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Show Here Is Another Family of Record Size Louisiana City to Have Skyscraper Jail This Is the largest family In Germany, the picture showing Herr 0. 'Van der Zwan, his wife and their eighteen children, who range in age from t o to twenty-six years. ' :·. \•" r iKNOCKS ROBIN MYTH Romance in Diplomatic Circle ~~ l ::-, ,,.,, t·pol'l. La., \\'ill shortly dedicate a 1lpp1'oved by the >~UJl<•rvisors of Caddo county. han' to be pro\'lue<l with an airplane. lllllf{lll' •·owtnnat.i ou jail :.<ltl t·ourtltous e. plans ftH' which wen; The jail l:s on top of the bullding and, to eseupe, prisoners will Ultra Violet Ray Picks Good Liquor WOMA N EXECUTIONER Another myth has heen expl(lded by Dr. Al<'xande r Wetmore, pre>~ident of the Ameri<'an Ornltholo gil'ts' union and assistant secretary of the Smith· son ian iustltution , who says that 1 scientists can only guess at the mean· ing oril the arrival of the first robin in 1 the spring, or the southward flight of g-eese across the latE:! autumn sky. Doctor Wetmore has made special stuclies of bird life in the Salt Lakt' ntlley, the Rig Horn basin In W~· orniug, the pampas of Argentina , sand 'luP latest diplomati c rJmanre in cosmopol itan \\'usllingt en will umlw ' dunes of Buenos Aires and other Miss Anita Ravenscr oft Henry, !laughter of J. William H!'nry and prominen t vantage points in tht Western hemi- In Washingt on society, the bride of Edward von Selzam of Darmstad t, Ger· sphere. He has recently completed a many, secretary of the Germau embassy in 'Vashingt on. hook of his personal observatio ns and ('Orrelates them with flnrllngs of ornithologists for the last 200 years. Admiral Latimer's Flagship POTA SH SAVIOR llr. DtHlnld ('. ::->to('kbere~er of the .\Ia;;saf'ln u;etts fu,.,titute of .•r,,.·tllwwg y Is l'howtt ubon• with the ultra violet ray apparatus , with which he has Ftnrtlt-!l the scientific world by showing that good whisky, can be told from ••poison hooch" hy means of the ray. Found Fortune in Junked Safe I ·.·:· ·. • NICAR AGUAN ::-: t ;\lr;;, .\.lury Bell, a vioneL·r in tit~ . feminist movemen t, who has been appointed chief magistrat e and lorll provost of Glasgow, Scotland, the first time n woman ha~ bPen chosen for the dual office. In accordanc e with custom the ne\V appointee must assist nt all execution s. ENVOY . . ·.•.•. ·:···. .•: ~. .. ..., .•.•• •.. ~~/"<;. • ""'~ · ~:· I ,.. In l'erkin'l medal for dlslln..:ulshed work in ehemlstry in 1!)~6 has just been awar!led to Dr. John S. Teeple of New York, who Is described as the '' Am~rlcan <'hemist who saved the potash Industry of t111 United St:.ltes." The award was mad" at a meeting attended by the leading •·hemlsts of the country. U. S. S. Hoclwst!'r , flagship of Heat· Admiml Latimer's lleet, now on duty watet·s. ~lcaragu:m -- TIH! ..__ "\ Iunllt'r who !lid not give his nu!lte ;;olu :til oiu safe to .Joseph Ullfl Frank II~·er, blacksmith~ of South Keyport, N. J ., for 'junk. When the Hyen: opener! the ~afe they found in It $7ii,OOO in cash, jewels an!l bon!ls. In the pi!'ture, lPft to rigltt, are <'larenee, Frank an!l .