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Show School and Education Edited by E. E. Greenwood .., One day, I was visiting an old 'I do not want your pity. I do not friend in his office. He was the prin- need it. I like my job. 1t interests cbal o a Salt Lake City School. A me. A multitude of children's probwoman came in for a conference a-llems keeps me close to the heart of bout her twelve year old son who, I humanity, keeps me everlastingly it seems was in some difficulty. AtJ young. Years of experience and the cl0'3e of the interview she said, training have taught me how to han"1 have three children. They are a die boys and ~rls. Each one or scurce of comtant worry to me. It them presents a problem. Each one must be terrible to have the respon- is a case. I regard myself as a physibility of several hundred of them. sician. ministering to the mental, the I rlon't see how you stand it. I cer· moral. the physical and even spirittainly pity you." ual needs of these children. It is Mv friend replied about as follows: , a wonderful thing to hf\ a teacher No. I eaDJlot undentand why yo~ own sake, e amo~ the nobility of D. Wood, Professor of Physical Edu- 1 should pity me. I think, rather. that ankind. } 1 cation of Columbia University that iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii you should envy me. I believe too, l sing the praise of the unknown there are about 20 million school that you should help me-that we· teacher. children in the United States at the should help each other. Our interests Great generals win campaign~, but present time. He states that from 1 are thtto same. We aTe both work- it is the unknown soldier who wim one and one-half to two per cent, or in~~: for the tine boys and girls. It the war. from 300000 to 400000 of thes have doesn't matter so much what we get, Famous educators plan new sys- organic heart disease; probably 5 out of it personally. The thing that terns of pedagogy, but it is the un-1 per cent, or 1000000 have or have ~ally matters is what we put into known teacher who delivers and had diseases of the lungs; about 6 it." 1 : guides the young. He lives in ob- per cent, or 1000000 have spi\1al As I looked at the slightly stoop- scurity and contends with hardship. curvature, flat feet or some other! ing shoulders of my old friend as I For him no trumpets blare, no char- mild deformity serious enough to in- ..., ''" 1 regarded the gray hairs at his tern- iots wait, no golden d€corations are terfere with health over 5 per cent, or pies and the lines in his fine face, decreed. He keeps the watch along 1000000 have defective hearing and I recalled the thought of another the borders of darkness and makes the about 25 per cent or 5000000 have Teacher. who, nineteen centuries be- attack on the trenches of ignorance defective vision; about 25 per cent fore, had said, "He that flndeth his and folly. Patient in his daily duty, or 5000000 are suffering from mall~e ~han lose it; and he that l~th he strives to conqu~r the evil powers nutrition; over 30 per c~nt or 6oo_o.hl'l hfe for my sake shall find 1t." which are the enem1es of yQ.uth. He 000 have enlarged tons1ls( adenoids A few Wt'eks later this man who awakens sleeping spirits. He quick- or enlarged cervical glands; from 50 1 had given his all for the youth of his ens the indolent, encourages the eager 1 per cent to 5 per cent have defective community waa dead. Mark Brown.J and steadies the unstable. He com- teeth. tlwt teacher, had passed.. His name municates his own joy in learning Altogether about 75 per cent or will not appear on the pa«ea of his· and shares with boys and girls the l5000000 school children in this tory. Nevertheless, he did infinitely best treasures of his mind. He lights country, are suffering from physical more for his "eountry than many many candles which, in later years, defects. almost all of which are pre• whose names arc called il'l"eat. To will shine back to cheer him. This 1•entable and which to a certain exhim as much