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Show CAJP OUR COMIC SECTION • 01 AND JD Along the Concrete JBlEL!:=U~~ THREE SONGS A teacher nsked her pupil!< to hrlng to l'<"hool objects that rPpr<'f;f>nted songs. On~ hoy hrought an nppl(', another 11 hnuana and a thlru an old whip. "\\'hat son:.: 1loe. the appl£> represent?" a"k('«i the teacher. "In tlH! ~hade of That 01!1 Apple TrPe." ''\\"hat dot>" th .. honnna rf>prf>~ent?" "Ye~. \ye III!Yt> r\o Banauas." "And whnt uoe" the whiJ1 r~>preS('IJ t ?" "Thuul>f< fo!' the Bi1ggy Hlde."-'l'IJe Progreo;;sh e Gr<JC'er. SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I DWELLING ON SELF SPECIAL t=REE Ot=FER ON - Spohn's Distemper Compound ( . (?V . We will mail free to anyone writinz for same one of our free sample bottles. This is a special offer-good for a abort time only-and offers a great opportunity to try our excellent remedy for Distemper and Colda among horses; Distemper among dOllS; Roup and similar diseases amonz poultry. Write tecb,. SPPHN MEDICAL COMPANY. Dept. X, GOSHEN, INDIANA (jf?1J <Conricilt. l•. N. U.) ·.'.'.".:· A Terrible Fog , f ----- Yeh-They're Like:_ That THE FF..ATHERHEADS Winter kaiment I MY DI!.AQ '- About her beauty I must bragAnd yet I hold my breath. H she leaves ott another rag She's ~:olng to !reeze to death. ~ I tT.s' 8E'::N AGES, w•N YouRE So MUC>-4 To-IINNER t WOUl;Dt-h 1-<AIJE KNOWN YOU-1401-V IS 'r>-lAT DEl\~ !.il'T'LE MA.'CL't;. AI..!NE? MEAJJ MARV BEt..t..£: Ol.l 5~5 So :;.VJAr<;r -M'r' l::lEAR5~-<tis IN Fou:.?IH A NowREAl.L.V ~HES SO ADVANCED fOR N~ AGE, GILL AND I 5oM;;.-rtMi:iS THtM{ c;::._.ES leo P:<ECOC I OUS ere 'Sa~·. Q~ ~ r l I I' Vacation Best Lfttl(' .lu<'k was !'<tu<lylng hi!< !Psson~ wh('n hi:;; t:ncle Boh walked into the room. "\Yhieh flo you Ilk(' best, rending, ' - - · ' ~!!l'~"'l I writing or urlthmeti<:?" asked Uncle Bob. After a moment' tho!Jght Jack aD· sw('red: "I llkf' vacatloD hest." ,.. 1 Never U 3ed Them • this hus doesn't look as It tl1er<> was a ~Ingle thing on It that wasn't wm·n out," cleclared the pru,.;pectlve purchaser of the used car. "\Y<>ll,'' saic1 the sale~man, "it has at l('u t two part,. that nrt> us good as new; it formerly wu:- owned hy a reckless ~pet>der who di!ln't even know It had a low gear or brakes." rrc ...--: Yov 1-it;\VEI,lT ~EEN MY E' F FRE.DDY 11\J :30 L.ONG-- OF COuQS5 HE'S A REGuLAR BoY~ UP To EVERYT>.~rNG- 1 BuT 1TWAS ONLY YESTE"ROAV i-llS Tci\CN~R ioLD ME THt~l 1-\E Wt1S THE: .n-~......" MoSr RESPONSIVE CHIL..D .SHED EvE:<. H~D IN HER CLASSES-· l=ELIX- T!-lAI CLARICE ME'rZGAR IS SUCH A BooR.- f~oNEST' SHe; BoAf,·r.s ABOuT HE~ M ~RY ANN~ Tl L..l.. 'tt>l.J In Later Years of Life Good Elimination is More Than Ever Important. we gn?w older._ there is apt to be a gradual slowing up of bodily funct:lons. The kidneys are the blood filters. P_roper fuJ?