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Show Fink line of lUrbU wd Wood Top Table at Barbatt's. - I'Sw Notice of Better do? lost, in special ftflvartisemeotj. Alctio! Sr.K. this dy at 11 i.m., at ihi new Auction Hoiiae of H. A. K'.-t-d. F'jrni'ure, bedi, bonding, clothing, cloth-ing, b'wW and shoes, etc , etc- 6n Tnvrf Mr. Dan Grcnijt announces li.-ivinc rooeivcd the fin eat stock of toys rver brought to the cit; with a fiue assortment of groccricF, prices, can-die1, can-die1, elc. which he offers at low figure See nil adTcrtUement. B a.rr att is Receiving Goods and Reducing Prices. ntj i. K. Ai.i.itw'a famous XXX and XX I FA M1.LY FLOUK for sale at 2.0. M.L ; I'rod'i Di-pRrtmenC, first door north oi - ' H-inW'of Uo.iorot. my22 Nkwkht Attractions in Job Printing Print-ing fit tho IIkrald OlQce. (Jao. Siuiwkl, Starangor for tho OLy..- , y - t ,., o2 C.o vlkt it assortment of CLOTII-INU, CLOTII-INU, juRt oiionod at 1. Cohn's Ualifor-Jiiablore, Ualifor-Jiiablore, .- . o24 " TflCK Chkkrs rt'r Orclpy and lrant.'' lmwwuy has just ro- i-oivi'd two oar load of Chairs, and is fx-opatvd U' furnish a grits at the;drop it.Mtitsi btocx of furniture at Bar- tralt's . . . o' , , ,-Jon VadtTiNo all wr-es and style . iouo proiujKly and , cheaply at the II kha.li Ouice. sel5 Premium Fruits and Jkllibs manufactured man-ufactured by STEAM POWER at tbo establishment of 1J. D.' Code & Co., 6'J2 and Front street, Snn .Francisco. ; alO Call akd see EI.Dinwoodoy's assortment assort-ment of Mirrors. Ho oilers thorn cheap. oci . The Australian Orator and HUMORIST, Hon. Chas. i. Jones, opons at tbo Institute on Tuoetlay evening. eve-ning. .BUDGET OF COMICALITIES every evoning except Friday. nil. Harbatt's Slock ia next to Post Otlice. o2 Bills, Cards, and CiRoularj. in latt elyles priotul at the Hk&ald Otllco. olj Drkss Goons in great variety at tho California Store-. ' MiOAMSK!. ram phi C rVnodicals Music Books, Scrap li.okf. wM eic.l l booed in alt forms and ilyles at the Herald Uindory. bj Uekrt Dt!wooDT i Sffnl for Peard'a Patent School Desk. Call and eee the eauipld. oc3 I have Keduced my Prices. Dli C. It. Bare att, No- 40. j - A Vert Superior! Brand of Flour 1 and Corn Meal, aa well as Oats, Corn, I Barlpy, etc., by Gordon & Murray, half a block south of railroad depot, Salt ! Lnko City. o23 I To outfit your ho-iso or office go to Barratt's. o2 I Dodgers printed cheaply and tastefully taste-fully at the Herald Job O tEco. f e-21 First National Bank OF TJTAK, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DBPOSITOBY AND FINANCIAL A6KKT OT THE UNITED STATES. Wniu Hmir, CLDmit. Proliant. Vtoo Piert. AjrrioxT Godm, Owklar. Anttarlx OKpital - - 9500,0? PAID UP GAP1TAL, . SUS KAiuriirei, - tiae.oeo. Dividend in 1871, 50 per ewit Oldest Blinking Jnttihitijn hi ITfaXi A. G-enTl Bftnkina Ftnatne TranoaotfKl . tN OO LOR A DO ANB MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATItNOtB TO, INTKRKPT ALLOWHD ON TIWB DKPOSIT8. n JOB PRINTING! The varied wants ol the MI-SKIl, AKTIZlfi mxl TRAVELER FOR JOB PRINTING CAN BE F ( L L K D AT TlIE HERALD JOB OFFICE. ' The;. unanimous satisfaction given by tbo work done at our office in the past bas jtnufiod us in continually importing im-porting all the . . ( - Newest Attractions -with which to jleasr! onr patroni in Elegance am) ''.;V' .' 3 7 -j -.Style, and pcrfbrm. , ' Job Printing to compare favorably with Dy importa-tioD importa-tioD io this lioe frum the Kastor Wcbt. AuylhiDR in the nature of PAVlPHJKTS, POSTERS. SHOW CAItDS,: MINING BLANKS, HUSINKsS BLANKS, UERTIFICATK3, HANDBILLS,: BUSINESS CAKUS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTING HOUSE WORK, RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, KTU., ETC., done to order ia blak, colon or gold. We do not profeee to work below oost, nor work for the sake of working, or give baiu of anj nmttire, bot br a system of calculating prioea, make a rule to compete with ootside Quality & Figures! UTAHORTHEFS On and after Oct. 28th, Trains will run BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. ' : : i I Ki ftOIXQ SOt'TH r. W. Fare- Iis (.OINUNOKTII (a.m. 'List Hamilton's at ( : 12:." Iv( UrU-hnm at i S:13 j 7; " Dflwoyvill ! 1:20 V 4' " Rox KHer - ' S;V ! i' 111 HoneTville" , 1:-V, 75 HVS' " Calls 1' art i S.iM M W " Calls Port : ' 1:4." H " H.meyTnia" . 3:1 " " Box Elder " 2:15 : 1 35 IS " PoircyviUo" , lw 3S' ArriTe at Brinham 1 2:W 1 '0 i" Arrive at UamitQ'( li-.-W , I V) SPECtAI RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Paweneers will please purchase their tickets l ihe Company's Offices, cr 50 oenta additional will be charged when tlw Karn i cilli otd on Ou- train. AtTaneoments have been madv with the Central Pacific Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby papners r-r pr.-hio Tiekets ar tho U. 0. Office in Salt IaIc City or C. P. Office at Oz fr Bji Eider or Hampton's on tha U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's or B Elder to Odcn or Salt Like Ciy at greatly reduoed rates. Through. Connection as follows: 001 SO SOl'TH P.M. oniXO NORTH. ! A, M. Loare Hampton's at 12: (-j Loavo S:i!t LaWo CiU", L'CKlt,, al 5)0 Arrive at Brieham, U. . R. R. 2;:) ArriTo at Otxlen, 7:00 Laara Brifham. C. P. R. B. at 2:S0 Leave OriIoq, C. P. R. It., nt 7:lo Arrire at Ofden, C. P. 1L R. Arrivo at Erisliiutt, " " S:W : Loara Orln, U. C. R. R, 5:T Lravc CriShaui, U. X. 1L at $:la j Arriraat Salt Lake City 7: 'JO Arrivo H Hamilton's " " U):iW '. , , . .J. THE TME TABLES A HE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKH Tl.MK. TARES, Hamilton's to OeOeo, $'- W I Salt L.ilto Cits to Hux EMer ' w Salt Lake Citj - 4 " " " " HnuiiHon' 4.) Box Elder to " " S ii I Oplon to llawrton's, VI to Opiop, 1 i5 1 " " Bhx hldor I iS H. G. Miller .t Co's E-spress luaves Hamntna's rvcry inrnln f.ir L'n on arrival of the 10 am. train, and tri-wcckly, Monday, Y(.