as to anyone I know a'D-- is his reward. tent can be corrected. plies the following beautiful tribute Knowledge may be gained from by Henry Van Dyke: books; but the love of knowledge is Going to get marri('(l? Tell ~IurThe Unknown Teacher \ transmitted only by personal contact. ray 35 the news and thl'n eYeryhodr And what of teaching! Ah, there No one has deserved better of the will know it. you have the worst -paid. and the best republic than the unknown teacher. If yon ><ee an~·one hit<' a tlng, e\cn a rewarded of all the vocations. Dare None is more worthy to be enrolled hot dog, tt>ll the Eaglt•. Phone 35. not to enter it unless you love it. For in a democratic aristrocracy, "king I Lo<'nl news if! nePdl'!l so phone :\fur· the vast majority of mea and wom~n of himself and servant of mankind." j r~y 35 nn<l lPt Tht> Engle soar forth It has no promise of wealth or fame, 1 ~nth the news of "·hat nn<l why nnrl but they, to whom it Is dear for its It has been estimated by Dr. Thos. when. I I MEET ME I AT B00th's y 0 ur 1 I w armest - Friends "For Men Only" Meet Me At Booths' BLANKE TS We have just added another new line to our already large list of High Grade Wearing AppareL This time it's the Stetson Hat. To men who know good hats, 'enough said.' Better get yours while we have your style, size and color. Extra Large Combed Yarn, Special, pr. $4.49 I Fine yard, velvet WHAT IS THE FUTURE IN Finish, Special, pr•............... UTAH EDUCATION7 Famous Clothing Co. Always The Newest Styles ililB~:~:ill~~~'ffii*lfH?ill~ffiBlliBEm~f!l~3fi[{l~3E~$-Jffit .. "'DE ED I DO • • Here's a foot-loosening fox-trot, crammed with captivating rhythms. A new Victor orchestra! Ben Pollack and his merry men make it fast going. Come in and hear these records-soon/ 'Deed I Do-Fox Trot With Vocal Refra,in BEN POLLACK AND HIS CALIJ'ORNIANS I Need Lovin'-Fox Trot With Vocal Refrain CooN-SANDERS OacHESTKA. Ev'ry Little While-Fox Trot With Vocal Refra,in GEORGE OLSEN AND His Music Have You Forgotten-Fo x Trot With Voca,l Refrain JAN GARBER AND HIS 0RCHES'I'RA "Je T'aime" Means "I Love You" Fox Trot With Vocal Refra,in . Cheritza-·Wal tz (Prett11 Little Viennese) With Voca,l Refrain NAT SHILKRET AND THE VICTOR 0RCliESTJIA. If I Didn't Know Your Husband and You Didn't Know My Wife So Will I (The Whispering Baritone) Thinking of You With Piano Sunday With Piano JACK SMITH GENE AUSTIN MIDVALE DRUG COMPANY New Just what the future in Utah education will be devends entirely upoR 1 the people of Utah. At the present , time there is a 2TOWin~~: sentiment in ; the circles of leadinar educatoTs of Utah favoring the institution of some marked chari,~~;es that seem to indicate a greater assurance of educational success for the rising ~renerations. ln the Jordan District Round up held last week Dr. A. L. Beelev. of the U. of U. considered a l)hase of this modernistic trend and clearly pointed out the fundamental value of it. Dr. Beele;,r a~vocates two needs, both of which are m~ritorious. At the present time the two would bP. supplementary, but 'it could just b• that as time passes after their institution the one could function to par· tiallv replace the other. These two are the trainin« an-! employing of vis iting teachers to correct the maladjustment of l)roblem children and the training of children of the pre-school age. 1 I I Dr. Beelev stated that the c:har&cters of children are quite well established befor~ the children enter the schools. This bei~ the case it is evidel\t that pre-primary training of a different type to what children now have in general should be establishYears of wear cannot dull the brightness ed. An educator recently stated that this calls for a re-education of the and freshness of floors of Nairn GoLD SEAL parents. This statement falls far Im..uns. This week's "Special Sale" offers a. ahort .of the eDtire solution to the problems. Elaborate experiments and splendid opporru.o.ity to get acquainted with demoustratlOba abow quite conclusive the newest design ideas