\Ir,.;. :\[abel Hyer, with two of their frien!ls. Monster Ship of the Desert ----------~------------ . - - ----- - Latest Model in Lightships Alpjandro ('es:u·, the llPW lllinister , ·om 1\'lcnragu a to the United Stutes, MOST BEAUT IFUL ,·ppreRent lng thp Dlnz governme nt 1d1i<'h was recognized by President l 't~ollllge. INHERITS FORTU NE The camel will be obsolete if this !'hip of the de::;ert goes into artinn. Invented hy Johanues ('hristllw, hlshop of Kid, it has room for aoo passengerA, :!00 tons of good:<, 20 tons of lu~gnge, unci weighs !JQQ tons itl'i~lf. It is deslgnecl to contain two 250-lwrse power Diesel motors, one lleld In re:;t•rve. 'l'he motive pov\er IIi eru!le oil, and the sllip will be out!ltte<l the same an oeetln llnt:'r. ns T he D evil's Descrip tion libs Hutll Ettiug, tWPnt~·two, fa>,1ous as n tnge star In Balaban and Katz produ<•tlo ns ns well as a nationally known phonograp 'l recording star, who has bN•n 1Wiecte!l by the boar!l of director~ of the ('hi<:ag-o • ·o-,Jury Art· lsts' assorlatlo n ns "America 's mo t beautiful girl." Tlh! ue\\' Hoy(.ll ~o,·ert1 i;:!'n Jig:!L~hip. sP\ •n 1 d 1 l.~ otl' E IsthounH:\ EnglaPtl. equipJH•!l with a !10\H'rful plpd, i< li~ht. ,;uhlllurillP r s•·JIIu•m·, wiJ·ele:ss, and ::. larg<'l' new than the oltl tn>e lightship 11wt \\'a'! taken off duty. Bad Case Littlp nail' was· nt , Ills gran,!It was nt the opeulng of a rnlssit)'l mothPr'><. She !tad hal,!'<! one of her in the town oZ Tipperary , nn(l tllP re,·· f'Xft•ll<>nt <le\'il';; foorl cak~> , nn!l the Pt'<'lld Prl'fl'hf'r W:tH UIJtWaling to the nwmhcn; of thE' fnnniy WPre pralsin~ <"OI gregation to try an<! gpt all tht• all· it. calling i• thP hE'st <l<'vil's foou cake ~f'ntees thpy po:sihly eonld to nttl!nd :::'le •'Yer J,afl IJukeu. Tlale took it thP mi-:slon and the more tloey got all ln. the gn•at~r th<'It· rPwarrl would b~>. LntPt' in th·• evPnlng. a'l lois fmnily j 'Vhut w.1s his astonishm ent 'l few cn•~tllrted to t~'·p hit 1 I mlle, llnle askr>tl: nlng!l Iuter tn IH• tw•t J:.' a !If ll'.l oltl ·"lila, ean I han• sntl!.' of tllat d:uun LHJ~·. who explained with tP. ro; in her cak<'T' <'YES: 'Oh, fntlwr, I could ~nly get Now th<'v cull It "l>hwk" rnke be· 1one, but 10;he •S as good us t'~' "-t'l'r!! forE: him. Exantlnet· . Childre n's Playthin gs 'J'hp ('\l><lom of pluJ in~ wit II doll,; i"< almost a~ oltl r s mm. 'I he •levPlnpmpnt of tlu ir lllnnufact urP wu · "I w. Evt'n 100 ye t•s ago to!fS '''L'rl~ few und simple in <'On,.truct ion. C'ltilrlren'>< t(lys of ahu:; pn~• stil' unh<'. \l•'tal woor ;;tone, pore elnln, enr·thenW L"•, lt>utnt•• an<i papJ ru \'!IT' Pllll>IOH'C In nul inl; ~he 111. 'l'h" fnct tllrt attlfS, hall lll!d lops 'li'P ~;til, !lOJl'llar sl:O\\. r,o, t • cl.nr'~ hn c · trr ( d Dog'• Crushin g Power ,~.!J!'n a rlog is h"<'Ukin~ up a T-hone, aftt•r ti•e ~tL k has hern st !'\'!''! nt ,dinner, thnt c-;.,g mu,;t txt-rt 11 ern~hii g for ·p ••quni to :'ioj() pouncls n LlUill'C lnL It to ..;<'t tltP bmw into the sliYPr~ .\.Iiss 1'\(!.,e Wah;!, twent.r·dg h,, ' uitPrl lo the dog fancy 'l'his 1 n'l rl!'rk in the n~h rons· l.n:.rea•t In "ash lwe:1 de+t>rnine !l hy ::;cientlst'l at Rt•r i'lgtlln, has lnhe !ted •>VE'" <1 million lin wl o l.ad a grPI't eurto~it~ rn th, t uollnrs from the est te of lwr grPntub1<'C't. Wll'IJ thc- do·• has a hit of ! ,·m,d . the~. T.t t .. tt alu'. at tOUg'l lll'c-f tn eli ['lSI' Of, 141) POlln•lS $1,400,000, was \\ ll'ul t er by Jnr. d hi'!. l requlrod. Port<'r of Pro" n \II f'. Pa. Miss |