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Show figure hesltatln~ In the doorwa y, saw the cobbled red dress, with skirt that was too short and sleeYes that were too lOll&' and neck that was too tight, saw the careful ly blacked school shoes, saw the lntelllg ent hll:h·br ed head nobly set on stral~:ht shoulde rs and the wonder ful dusty gold of the curly hair, and the puzzled . bashful blue By HO NO RE WILLSIE I satisfie d with her effortR. Saturd ay eyes. afterno on, she worked In the garden "Oh, Lydia I'' cried the grouchy Miss <41» b7 i'redel'lc lt .&.. Stoll:,. Co.) when the day was fnlr, helpln&' to Towne, "weren 't you a dear to come WNU Service Lydia Dudley , with her baby gather the winter ve~;NnlJ!es. Before alster, Pa.tlenc e, returns !rom a.n clear Into town for my party. Mothllttle Patlent>e's dE>nth she had gone afterno on ot pla.y to the untidy er-" th!a clearly for all the chtldre n to Sunday school, but sluce that time home ot her fa.ther, Amos Dud"You love l You lamb I" she cried. hundre d boys and girls had been sue- she had not entl'red n church. so to hear, "this Is the pupil I've told you ley, in La.k& City. Her father's She squatte d on the tloor and the pup cbe sstully herded Into the great assemof, the one fJf. whom we're all so proud friend and her own devoted ad1 Sunday became her reast day. She Come over here, Lydia." 1~. room. crowde d his great bulk Into her lap, mirer, John Levine, note the !a.ct put In the entire mornin g IWeparlng a tha.t land Is getting- more valulicking her face and waggin g his Lydia moved careful ly. Her most What Ia your name, my dearr• Sunday dinner ror h!'r luther and able every day. Amos thinks moth-e whole body. aten breadth was at the back You needn't be rich to always wear asked the teacher . nearly always .John l.c\'lne. It Ia time the Indiana on a nea.rand There It was was difficul a note t to tied cross to his colthe room J the I.ydta silently present ed her promolatest colors. by reserva tion were moving In Just keep your Christm as came und went, sadly and lar. Lydia untied It: withou t order that the white men might unduly exposin "Deare st tlon card. The teacher nodded . g that back. clothe::; bright and new by home dyequietly. Lydia was glad when the have this land. Levine announ ces Young Lydia: Here ls a frltnd who ing! It's easy, and anyone cau get "Come along, Miss Dudley , or you'll holiday s were over and she was back his Intentio n ot goinG" Into pollwants to share your bedroom with miss the princip al's speech. " pPt"fPet results. You can Diamon d 'dy~ In school again. On her desk that first tic,., The next day, Lydia, "Payou. You must bring him up to be a She anythin seated g. Lydia tience near her In the mornin g lay a tiny envelop e address ed and compan ion, Kent polite, obedien t dog, and a credit to assemb ly room, then lo'oked her over Moulton , playing by the lake, are •rake out some old, fnde<l suit or to her. She opened lt. In' It was an accoste d by an old squaw. Lydia your other friend, John Levine. " cm·ious ly. The child's face was re- lm·Itntl on from Miss Towne to attend •ll"t'S>' and hu\·e it t .e :;easou 's fashion gives her food. Marger y, small "Oh !" squeale d Lydia. "Oh l but markab ly intellig ent, a high-br ed lit! .tble shade tomorr ow a recepti on she was tenderi ng to the Hestore <Jull daught er ot Dave Marsha ll, the why dld they tie you In bere !" She tle face under a finely domed head. membe tlrupPS, town's banker, joins them. MarSt'arf::; and spreurtrs of her algebra and geomet ry ;. You can looked about tbe room. The old bed The back of her ears and the back of gery, falling Into the water, Is ~·~•rk wondPr!l with a "pw, iuexyeu sh·e clas;;es, freshm