in this high-grade in·Jy that the kindergarten work and other simUar proa-rams for mere in laid linoleum. fants are bighly satisfactory for the The famous Gold Seal Guarantee of the solution of this ar.pec:t of the problem in education. . A further dlscuasion of manllfaccurer is your assurance of satisfaction this work will a.ppear in a later issue. Many a boy or girl haa diac:ontinued his school work for reaaons that could have iM!en remedied by an ex· pert in adjustment the educational dishumolly of tbeae people. It i~ really surpriaing, when investigations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - are made, j\lst bow trivial some of the caaaes of mal..adjustment are, and, in .ther cases, it is equally sur~ priam. to see the pupils and students succeed iA spite ·o f the handicaps that they have thrust ·upon them. . . FARMS HOMES LOANS lNSURANGE This article has done its full duty Saad7, Utah Phone Midvale 137·w if it shows that-the.. two movements are underway in the Aeld of educa- SPRING IS NEAR. The robbins 20 ACRES South of Union part in Alfalfa. Cheap for cas.h. tton. A reali#tioa of' the movement SEE h•ve come. Real estate has begun CRAIPO. ahould stiniulate a- dNire for sciento move. Are you ready to select tific illfoJmatlou-. Olli them. This inthat home. Poultry ranch or farm? TRADE 20 Acres in West JordanfOTD'lation wiD lead to a l\lpport of If you want to sell your property Take house and lot. See Crapo. the movements. right now is the time to get busy. An appended ~\ltlon is that the GOOD BUY. 18 ac1·es south of See Crapo. Sandy; fine soil for beets and poreader- aliall DOt tlmlw up his or her j' - - - - - - - - - - - - - tatoes; 4 nom huuse and other imhands because the eoat of this work SAY! Have you seen that 20 acre provements; only $5400. $1000.00 is prohibited, as thia is aetually not 1 farm, 20 shares water. 2 room down. Very easy terms. SEE the case. It can be proven that both frame bouse for only $2500. It's a CRAPO. elements are futon ol greater econ·, bargain. $500 down and your own ---------------~-----omy in education. tel'D18 .See Crapo. WHY PAY RENT. I will sell you an old house in Midvale Cheaper -----I IS PAYING. 37 acres south of than rent. See Crapo. Sandy; paved highway; 6-room mod GET THIS? Nearly new five room ern home; cow barn; garage and 0 modern home, full basement, fo1 poultry house; team; 6 cows and sale cheap. or will take lots or Medicine's most modern taxaall implements; 2 acres apple orsmall house for equity. Must sell. chard. Good income. $1000 down See Crapo. tive needa thorouch chewincor will trade. SEE CRAPO. POULTRY PAYS. 5 acres nice land . . . a• and I build a house and poultry TRADE. City property m Midvale l houses to suit you. Only $1000 with $80 per month income trade 1 down. See Crapo. ' for chicken ranch. What have you? A SNAP. 16 acres south of Midvale. See Cra'DO. is ita most perfect form. Tic Sandy loam and best water right. Only $2000 Cash, worth $3000. cboing tiDn it. You'll love DAIRY and CHICKENS 12 acres in SEE CRAPO. its fine mint flavor. Reaulta center of Draper. 8 room frame 38 ACRE FARM near Blackfoot. No are sun.. house, barns and poultry house. better land in Idaho. Very cheap. OD11 $7000. The improvements Only $1000.00 down or trade. SEE cost more, easy terms. See Crapo. CRAPO. cJpringtime beauty all the time! West Jordan Lumber Co. • OUTINGS lieavy, Just the thing for Quilts ..................................... c IT PAYS TO TRADE In MIDVALE YOU MAY WIN THE $500.00 Booth's MIDVALE'S BIG DEPARTM ENT STORE C. C. CRAPO REAL ESTATE BROKER ictor Records : : ·Is SPRING HERE? NO! NO! But our line of Spring Footwear has arrived-I n ties, straps and pumps; Parchmen t Colors Prevailing See them at once.... They are moving fast Prices $2.98 to $5.95 Midvale's Exclusive Shoe Store : : I A OJ.ewing Gum With A neason $$ I l For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances due to teething, there is nothing 'Petter than a safe Infants' an.: Cluldren's lAxative. |