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Show UE"RAL. MtjlB Jth, Chicago. 6. Carl Gaerte, secretary to the consul general of the German empire em-pire at Snaniihao, China, who was traveling trav-eling on a furlough lor the beiefct of his heaith. fell dead at the corner of Pau-liuaand Pau-liuaand Kiane streets yesterday evening. eve-ning. He had been stopping with Dr. Vincenz, of this city, for some time. 9Upllnron", Chicago, v- Private dispatch from New York says New hng.and is solid for Grant; Jiew York State gives Grant 2.V 000 majority, and Pennsylvania 75,-Oi'i. 75,-Oi'i. Waibicgton, 5. Tbe President naf dispftt.-h from B'aieth&l Maine ri him bo.uOu majority. A Concord dispatch sayx New Hampshire Hamp-shire goes Rpab'.ican by 3.0.0. Chicago . Private dispatches from New York lay w Jersey ha g-ne Rcpub'.icaa by S'.u; and Greeley's majority ma-jority in New York city u 2J-0D0. H looiu a ii HaYemejw ufeeUed. major. |