en and seniors . · had been moved out and the dining- her neck were dirty, and her thin pulled out unhurt but frightl I Jt;tuwnd Dyes (true uyes). :t\ ew eolFor a momPn t Lydia was in hea'l'en. ened. Her father blames Lydia room couch moved ln. The bureau bands were rough as If wlth houseors right over the old. Any L.lud .... r It was her first formal Invitati on of and Kent for the mishap. Lydia had been shifted to anothe r corner. work. The galatea sa1lor suit was explain s the acciden t, and says any kind. Then she came rapidly to •nu 1 <'rial. There was nothing to be seen of all cheap and coarse. that b"cause :Marger y Is "stuck earth. She had nothing to wear 1 It FREE: cull at yuur dru~gi:<t's and little Patienc e's belongi ngs. It did not up" she Is not a popular play"A slck mother or no mother ," was was an evening party and she had no get a free Diamon d Dye ( •y,.Iopf't!ln. mate. Marsha ll arrange s for look like the same room. the teacher 's mental tone. "I must way to \"aluali go or lP sug...,estinn;;, slmpli! dire!.'come. Sbe put the preLydia to teach Marger y to beAs she clung to the squirm ing pup- inquire about her." come ""l'e of the crowd." Levine clous card In ber blouse pocket and lt ions. Piece-goods ~·olor !:'Ut.l[l es. Or, py and stared. Lizzie came ln. tells Amo~ his plan to take timMiss Towne had the reputat ion of soberly opened her "Civil Govern 1.1 il!llf< rated h nk t 'olor C"1 .1ft free ber from the Indian reserva tion "Ain't It nice?' she asked. "Mr. an unfeeli ng discipli narian among the ment." II"(• III IH.\~10. 'f> DYES. l>t-J>t. • ·n, and ultimat ely have it opened Levine came out with tbe dog this aft- pupils, but Lydia did not know thls. At recess, she sat alone as she was B;.~rlin •ton, \·£>nnout. tor settlem ent. Patienc e sucernoon and suggest ed the change . He She only knew that by some miracle cumbs to diphthe ria, leaving rather prone to do, In the window of helped me. See the old quilt In the of. kindnes s she came to unders tand Lydia feeling that her trust In the cloak room, when she heard a God Is lost. She finds comfor t In corner? That's for the dog to sleep the classro om system of recitati ons, group of girls chatter ing. the lovlna- kindnes s ot John Leon. Ain't he ns big as an elephan t I that she was Introdu ced to differen t "Who wants to go to grouch y old vine. A note ot Amos', backed I'm afraid he'll eat as much as a teacher s, that she learned how to deby Levine and held by Marsha ll, Towne' s recepti on when you can go to Make it NEW for 15 ell! man.'' Is duo and cannot be met. Lydia • cipher the hours of her recitati ons a dance? I've,go t two bids to the Phl pleads with Marsha ll, and for her "lie can have half of. my food," from the compli cated chart on the asaake he agrees to renew it. cried Lydia. "Oh, Lizzie, Isn't be sembly room blackbo ard, and that at PI's party" said a fourtee n-year- old miss. ' beautif ul I" noon she started for home with a Jist "Oh, we'll have to go or she'll flunk <.•r bur':itis are easily and "\Veil, no," replied Lizzie, truthfu l- of textboo ks to be purcha sed, and a quic ·Jy remove d withus In algebra ," said anothe r girl. "I'll J CHAP TER V ly. "He looks· to me as if some one perfect ly clear Idea of what to do <Jut knife or firing iron. wear my pink silk organd le. What'll had stepped on his face. You'd bet- when she returne d on the morrow . -6A 'Jsorbinc reduces them you wear?" ter take hlm out for a run." }'ermtm cntly nnd lEaveS 110 Lydia walked along slowly, thinkin g Adam "My red silk. Maybe she'll let us ;:<:: blembh es. John Vvill not hJister Levine ne'l'er did a wiser or deeply. She knew that her list of dance. The days slipped by, as days will, I