-cti~n cleanses the blood stream thoroughly. Slug• gtsh function IS apt to permit some retention of uric acid and other poisons. Tb!3 tends to make one tired, listless and achy -to have drowsy headaches and dizz.iness and perhaps a toxic backache. That the kicneys are not functiorung properly is often shown by scanty or burning passages. Elderly people recommend Doan's Pills in d-is condition. This tested diuretic is endorsed the country over. Asl{ your neighbor! AS Coward ~fyrt~Why did you quit datin~ with Jim? Gert-Becnu"e he'~ such n C(•wanl. ~Iyrt~f'oward? 'That h'ly n coward? Sny, he cnn't hardly carry all the nwdals hf> wou In the war for hravE'ry! Gert--'l'hat may he, hut the fool Is nfraid to drln> with one hnnrl. I COUL.D SCREAM. A'ND ~AT 11-o~ SA-...~t' •• Partiality Ex:-~1ayor H~·Iau :-:aid of a notorlou~ mi. -carriagp of .lustil'e: "A \\'omnn dulmt•d that !'he treated hl"r ctau~rlHE'r and her ~tE:pdaul!;hter e.·nctly alike "'I love th m both,' he . aid to a vi:;;itor one da~·. 'and I treat them both nllke. • 'o favorith<m.' ".lust then tlw front door orwned No Improvement an !I thl' woman c·allt>d sweetly: "Yi· , I 1natTled my old :,;chool teach"'I,; that y.m. dnrlln1<?' t'r... "'. ·o, ma'am,' nn wtred the tired "\Yell. how's things?" , volc·e of t!Je :o;tf'PdlJUgbtcr, 'it's only ··still getting low mark~." Jl)(.lo.' " La<ly-I'd like to uuy a gas mask, plea,.e. Army !'tort> f'J(>rk--'Vhat nre yon ~olngto use it for? She- What are yon thinking ubout? Lad~·-~~~ hushanrl work;: in a powH~Notblng much. , u('r mill in the lla~·t imP and has to She-That's it! Always dwelling on do nil !tis smol,iug at home. yourself! Do a-' Pil JUDGING BY APPEARANCE s Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys 60c all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mf~. Chemists, Buffalo, N.Y. Phrase Long in Use MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL "\ IMii.'> I-lAVE e-1'-t..tc:<-ED SlloJCE l-IE S'!'A.'trt-::0 II.J "1\\E ,.,NJSP.o..Pelt 6-AA'-E, ~:::-:. ~· GoS>, w~o~o Kt~ fl£MEM6ER WI-(EI-J <;OM~ IJCo!J~I'APER EDI"(ORS ~OU~I-iT IT \VU~ SI.A~T' IO MAKE FUI-UJY C:~Aei<.S A!30\JT' JJE'(;;:I>\~ A !JEW PAI!t- OF PA~S OR. A SuSHe:L. OF GP'.JOS Ot.1 SUB· ~R.IPnOIJS 1 OEGRAOIIJ(f ii-\t:. 1\'r~LVE$ Tooting Our 1Iarn I HE KIJf:.'W E:Pt'fOitS Ill:~ US'lrtt "fO SE''-lD ""to1R PAPERS Sll( 0~ e:•GHT "fEAl"?S i"» A $\J'JSC~l£3.~ WI'THOUT QE"1'TIIJ(;f f'AtD, N-10 IF· A ..D '1'\-\€ S'v0S\!R.II.3ER- EVEn. PAID A1' AU., HE (',::0(3.A.f"t.:1' WAI..rTED PARr 0~ 1\4 1 BtL\.. "T\-\ftOW>J O?'P SEC:UX. t•r WUh SO LA~ I "J :1111 \\'t'II<!Pd to 111y at·t." "AI•ParPnt ly n ~Pcrpt rnarrin~e." GOME'T\-\IIJ' A\IJFUL. A Pun? Of Corset Is! When mc·th<'r c·omes to 'li lnlt u,., f'h<•'s drr>s«('d In old style ways; But the only thing mnkf'R hubby !use Is the length of mother's stays. re Service ~17 ~e ..._.lo.l R.