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Show Tourists and tub traveling- Tub-lic Tub-lic going east are respectfully notified that tho Utah Holol, at Ogden City, ia a first-class houso, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evoning, either by Mail or Freight Train, thoy avoid tho annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to lako the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasuro seekers Ogden promises much to intoroal in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout Ashing, while tho grandeur grand-eur of its panvons is unsurpassed by anything of Uia kind known in the United ijiatee. The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bftth Koomi, and runs iu coach free of oxpense to gueU, Tho proprietor, thankful for past favors, will sparo no pains to plcao guefts, and will provide guns and aty munition, with guides and carriages to the shooting or fishing ground;, by get- I ting timely notico thereof. El-dsv & Yilllam5, propr' sl3 |