suppos e Charlie and Kent'll ~ Jif or remove the hair. Horse a kinder thing than to give the brindle books came to someth ing over five enn though they are grief laden. both want to take me.'' worked during treatme nt. At druggis ts or Slowly and inarticu lately for the most English bulldog to Lydia. He was a dollars. She knew that this eum of "T lbl thl t b $2.50 postpaid 1 err . l Horse e book ng 6-S o free. e popu ar ld part, Lydia struggl ed to adjust her- puppy of nine months , well bred and money wou fl oor b er father and she H asn 't K t tl•e Surprised uaer wrltcst ••Hcrrse h1u1 JargeJt shoe bon J . swee t es t eyes l D o c ever saw. No,lr.ll gonC!.I woul•! Dvt h&ve thought tbat 1 t 1 s tl fl d th 1 self to her new loss. She went back strong. Lydia took him into her emp- k new t b a t s h e would rather beg on you ",.nowen h t h ld t AtsorLino c:o:;1ld t.ke it aw.,- so ccraiJletcJ y.'• omp e e Yk a s e d eL L ttlt! Dress. w a e sa o me th e o tht h e tl streets to school, after the quaran tine was ty J!ttle heart with a comple teness hi ..., , part y ?' d than istart Amos on one ot er n 1g ht a t th e .~:.ovans ma er and 01 lzzle. lifted and the familia r routine there that belongs to the natural dog lover s ra es on h s poverty . The girls drifted out o! the eloak But she reached the safe haven of Whe~ she turned into the dirt road, room. Lydia sat rigid. Pink helped her. She was a good student and that was enhanc ed by her beorgan- Miss Towne' s side before the bevy of and was doing well in the eighth reavem ent. She and Kent cast about Billy Norton overtoo k her. He was die 1 Red silk l Kent's "sweet est multi-c olored organd ies entered the Rome time before decidin g on a name. wearin g a very high starche d collar and era de. eyes"! Then she looked down at the room. htl<e 13Jg l'rollts With ( hind11J1 " Habbit•, Florenc e Dombe y was a great com- At first they though t serious ly of. a new suit of clothes . Billy was a Inevitab le sailor suit, and at her .~.teal ruonuy ~rs. \Vrtte f r facts. C(J:-JKent was there. He had brough t HAD fl. '6s Cal kforn a Bldg Denver, Colo, fort to the chlld. She slept at night naming him John, after the donor, senior and telt hls superio 1 ty. Nev- patched and broken shoes. So far she the pink organdl e. He waved a gay with her black head beside Lydia's but decided that this ml~ht lead to e~theless, he wanted to tell his trou- had had few pangs about her clothes . hand to Lydia, who waved back, gayly, yellow one. Someti mes she slipped confusi on. Then they discove red that b es-eve n to a first-ye ar pupiL But now for the first time she real- too. Her cheeks were be&"innlng to Levine 's middle name was Adam. and Lnto the middle o! the bed aod fat "Gee, don't I have the luck l' he !zed that for some reason she was an burn scarlet, partly because a real Lizzie rolled on her and woke with n Adam the brindle bull became , forth- groaned . "I could get on the school alien d!l!eren t from the other girlsparty ~as a wonder ful thing and partwith. croan. footbal l team, I know It, 1:1' I didn't and 'the realizat ion made her heart ly because of. the multl·c olored orLydia made no objecti on to return- have to come home right after school Lydia never entered the locked bedache. gandles . Charlle Jackson , a splendi d, room off the kitchen . Amos, self-ab- lng to the old room. It had lost Its to deliver milk. Hang It!" Llz:~;le was as excited as Lydia when swarth y Indian boy of sixteen , was familia r outline s. sorbed and overwo rked, asked no Lydia looked at him quickly . ''How she hard of the Invitati on. there. He lived with Doctor Fulton In May the garden was planted and much milk do you have to deliver ?" fllle~tlons, but one night In .Aprll, John "There 's that gray serge of your as office boy and general helper :md I.