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Show Baltimore, 6. Greeley has 6,096 majority. ma-jority. Baltimore, 6. O'Brien (Dem,l has 1,-330 1,-330 majority for congress, 3rd district. Swan iDera.) is elected to eongrea in the 4th dutrct by 1,272 majority. Baltimore, 6. Maryland probably gives 7.0U0 majority for Greeley Kew Orleans, 5. The Republican State central committee claim tne Stat-4 for Grant by a large majority, and the election of four Republican congress- . men. New Orleans, 5. Unofficial returns from fourteen parishes give Greeley a net majority of 1,902. CnnctlmU Hartford, Coan., 5. Greeley's majority major-ity is 468; in w Haven Greeley's majority ma-jority is 55, a Republican gain of 1,626 over '68. Hartford, 5. Sixty towns, including Hartford, New Haven, New Britain, Meridian and Waterbury, give Grant 1,349 majority. Hartford; 6. Genoral Hawley is elected elect-ed to congress over Eiton by more than 500 majority. Hartford, Conn , 5. General Hawley's majority in this district ia 611, with one small town to hear from. Connecticut goes for Grant by about 3. 000 majority. Norfolk, Cenn., 6 Pairiield county complete gives Grant 9,310, Grtelty 8,-429, 8,-429, O-Conor 62. Vcrtuout. Montpelier, o. Sixty-six towns give Grant 18,166, Greeley 4,92ft; the 0' Conor vote is very light. The three Republican Republi-can nominees are elected to oongress by the usual majority. Montpelier, 5. Eighty-nine town give Grant 23,368, Greeley 6,46ti. JHIaaonrl. St. Louis, 5. Twelve precincts in this county give Grant 3,652. Greeley 6,556, 0' Conor 141. Kansas City, 6. The Pemoeratie county ticket is certainly elected by at least 1,0(0 majority. It is thought Grant will carry the State. Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., 5, Returns are meagre, but the indications are that the State has gone for Greeley and the Liberal State ticket-New ticket-New York, 5. A somi-official despatch de-spatch from Washington says Alabama has gone 10,000 for Grant. Ttnuentc. Memphis, 6. Partial returns indicate the defeat of Johnson, and leave the race betweon Maynard and Cheatham, with the chances in favor of Maynard for congressman at large. Florida. 1 Tallabasoe, 5. Partial roturns received receiv-ed indicate the election of Blexham, Liberal, for goverhor. maalsaippl. New Orleans, 5. Thirty-five towns and stations, in Mississippi, show a net majority of 4,83'.l for Grant; only eleven of these towns give a majority for Gree-l.y. Gree-l.y. Texas. ' New Orleans, 5. All the dispatches from Texas report tho election quiet-It quiet-It continues for two days. VTtat Virginia. "Wheeling, Va , 6. Tho indications are strong that West Virginia will go for Grant. Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn., 5 Tho Republican State contral committee claim the State for Grant, and that Averill is elected the 3rd district by 5,000 majority over Goo. L. Becker. Georgia, Augusta, Ga., 5. Greoloy's majority in this, city is about 300 ; in the county 500. Augusta, Ga , 5, Tho returns are meagre. The official count from tho State at largo cannot be had to-niglit, but tbo indications aro that Grenley's majority will bo abont 30,000. oreh Otrollnn, Wilmington, N. C, 6. Unofficial returns re-turns of this city give Grant 900 majority. major-ity. Raleigh, 6, Partial returns from about twenty-five counties indicate that the Slate haa gone for Grant by botween 5.0OJ and 8,000. Raleigh, X. C, 5 This city and. Salisbury show Republican gains over tho Augiut olection. DrlKiTfti-e. "Wilmington, Del., 5. The Republicans Republi-cans claim the Slate by 1,600 to 2,000 majority. MaisRchnfctt. r ; p Boston, 6. Roturns from tho fifth i congressional district, at 4 p.m.,- give i Gooch 2,00 majority over Jtanks. The entire Republican delegation to con- grass is elected in Massachusetts. Boston, 5. This city, except tho let J ward, gives Grant 6,0u0 majority. Boston, 6. Boston's full vote gives ! Grant a majority of 6,434 against 3,031 1 in 186S. Goocb's majority over Banks i in tho 6th congressional district is over 4,000. Hooper'i majority in tho 4th district dis-trict is 2,366 ; Whitney, in the 3rd, has as large a majority as nave all the other Republican candidates. Ono hundred and sixty-nine towns give Grant 68.766 ; Greely 32,128. Boston, 6 Grant's majority in Massachusetts Massa-chusetts is about 65,000. The full Republican Re-publican State tickrt is elected, with an increased Republican majority to- tbo legislature. Kentucky. Newport, Ky., 6. Beck is elcctod to congress in the Jth district by about 10,-000 10,-000 majority. Louisville, 5. Tho election passed off luielly. The returns are scattered, but indicate a very light vote. The city gives Greoley about 15,000 majority, and Standiford. Democrat, for congress, about 4, AO. Louiivillc, 5. In this city Greeley has 8,211, Grant 6,094, and O'Connor 171). |