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Show COUNTY DANCE HALL ORDER +++++++++++++++++++++++++++~·+++++++++++++++++++++++ : ~ REAL BARGAINS J ! An ordinance, defining a roadbose, and an amendment ttY the existing ordinunce licensing roadhouses and so· t cia! clubs, to provide for the licens- '* ing of dam•e halls were passed Monday, ' board of county commislust, hy the sioners. Both ordinance and umend- ;t ment become effective on February 3. >t• 1'he ordinance makes it unlawful for such places to remain open between the ... hours of 1 a. m. and 6 a. m. of any -!• day. The licensing feature provides that danc·e halls or fioors shall pay a fee of $25.00 a year payable quarterly. Action was taken following a busy night for Sheriff Clifford W. Patten. He was kept busy by teelphone calls reporting that dancing was going on at a so-called social club located at South and Seventh East Streets. According to first assistant county attorney, H. A. Smith, there is no state law prohibiting Sunday dancing. The county ' ordinance, which prohibits Sunday dancing, applies only to public places. If you are interested in a used car, do not overlook the following:- i t 1923 FORD TOURING, good rubber, new paint, cur- .i An opportunity to make your money go a long way Friday, February 4, and Saturday, until noon, February 5. Now is your chance to save your money on the real neccessaries of the home. .. Soap, 10 bars 39c 37c Laundry Soap 3-lb. box Purity t I t f ~ubber, ~ t l: + excellent run- +~+ 1923 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, in fine condition +~+ U24 FORD TOURING, good ning condition. 1 MURRAY, UTAH Crackers tains, with fine motor. + + with good tires. 1924 FORD COUPE, new tires, new paint, good mechanically. 1924 HUDSON COACH, new tires, new tubes, new duco finish and good mechanically. 1921 CADILLAC SEDAN, five passenger, fine condition, completely equipped. Call Murray 88 and any of the above cars will be brought to your door for inspection without obligation to you. \ t ~ ~ + Ii Snow-Brown Motor Co. Ii 4869 South State Street, 1\lutTay, Utah c , Honey, quart 33c - Pure Vernal Queen Taste Peas, per can tOe Jf:im, 2 for 25c Tender Early June Hewlett'a Supreme Molasses, gal can $1.00 Cresco, I lb can 25c Pure Dixie Product It is economical Salmon, 2 for 25c Peanut Butter pound 25c :Jail cans of Pink Hoody'a Famous • PAINTING WOOD TREATED WITH PRESERVATIVES Experiments of the I!'orest Products Laboratory of Madison, Wisconsin, with painting treated wood have shown to date that all the oil preservatives tried are difficult to paint over successfully, because they discolor the coating and sometimes come through. Coatings over the wood treated with water-soluble preservatives show no change attributable to the treatment. tmd continued exposure is nece><sary to determine whether uny of these preservatives are detrimental to the coatings. This means wood treated with creosote will not take paint successfully. 98c REAL MEAT BARGAINS Pot Roast, young beef All cuts . Salt Pork, well streaked 22c Per lb. Beat Grade Boned &Rolled Smoked Shoulders av. 10 pounds, lb 26c Coney Island Frankfurters, fr~sh, lb 20c 5: • ; P:n:Z=:> MURRAY EAGLE and ............ VALE JOURNAL Published every by JORDAN PUBLISHING CO. Inc. and The MURRAY PRESS Telephones vale 178 Murray 35 Published at Utah and Murray, Utah TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Year, in advance ................ $1.00 .Address all correspondence to the Editor Midvale Journal entered at the at Midvale City, Utab, as aecood class mail matter rates qooted on gether, and ot spread their network of distribution lines over wide areas. Electric service through this development has ceased to be a local affair , and bas become a regional service.• It is no longer confined to single cities or towns with local favors and local rates, but is spread out over a wide JORDAN DISTRICT TEACHERS area, covering both the thickly settled ASSOCIATION ACTIVE city and scattered back country." OIL BROODERS A BENEFIT .... Ariimals On Game Preserves Lncrease Under Protection Big-game animals on rl}~rmtions administrated by the Biological SurYey of the United States Department of Agriculture have, with the exception of antelope, increased notably during the past ten years. Although antelope ha Ye been seriously depleted by predatory animals, now that better control has been initiated they are again increasing. The increase in mountain sheep from the 12 introduced on the Katlonal Bison Range, Montana, in 1!l22 to about 50 in 1926, shows wl1ut can be expected when these splendid game animals are accorded proper protection. Buffalo, elk and other animals have increased to such an e::>.tent on this preserve that during the year it was found advisable to dispose of 66 bu1falo as meat, and 7 were shipped alive to public parks, while 388 elk were sold to a grazing and breeding association in Massachu!iletts to relieve the overcrowded condition. The capture and removal of these elk was the greatest operation