••,·lnP saw Lydia at work on a night In June, Lydia gradua ted from the "Aw, just a snag. Two quarts up mother 's," she said. "It's awful fadthe doctor was clothin g ant1 cducall n:: elghtb grade, and the long summe r the road to Essers' and two to Stones' dt·t•ss for Florenc e Dombe y. . ed. And there's a piece of a light him. Charlie was halfbac k or the "\\"here does the young lady sleep?" vacatio n had begun. Arter the episode Think of putting me ofr the school blue serge waist she had, Lydiu, let's school footbal l team, a f11momt pla)·cr of the note, Lydia made a conscle n- team for four quarts of milk I" .he- asl;ctl. get 'em dyed red. Smitzk y's w!ll do It In antl a great favorite . The g!t·ls tllrtZI.;yuia explain ed and Lizzie uttered tlous effort to play with Marger y at "Oh, Billy," gasped Lydia, "I'll do a couple of. days for us. I'll pay tor ed with him. The boys were jealous a mild plaint, adding : "Lydia ought recess, and when vacatio n began she It for you-lf -Bllly , have you &'Ot It out ot the grocery money. " ot his favor. Even rn the saolJ-rl dden to be getting back to her own bed, called for the banker 's daught er regu- your freshm an textboo ks still?" "Do you think we can fix It so It high school thet·e was lwre a hanglarly every week to go swimm ing. now warm weathe r will be coming "Sure," answer ed the boy. "They'r e won't look made over?" asked Lydia, over of the pure democr acy of childOutwar dly this summe r was much awful banged up, but I guess all the ln." torn betwee n hope and doubt hood. Lydia caught her lower !!p in her !Ike the previou s one, except that page~ are there." "Of course we can. You choose Miss Towne had provide d games teeth but said nothing . Levine scru- there was a quiet content ment about FOR Lydia was breathl ess with excite- your pattern tomorro w and I'll ~ret In and refres!l !:lcnts bountif ully. But it tinized the curly head bent over the Amos in spite of his real mourni ng ment. "B!lly, 11 you'll let me have to town in the mornin g with the goods, was a dillicul t matter to enterta in due to sewing , then went on with his con- for his baby daught er, that had been your books, ·I'll carry the milk for rheuma tlz or no rheuma tlz." these youngs ters already accusto med foreign to him for years. It was the you, all winter. " versati on with Amos. He was work.Amos heard of the Invitati on with to a grownu p ·social llfe. lllss Towne Ing qu!Ptly on his campai gn, a rear garden thnt dld this. Not only was The big boy looked at the little girl, real pleasur e. Nor did tlfe clothes had d~clared that there should be no 1 It a wonder ful garden to look on and curious ly. hence, for the office o! sheri!!. problem trouble him. "Pshaw , wear dancing . But the games were neg-~ Just before leaving , John asl>ed for to eat from, but with It Amos paid for "Hange d If. I'll do It Let your dad that green Sunday dress of yours. llected and the guests stood about In a drink of water and Amos went to milk and butter from the • 'ortons and get you new ones." You always look nice, Lydia, whatev er frankly bored groups. So when a bevy the pump to bring In a fresh pall. He for a part of hls groceri es. This made "He'd like to as well as any one, you wear. And I'll take you up there ot organd ies begged for permiss ion to l!ltopped while there to fuss over a bar- possibl e the year's Interes t and pay- but he can't right now and I'm going and call for you. SUCCE.S SFUL FOR 60 YEARS It all the boys In dance, ?tflss Towne, with obvious rerel In wh(('h he had an old hen set- ment on the note. to look out for my own. Oh, Bllly, ~chool