,e,ilMr ' ,M- y '""' Jii'-rillii ..Id, had !,.... M-k .,r a.,.n . nod n,.-, ( n ,,,," O: ......, ,,,, M,ir r-tn.-i,.- w.thwt any n.hol. ! M.irth.-.h.ld l.u.1 won,,. 1,-d , 1 , vr,i, . r, -1 nrii.r ,h u,K H, Syru,,, o,-r cin;rhliZ';;,;ri,,!i,ik i,oi,v"": u" , ' A. trlMl(Hi;i,L, .Second S-.uMi Si,.-i, hull . i,. k u,.m Couil Jlouse, Dull l.Mko (.ily, L. J. front . I.. ..ri.f-r, llrt,. Hy, Ha.atch, l uh, Rristtmbfr V, 1 H7. Die J. P. P. V! Dtiiniqii: I IhinV it t'i ln a i-iMi- rmni-ril am! frttj-lurl- I'm, nr.J. j ,,,, r:oit,,,i-f i i ,lln r ,), (. lr-,n ...,"!: J J,ve I..-., .ufl-r,,,. I-r ha r..najitrr..wirr nd na.tr. Iucli ard p.py phlrrm in ,,,, ,,,, , nu-i ihronl I jr., ,. Wl't ,,,,! ,,',5 UlnTLV-''ii "i'"L,r""1 t he co- d-i wiii,..ul iny l...tl,Jll. g.,j .illTi lhB, d'11i r,tts) re,..e , (,.,, nU B,,(jB.. in.", .-'! n..,n 1;,.-ui h , , J, ,J r,. , v ,., KM tit hi-ni.1-' fr..i i.r .1. : P. V,m Henh-ri-h-e .,,.-l,-, .f. ifl.uH ,.. ,.,e,.riKU ,,. .iy.i-j t,,Hj . u.l.M-1 w,ih w.,ni. '"' I wm i-nruhl". I t'-k hi- mMinn lor ,u;:h. and 1 mwt n.y all my pun.! and n.i-cno. ,m... .. My (, ,. , ;at. and I I-l .,-, m.,T . ,f J '"'!) f" thiM-yf.Mr ! i.rrr id the "iij'iynmnt '.'f 1 7 nM's'e-t vl l.,o.. whirj, ia r..,d hualih. J wuld furtL'Ji -v my j i,,,.. h-.ojoar 'M. . j'jKMiH. Card from Jnilge Frier, of lolk Dr. J. P. P. Vt5 Ji"k?n Dk.i- F:t-:-I tnVr, i.lrn---iro in Ihnnkiri. j.. put.ir lv lor l!,.,r!-.rH!i,.n of py hohltf, nt"r nir,-!-n yews oj it-FiilTcrjnB: mn- tHy H-'l t. .-li "v. I d'. t-.ti-l A ctrn; d-l" a -t'.-l ,., fllm-t errry ini,iKinuhl (.Km, ar.d (.j.air( d of a wm dny ai-Hin. Wn J c.UiO V. :.o yr(U aLKulnj, V-.ii tiaid '-! won ( rci.j-.-.i tho rnu.o uf iKif'.'-r, j.-url , l'i!Vnr,i n, fr.- h..Ur. I ' h;irrjc. I, .'-i o it, OV alter Ukm tlio I,-.-., twi'.'a' y-ir. d. rt j"U p'uo u,o, aliuui 'r, worms i.i"""l Iron, m-, Sj,d ww, f.mnoen d;,..- fra.urii,. j JlKO , :hOT man. nj,d .n n ,' !', I'.n m nii hy-iuesi mtuout ptm) or incjoreMinia. I rtinain, Yuuri rtMpeccfullr, Bi'hol, P&Ui count;, OctobcMO, iwi! IER" Ui'J |