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Show ELECTIOX NEWS. MORNINOi New Orleans, S.The "Republican" says all estimates are ucoeejarily based upon a knowledge of the various parties par-ties before election, but the general feeling appears to be that the Republicans Repub-licans have carried this oity by a small majority and the Stato by at least 10,-000. 10,-000. The "Bee" thinks the Greeley and Fusion State ticket is carried in this city by 8,000 or 10,000, aod that the indications are the Fusion State ticket is elected. Tho "Picayune" says the parish of Orleans has polled 3S,-024 3S,-024 votes. It estimates the majority for the Fusion in the city and for Greeley Gree-ley 11,000. The Liberal State oom-mittee oom-mittee claim heavy gains in the interior and a majority of 12,000 in the Stato. Philadelphia, 5. The election is progreis'iog yery quietly. The vote so far is smaller than usual. The Democrats Demo-crats are making do e.ffort, some even voting for Grant. In seven precincts taken indiscriminately in the first three hours, the vote Etood Grant 541, Greeley Gree-ley 162 AFTERNOON. Cincinnati, 5. A Pittsburg special says the returns from twelve wards up to ten o'clock show Grant's majority HO. The election here -is progressing quietly. Raining all of the forenoon. At ten o'clock the vote appears to be little short of that cast at the State election. New Orleans, noon, 5. The Indications Indica-tions are that Greeley will have a majority, ma-jority, in the State, of 12,000 to 15,000. Governor Warmoth is confident that Greeley's majority will be 15,000 in the atate. Albany, 5 Voting is proceeding qnietiy. Indications are that the vote will be larger than usual. Both parties are well represented at the poles. At noon each appeared satisfied with the showing at that time the vote being pretty even-Concord, even-Concord, N. H., 5. Weather very favorable. The election throughout the State is progressing quietly. At Keene, the Liberal Republicans and Straight Democrats are voting strongly the Greeley ticket. At Nashua Greeley is not polling a full Liberal vote. But few O'Conor votes have been polled. Both -sides express a hope of carrying the Stale, though betting is generally favorable to the Republicans. New crk, 1 p.m., 5, Election, so far is quiet. In the down town districts dis-tricts more than half the registered votes were polled at 11 a.m. In the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth wards, O'Brien ia doiog well. Many Greeley tickets are dropped in the negro ne-gro ward. In the eighth, O'Brien is j the favorite. Scarcely any ope else is i voted for. In the seventh district Greeley is ahead, being run out of the O'Brien boxes. In the fifteenth district dis-trict O'Brien has beaten Lawrenco out of the field, and Ilavemeyer has no chance. In the seventeenth district Lawrence ii beating O'Brien, and Havemeyer gets but few votes In the eighteenth O'Brien is ahead and running on both presidential tickets, In one list of the seventh ward the O'Brien ticket run from the Tammany boxes. Providence, R. I., 5. No excitement. excite-ment. Voting is proceeding steadily. The Dcmocrrts aro polling alight vote. At noon Grant is leading Greeley two to one. New York, 3 p. m., 5. Reports from various districts to 2:30 p.m., show that in the 1st ward the Republicans Republi-cans are voting strong for O'Brien. The Democrats are divided between Lawrence and Havemeyer. A troop ot Italians, 12,000 stroog, voted solidly for O'Brien. Considerable feeling is manifested around some of tho polls and there has been some fighting. There has been a great deal of mixing ot tickets in some or tho wards. At the Liberal headquarters it is reported that Kernan is heavily scratched. Scores ol Democrat? are reported as declining de-clining to voto on tho Presidency. Governor lloll'man was at the police headquarters all the morning. In Brooklyn a heavy vote is being polled Business thero is not BUfpcnded. Many arrests have been made of foreign born citizens on charges of having fult-e papers. Worcester, Mass., 5. The voto of the city at one p.m. shows Grant 1 ,400 ahead. Tho Republicans will eleot their representatives. ' Philadelphia, 5. Returns from all the wards, to 10 a.m., givo Grant 21,613 majority. It is estimated that Greeley will have 20,000 less votes than Buckalcw polled. Baltimore, 5. Weather bright and fine. Eelcction quiet, vote very heavy. Portsmouth, N. H., 5. Indications aro that Grant's majority in tho city is 2 10 to 300. - Boston, 5 Vote heavy. Indications are that there will bo a larger Republican Repub-lican majority than ever before. At ooo. Grant's majority we 2,0t2. Io Uharlesion, at 11, a m , Gooch for con-Ktcss con-Ktcss had oOS majority over Banks. la Walt ham, Banks' tome, at the amo hour, Gooch's majority was 41. Indications aro that Hooper, in the 3oth, and Whitney in the 4th districts arc elected by largo majorities. Raleigh, 5 Thero is estimated to bo a failing oil of .'. por cent from tho Aueu-t vote in this city. Wilmington, N. C. 5. At noon the vote of thrco wards showed gains for Greeley on the vole of August. In the two nt-sro ward there is heavy fall in off in tho voto of both parties with indication, of Greeley gain!. Washington, 6. Business in tho Kovcroraont departments is suspended. No cabinet meeting to-day. Attorney General Williams is ibo only cabinet officer who called od tho PteeidcoL A few telegrams hv been reooived && the executive mansion, principally from Pennsylvania, One was received from senator Cameron. Collector Casey and marshal Packard telegraph hopefully from Now Orleans, but say five days will be required to ascertain the result in Louisiana. Erie, Pa., 5. Very little interest is taken in the election. The Republicans Republi-cans will not poll a full vote, and the indications now are that not over 50 per cent, of tho Democratic vote will b" polled. Pittsburg, 5, 1 p.m. Tweuty-cnc wards at Pittsburg, Allechany City, show Grant's majority 4,477. Portland, Me., 5. Elec'ion is quicL Indications show a smaller aggregato vote and a larger Republican majority than jn September. |