was running after you, 30c & 90c At all Drugg ists I Iuctanc e, gave ln. Lydia sewed for Florenc e Dombey , let me do It!" ting on some eggs he had got from wouldn 't let one of 'em beau you From tnat momen t, the party was 1\Irs. Norton . Lizzie had gone to bed climbed trees, swam and played pi"You can have 'em all and wei- round before you was eightee n. So an assured success . Lydia, who had rates with Kent. But as a matter of come," exclaim ed Rilly, with a sudden early. Treas ures Frnm Tomb put that kind of a bee out of your stuck like a little burr at Miss fact, the old childish zest for these huskine ss In his voice. ''Gosh, you're bonnet "Young Lydia," 11ald John, as soon for good and ail." Towne' s side all the evening , looked things had gone. For Lydia's real awful Uttle, Lydia." I11 Tut-.'\11kl -J\me•J t' tomh at Luxor as they were alone, "come here." Lydia lived the next two weeks In 'on with wonder and a growin g lump 'lOLIH' ·•••cres th-; Ill'\ •,1 ~ h, ~e b<'Cn 1 When she ~vas perched In her old ch!ldho od had left her that Decem ber Lydia stampe d her foot "I won't the clouds. The new-old dress was in her throat. night ma<lP. she Th"Y liH •HI had spent under "l'ts of rp~· 1 the far cor- take anythin g for nothing . And I'm finished the day before the receptio plae0 on his kuee, "You don't like to n. "Don't you dance, my dear?" asked rnhls riC'hly m·,,, m •• not • ·' little. wl h ~oltl, 11d I'm as strong as a horse." There had been minute s of despair In Mrs. Towne. f!leep In that stuffy bedroom w.tb Llzl pr·!'tiun s :;toll!''-', uoot·e •·Jrun ~0 golr:<>n "Well," conced ed Billy, "just till creatin g th!s fest!Ye garmen t. The Eie, do you. dear?" "Of course she doe!<n't, mother ," an- ~tat H ttl.''l :w~ru,.,.ttg ~~ in~t PS In after Thanks giving Is all I want. dyeing proeess had develop ed unsus"No," replied the child. "She's fat swered Miss Towne, "she's just a l•Pi"ht :u d dPnin ug nmll' ti•run-s In Come on along home now and we'll pected moth holes. The blue and the ancl snores and won't have the winchlld. There's time enough for those \"UI"ious nttit n'l ~ l nd <:t.· woo(h 11 n f'rlflx It up with rna." dow open~ !Jut-" gray serge did not dye exactly the things after high school. I don't know o•l of stntf' hm· !1'-; 1"1'1; , unwr•l witil "Rut what?" Levine 's voice was Ma Norton twisted Lydia around same !<hade, nor were they of quite what's going to become of this gen- l':irYP<l ftptr""· Sonw (!J>; 1n ~<;''Pre n 1"" and retied her hair ribbon while she th~ :;arne texture . Howev er, by twistgentle. eratlon ." fount! ("Oll-1. li•t,. of t'orPt· o•utet• :-:hl'llllstened . They all knew Lydia's pride, !ng and turning and adding a yoke of "I'm 11fruld to sleep alone." This was small comfor t to Lydia, 1 eases witt lhf' iurwrm ost ,._t,~. TloP'-''-' "Afraid ? Lydia- not of any memso she quench ed the Impuls e to give black .silk, which had for years been watchin g the pretty groups twirl by. : •u·,. , itl'ilar lo rhr "'' ri('s of , llin s'11•1ls the ch!ld the books and said, "Till Llr.zle s Sunday neck scarf, a r~ult of <lear little Patienc e!" Kent, buggin g the pink organ die, w!•ich Pn<'ln .f'd • hP t•••rnt 11 n, 1,11 nv. Thanks giving Is plenty of pay, Billy, was produc ed that comple tely satlsXo I bu"t I have nightm ares stopped on the far side of the room I · and wben the snow comes, the two- fled the little dressm aker and old every night- she-sh e's chokfrom Lydia to get a drink ot lemonng and I-I can't helv her. Then I mile extra walkin g wiJI be too much. Lizzie. DEMA ND ·'BAY ER" ASPIR IN ade Get the books out of the parlor chest. ke up und catch hold of Lizzie. Oh, Miss Towne was the ouly daught er "isn:t Lydia's dress a scream ," said You got a-a-In k on the back of your of one of the old New Englan d fnmt make me sleep alone I" Olga. Take Tab!ets Withou t Fear If You neck, Lydia. Walt till I get It o1I for Illes of Lake City. Teachi ng was an "Why, my dear little girl-" John "Huh?" asked Kent In surpr1s e. He .. See the Saf~ty "Bayer Cress.'' you." o.:u.