-diiesdiy nnd Friday, for principal settlements in Cache county, rcturnirR daily IVoui Logan to connect with the 12;45 p.m. train, and ll-.iwo's Kk press every 'lues day morning from Franklin to Stnla Springs, rtHurmnc therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. m JOHN W. YOUNG, Geu'l Supt. JTxxXiuts Bauesr &? Oo., MANUTACTUBKRS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ' ORGANS and' 1VI ELODEO IS5 . Eyery . Instrument FULLY WARRANTED for FIVE YEARS. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE ,0 ai,y address upon applies) t ion. ALSO DiroRTKliS AND DKALEUS IN PIANOS and ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JTTT.li;s HAUEIl & CO., 650 Broadway, . 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ava ... NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ' J.DAYNES& SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jjlS TWODOUBS EAST 01' UODBKi 8 DKUO STOKE. dunford; &; sons. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE -AND HAT STORE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicilert from Town nin! Coiiulry, mill promptly nnd cm-efnliy (lllcd at the very minllcst posslhle innrs'm ovrr r-l. iu!7 EvER UROl'ti ht TO VIA If, JIAVING JUST HKTIIKNKII FROM TDK JSARTK11N 8TATK3, whTC 1 Belccled wilh arreat rc and a know IcJko of itic rwinifrnicntn ol thip region, an immcriMj 6ix;k of KurniturR, 1 am now prftmrci (o ofFT uuupnal indnoementt u purchasers ir. ihe ioiiowiu iv:;co: BKPflOOM EKT3 TN GHKAT VAR1KTV. P.MMlR K'KTH. J.ATZ' PATENT ltKD.L'ir.N(iKS, TIJlKISII Ki'Jil.Nfi.iiACK CHAIH3, Sl)KH')Al:iiS, HTIiKAI'S, HAlIt, I'ULO and .l'Ki.NO MATJiiKSSKS I-ATKM BED-SPKLNOS. Th. bmt hock rar lBtr.)uo in tail tsarkM. 1 ia alo ,ri,uH to nsk, SHADES, VALANCES, DRAPERIES, LAV CARPETS AT TEN CENTS I'ER TAKP. I bT 1 Mm rlet Q1MPS ASSELS,RKrs,TERRl'-CI.OTMi HKOCATELLES Thici. I w.H oll in nnnntiUss U suit purehJr, S; tail flii(' examine ray Stock before purchasing elsewhere. J. 31. JOELSON. Gioeabock'i Baiiding Mua Btit 2J, j MISCELLANEOUS. THIS WELL KNOWN BRAND - OF - JAPAN TEAS -I'OR SALK AT-m AT-m A : . VI. Mm Grocery Department. H. B. Cl.AW?OS,SuW. NOTICE. 1 HKKKKY warn !1 iht.hj n-t to buy T known a.- Miami M'.no. Minali'-l on Mmw urm 11,11. lr I'.in. (i,.i.ir HiMriet. ' l' ,-v -i-.' i-mi w--i" on tl.o l ;t'Ut Mmcriil w'it'L.Iiti lu'.'iTf r !o.-:l ,-!sl:n. anA thp,-riv ihm b.iv t!u Mniiii Muio "ill buy a Ummui. t,,.i 1. K. .MIU-i:iv- BOILER MAKING KEPAIKINQ. JOHN SLOAN, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. ro-'ir, onlh,' -rirtitft tiotic, nil kind nrrut-'l''. iti'Urj tr uiTih'lit lwil(r-. ltrfcm, liy iilis.-ion, to Mr. H- . J iicn .V Aa. I-- Oilier l'v tnl.cT;vli at ninil. ixMrc.-MVl miv of "IlkKiLii" o.hco, will bo irvmriL t- 3r3I- -A.