~~· \IJ~E}.J MP+1Y ME,R>.::I-\Po,IJi WE~E SD-tti-JO "ll-'E "TIMES 100, .AAJD 1\-\EIIt. IDEA 0P AOVelt.'fiSIIJ~ VJA.$ "(o 1-\IRE. A "f1ZAMP Sl~ AR1'1S"r "f'O .,a~E~ 0,_, WOOOEIJ ~ES l.lEAJt -,nw.c.l f'AIIo.IT' -ntEI~ VJHII.-e 1\-\E:.'f USED STA1101-\ERV f'~t-111=oD \IJI'"ll-' A ~Bl}El?. ~?1 OR. EL<;t: ~ltHED S'f SOME CI,Y ~1-J, ~1"'1'\-' A~ AI> ~OR. L..IVE~ PtU...S OR.- CQOFISH PRI~Ie:t' AU. OVER.. rr ! 'Twas the Principle Tht> I'IPauln::: of tlJP phra~e. "Blood Doctor-.'o tl1e f•<>in the child swnl· b thlc·ker than Wllter,'' 1,:; ''Kinship lowul ltn. · been s!lfel~ recO\erE'<l? 'Veil. i,.. ~-t•·on:.: ·r thnn fr!Pudshlp, for wuter you lllll~t hP :::lad' 1 \' tJ>OJ'UtPs hut blood dop,; not." '1'1Jis i\Ioth£>r-Yi•", \\'f> W(re Yt'r~· pi n«ed is a pro\'£>rh found In Hay and oth1 r !f\ l"<•c (1\'l'l' thP moneY n t first. but aft!-lP\' HiteentiH·entur~- f·olJP<'tion . The l r\\ n nl P !II!'<'O\'en•d it wns n <'ount•xp•·esslon was used hy oc'C'ott in t rfelt coin. Hprlln I )ol·fb rbl<"r ''G1. :\Jnnnt•ring-," C!,apt r !:! : "'Y£•1 1 blude'~ tniekt'>t· thau wut r. Sho>'s WPIC'ome to thP ('ftP('~f's and tlu hams '·DArWELION BUTTER COLOR" • I ju,..t tltP ":tlllL"- LitPrary Dig-t> t A harmle s '<'~etaLle buttE>r en lor u~ecl by r •illions for 50 years. Drug ston•-: and general tores sPil bottles Trifle Late of "Dandelion'' for 35 cent .-Ad\. 1 "I ioing OJ• j •ttJr 'ucation thi · lutl ?" "We just ch cld('!l on a place" A WOI "J.ln I n t lll'l'(' sarlly ll f! lOd Loui,.;\ ille <. uuriPr-.Journnl. cook heuuJ.' sl c roa ts her nl'lghtMr~o:. \Yoni('lf TP!eplu ne Ruh~writwr-1 say, my telPplton(' hasn't hf:'Ptl workIll!!' for H 1\l<~nth, nnd you pal!! no nth•ntlon to m~· IN !Pr of eompluint. Offieini-Wt> did. \Ye rang you up to ask what was wrong, and got no ! an"we1· :-Tit-Bits. l Money'• No Object Doctor--Lady, your !<nn ha!l the mf'a:,;le~ In the wor~<t form. Wealthy ;\II·~- nre('n-,\"hy, cto<'tor, we ar(' rich enough to !lfford the best. Not Much to Turn Over MOTHER:- Tl1e !<UJl)JPr tuhle wa,; ;;et and l\h·~ Profe. !'Or was awaiting the url'inll ot ht•r hu,..hnnrl ''\\'hat can he ke('pi~Jg hlm so lutP?" !'he askecl. llnnl!'htr>r· :\la,\·h · l.p's h('t•u h<>ld Bright ~on-- 'Veil, he'll soon I.Je hl!lre .Jwn: tllat won't tukt' lon~. up.,, I A Good Loser "I' a vPn't llw r:I dt>rhy!' n l:cleton tD fnml!y 'I'' "1 hP~ wi'l have If l\fra. ~o:!derby kePps on rt>d ucing."' t '~~'ir· I Fletcher's Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in anns and Children all ages of Constipa.tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness ansmg therefrom, and, by regulatillg the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. ~ MIJ./:.v 1 i!llitati,ons. always look for the signature tlf· ~~~~ - ,li? Opiates. Physicians. cverywlw-a rccommmd, it. |