•u~o;•·" the child's thin hands In a firm, avocati on with her and not a bread followe d his partner 's glance across 1 grip. She was trPmbll ng vloShe wet a cornPr of a towel at the and butter necessi ty. .At elgbt o'clock the room. ""arnin g! Un ~·ss you o;et:' the u.•me ently and her fingers twitche d. "This tea kettle and proceed ed to scour the on a Saturda y e'l'ening, Amos left Ly• "Raypr " on pncke C'E' <•r on tablet'' .1 o 1 unsusp ecting Lydia's neck and ear!'. dht at the front door of her house, nnd on't do! 'That's wbat keeps the r.=== ==== ure not gP.tilg the I!Pnulr·€' BJ~!:'r ==== ==== =:;'l rk rings round your eyes, Is It? Of "Childr en In the high school are apt In a few minute s Lydia was taking ol! That society can be unkind, .\.~pirln pro\''''1 Sl !'e by !'li!lion s <l1•d you shan't sleep alone l Here to get Ink in the back of their neck!< her hat and coat In the midst or a even to a small girl, Is a fact lJresct"i'H t1 hy phv: lel:ms for ::!0 Yl'"lf:'!. '"1'1'"'" your father. It's bedtime , isn't and ears," she sald. "Alway s sorub chatter ing group of girls. that is to be Say ''llaytr " \\ l "D you hu.v Asplr 11. brough t home to Gootl night, my dPar." there, Lydia! Remem ber l'' After a general "Hello, " Lydia our little heroine llnitatif> , at her first IH I lilY pt'COI" tllllf;('l'oU'<.-·.\(10 Lydia picked up Florenc e Dombe y "Yes, ma'am 1 Oh, gosh, what a big slipped downstu irR to find her hostess . "party. " nd went slowly ol! to bed as her fapUe I Thank you ever so much, Billy. Miss Towne, the grouchy , the strict •~r enme In with a glass of water. I'll be here right after school tomor- and the stern Miss Towne, moving Portc: ble row, Mrs. Norton ." "That fool hen Isn't fully eonvlnc ed ''Pn.'' sdid .:ol"'l\ ' :~fer among her guests, saw the thin little up;l'r (TO BBl CONTIN UED.) wants a family, " he said. '"1\"(111 t _\'1111 tHJ;p I I' l,t th!' 1110\ i ,,_,.. Lydia spent a blissful evening mendThe bedroom door closed after Ly'' .. 'ot to~Ji l1• · ro•· · "'" tl e1·'~ got in ing and cleanin g Billy's textbook!l. dj_gpst ioa.'' The dell'l'er ing of the milk was no said .John, "that child's task at all, though had It not been ''\\ell t•an't you t; 1,,. 1 nlon~?" u re all :;hot to ple>ces.'' He !or Adam trudgin g beside bE>r with ated hi,; convers ation with Lydia. his rolling bulldog galt and his sla'l'Broa~cn.sl~ Good News "What can I do?" uske>d Amos, with In defense of the suppos edly super· The water where the 'royal person' erlng ugly jaw, she would have beeu S 't 1 ~ · i• •• T •• 11 "Ahr ut tWo worried l~r. "Seems to me she's "But What?" afraid In the early dusk of the au· stitious fisherm an, Lorenz o ~ublne, in had been washed , when bottled and ofLevine' rears s Voice ago J was sufferin g wi h feml· Wa1 got tc.. wear it out." 1853, in un article on the Americ an fered for sale, was known as 'Berrl t~mn evening s. nine tro11bl.l . I "as adv!sed to tal;a Gentle. LeYin£' grunted and put on his hat. wine.' Have fisherm en comJV,itted It took several months for Lydia to tis herman , wrote: 0··. Pierce's Fa \'O\"· wish ::;he was my daught er," he ner of her fatlrer's bed. She had not become aware of the "It Is said that he Is credulo us and gre11ter follies than these fashlon al>le It" Pr~scription al\11 complle ated sold. "If you'll ask Brown to come prayed 81nce then. Her young faith elal life going on uperstl tious. Admit that Kidd'.s people of li mnce ?" ~~ J • • I It was about her. Sbe was to the mks' club tomorro w, In the klndne2!! and sweetnes~ of life, so ab!