- HEED, Auction A-Commission Merchant rm r botjth m j wnBrr, Vt of Klmbnll &. UwrniM1") SALT l.AKK 1 TV. Liberal cn-'h ndvuncos mtido in coni'iBn motits. Pure Breal ! Fare Canty! pUS KSTATK ot" KIOHA HDOOl.h.UTLT I bi-K to iutorm tho PuMio, Ibt thrf til) carry on l!u busi.ioas Bakers and Confectioners, A l the old lUml Tlio "C3-XJOI3Ta KAST TKMPI.K DTHIKT, Adjniniik' tho Cooportivti tiroi-ery Doprt-menu Doprt-menu whisre on bo I uud "voryibina lo tb eir line of buninoii.nd i he)- boim. b y striot attention to to vuuk of tbeir on(oiuari, la oootinue ihoir inironK d1 uport.l Pure llome-ninrle (lait-lli OHDBRS FILLED WITH DISPATUS mm k ALTON It. li, Tlie Only Flmt-ClKiiB Haul lit (tie Wal,;i LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. New Short limit from Kansas City to Chicago, H lllioitt Clinnc 1 VI. 8.. 1,., K.n. rf .! N,., II ii. M.,ni ,i,.l .'hi,mnd All.,. ll.lr..:i.lj. or. ,..,,, ih. Mi "lH.iiit nl Lnu-'""Li Lnu-'""Li ' ' M l"i"mv ilir.niKli JBoknon-.ill., JBoknon-.ill., UloiKuiii.lon anvlJolK.) I'h. Sliorlrsi nml lies! Ituulo lo Ihe Kasl, via Chicago! ELEGANT LAY CARS MM WAll SLEEISG CAES ltnn ihrouitli fr.MH Kr,.i niiy Hnd Hi. L'ijiji 10 . iH'Mga, wiilxiui i'lmni.0 I piLUij urn mm mi AND SMOKING CARS Oo &11 dftil IrailM Ihn i.nlr Una Ltiofo o&rE rrum KanBKBL'lty ud 81 .1. mill to Olil oaif o No Line inches as Good Time, Orc!..MrrMinrrifI1. bm sl.Wl,Itto Jal-.onj., brtiet Ir. (-k, lui.r eirxui.t ,1iit ui-rc Imnrhir.l ! KiMMf.rmiii. .rr1r' -). Train ., K(himW.J.C! tin tl ilWutaro rod!i o-ninc'-i rl ,Koiy wiih traiui ol tli Iti lino.lt Ui-lnn Do(.uU KmihM oily. JAS. CHAKETON, A a. H. 11, Ltitemu. a. a .McMui.LiN, lln. Kupl., C. A A. K. K.. Uhica.0. FHAMi HIGH, W..., Tniv-ll,,. Af.nl.O. t A. K.R. , "A-lvi-rii.iti. I, il,n nil !,.(, nv,a in Ui'jii j,ui,.m. ,!.(,, r,.,v,nH. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG AO JIIS'J , Rwmtm iS-2 Mi.r,!,.,ul, Eic'iur.n I.UI.II i.HNJA SI IIIJ.T, SAN FRANCI80, r..ri'','.;" s.iwtiwi.,11. Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald in'. ' I'ai"" in '.uti -'i in ( Irl'irnm. r-K.n r-K.n BJid N.-.irln; W.,,,rin iH,, j ,),, 5'-"'"'. '-, Aiw.ru, ,,.. ,lj'ul I'TTlt-T,..-; r-..,!,.., J. ;,,,, r, , . r-.F.-.i-.ti-, yx , J'rv, ;v,.r..ea. )nn. U,H Hy1U... .U,. ,.l ('-....I,. Ik:.'! nij'l ,,f , u-triilia cvK'HUji, b AtlauLto Matc ami Kur-i-o. AltViiKTJaLN'J Hut r-rr-nf rnnny ni-w Vnr i ; j!w"''!i"i"aViy t'i' ll'Inl! ii a' 'xi'-l nmnv a ftnlint Imk.h.m. (.i. .r-rv-d ii, nt,- a Uint- l-i.-tnp; And iiimw lu'.coin ill aj, bunutm. r'iii!Aj:n-. rr'!trr.-st,.jn Oin,r.i u.h Kt,.rt,..:'y i...'iiy i,a,V',1",;;;';;,j wv" v ; ''.V" I":1;1" " 'w.bi wu, would h.vo loiL ' Adrcrtl.c your Uualnc... Hp yur n.m. b.for. Ih. Public, Jiidlrlnn. AiUer tl ) ..III In. nr. . Knrln,,. """"""I" I'i'll, AUrcrll,,. I Bn.ln... I. Ilrl.k, Ail,uU. or Tlio ujin bo didn't bHivo in ,dv. iLml, ki.4 uui oliaal lit ti, aij.nii, |