<orbed while In school wnnd.-r ful money ,, ow 1t bus Good been dug for for Lorenz lu every o l Todar horsedark In adjusti tulk to him." 1 " ~ I tre Three badly shakea by her mother 's death, Ing herself to the new type of school nook of the coast, or talked about In shoes are so scarce that fisherm en no On the Friday 11fternoon followi ng had' be!'n Qtterly destroy ed wben lit- life that the Christm IJJtiles of tt P 'Fa· every longer cuddy for a century and a half, nail them to the masts of. their as holiday s cam~> \ onte Pren Lydia got home from school, she tie Patien<!e had been taken ft·om her. before she realized rlptlon' that, except In her and that horsesh oes are nailed upon schoon ers to keep off witehes , althoug h ga\e me bette r the> house appare ntly de;;erted. Lydia ~·as very ner\'ou s about h!'r classro om work, she hat! nothing the masts of fishing vessels to keep off they do han~: used automo bile casings health than I had the~e l~!;ued f1·om the neighbo r- first day at high SC'hool. Kent was whatev er In commo n with her class- witche s; what then? I:~ he the only over the side to keep off other craft enjo? d for a loi' g of the kltelten a ylpJllng und enteriu g dt the same time and sbe mates. ne who has heen or still is guilty of that might rub their plankin g. tlr 'C I em glad to thut would haYe moY~d a would have liked to have asked to g11 Saturda y wa:~ n busy dHy for Lydln the same follles1 P ~! e lind rcc0m· . stone. Lydia ron Into the with him but she knew he would e- at home. Old Lizzie, who was nearly r ..... d It to nther E•tate Long in Famil y "In 1825 the duches s de> Berrl vlslted 'I'l•e p11ppy walls eame from seD~ \'lolent ly being nssoclntefi with a sl..xty, was much trouble d with 1feople ."-Mrs. J D Grar, 349 W Cth rheu- n wa.terin g place in Frnnce and lnGardin er's !Bland, In Long Islan4 South lnd the door of the olcl bedroom . ght on so Import ant an occa;;ion. matlsm and even carele s Lydia felt dulged In sea bathing . Salt water and sound, near She! tPr !sland, Is said to A be uti ul womnn I'! alwavs a "f''l In there!" che called. So It was that one of tbe teaeher s vaguely that the house needed a cer· tish which were afterwa be the on'y pleee of landed f'man. rd propen taken Get thl 1 re r ptlon of nr :, from yipping ehang0 d to <leep barks observe d n child In o. faded but clean taln amount of cleanin g onee a week. the spot were articles ot Immens e In Americ a which has remain ed CO'Do Pierce' s frc m your dea'••r. In l!r• II joy. Lydln tried the door. It galatea sailor suit, with curly blond So, of a Saturd ay mornin g, she \'alue and sold at enormo or tahlQt.ll. ami S(" h'lW q 11 ') ,. 1 tlnually In possess us ion prices. of the Infam111 (If ea ·Uy and a greut, blunde rlnf hair barely long enough to tie at her slamme n through the wlll '•• ve sparkli ng (.}'~ s, a <leu s~. '· house like n deed, those persons who could not the origina l white proprie tor sine. burled bin ~elf at her. Lydia neck, standin g In one of the lower small whirlw ind, leaving and p£>r or all tv corners rn- ;mrcba se a whole fish gladly posscss e•t eolonla l days. The origina l Gardi.Dt 1 cl<•ll Jovec. Welte Dr. Pierce, B ffalo. N Y.. u [halls after the mob of seven or ~ht disturb ed and dust in windrow s, but !"thems elves of a few ~;cales or fin I acquire d the little 1sl~nd 1D 163i. 1 y,u need free medica l advko. &TORY FROM THE START .. ''See What I Did .for 30 cts ! " I l l l I • ~ tL fA9A~~~~~ • es1 Coughs Colds Fool ish Beli efs Not Conf ined to Sailo rs .. J I t |