on record iu this country of handling big game on a wholesale scale. The total number of big-game animals now on reservations administered by the Biologkal Survey is about 1,530. The oil brooder stoves at Draper seem to be making the work of brood The Commercial Club has adopted ing chicks easier. Their operation at following as their business creed: the Mickelsen Bros. plant is proving As a student, I will be honest with much more satisfactory than the operation of coal stoves. and my teachers. As a worker in an office, I will do honest day's work. As a clerk behind the counter, 1 not practice deception. As a salesman, I will not lie or advantage of another's ignor· "In the early days of the electrical or weakness. industry," says W. E. Creed, of the PaAs a business man, I will not try cUic Gas and Electric Company, "the get something !or notlrlng. power generating station was a local If a man overpays me or pays his iiJStitutlon, sf:'rving a single city or twice, I will not 'Yait for him to town with a self-contained system. Its liS<!ov,~ it, but refund his money at services did not reach outside of its I ! I . municipal bonndaries, and it assumed If my competitor cheats, I will not no obligation beyond its territorial limits. to keep up with him. "The development of large comWhen one of my creditors calls, 1 not slip out the back door to a· panies and the interconnection of transmission lines have changed all this. him. • S~ULE AND WORK Power companies no longer find it ecoWhen I write an advertisement, 1 nomical to have separate generating Lucius Moran of Ponac City, Okla., not try to mislead anybody. aged 10, saved Calibee Feaster, his When some one cheats me the first stations in each city or town. Rather, S-year-old cousin, from being killed it will be his fault; when the they ftnd it essential to connect dozens by a railroad !train when the wfheels p!"I'Son cheats me t"he second and even scores of citi~ and towns to- of her toy wagon caught in the tarck. BUSINESS CREED Electric Service No Longer Local Affair GOOD NEWS! BIG BARGAINS!! You will want to wait for . TURPINS, LEGHORNS IN THE LEAD Our Stock is Record Holdin2 At the Logan Inter-Mountain I!lgg-Laying Contest, our pens are first and fifth; our pullets, first, second, third, fourth and tied for fifth place. Order Some Of Utah's Best Chicks Now Prices Reasonable Turpin Brothers Murray, R. D. No. 5 Phone 383-J Phone f60 ·······················~··· tureA for the school. Grade school students will be charged 5 cents, high school 10 cents, and adults 15 cents admiRRion to the exhihit. The proceells after express charges arp paid, will he lL<;ed to buy pictures. No charge for the use of the collection will be made. This will be a good opportunity for pU'pils and the community at large to Hecure line pictures at low cost. It is to be hoped that the exhi!Jit will be well patronized. GRANTSVILLE-Ml}RRAY i\lurruy will meet the touted Grants\"llle five next Friday, February 4, on the local waxed • court. A large crowd is expected. 'l'Jle first game will be played at 7 p. m. me. Is your Vanilla supply low? Then drop me a post card. I will deliver right away or I will prepay parcel post charges on orders of $3.00 or over. IRVIN OLSON 4883 Center St. Murray Utah] Phone Murray 275-J BOY SCOUTS TO GIVE PROGRAM time, it will be my fault. I will have a fixed purpose ii\, life, get started early, and will not start anything without finishing it. I will not lgse conftdence in my fellowman even when I find one who is dishonest. Special committees of. the JOTdan District Teachers Association have been sent to the B. Y. U., the U. A. C., and the U. of U. to investigat;a the possibilities of arranging lor spoo ial courses for the accommodation of the teachers of Jordan and other diatricts. The plan suggested by the Jordan Exeeutive Board was c<msid~ ered by authorities of all three colleges and they are ready to cooperate ~ any worthy practical plan. WATKINS GIANT VANILLA 14c Per lb. ( l ii +++~~++++.:~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-!• Macaroni 3 pkgs. 20 l The following program will be giv!'n hy the Boy Scouts of Troop 94 in the ~Iurmy I<'irst \Vard Cl'lapel, 1feb. U, at 6 :30 p.: m. Opening Song ........................ .... America Prayer ................................ Eugene Wood Seout Song ....................... Boy SL>outs !<'lug Ceremony Scout Laws ............................ Boy Scouts Address ....................... J. Preston Creer Yocal Solo ............................ Mr. Lewis Violin Solo ........................ Gene Thomas Closing Exerci><e .................. Boy Scouts invited to attend. Remember the !lute ' 1927. February 9, SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEND Representatives of the mining, lumber, oil, automobile and other lines of business have been invited by the National Association of Manuacturers, cooperating with the N~tion al Grange, to attend a conference to declare war against mountaing taxes. Fugures gathered by the National Association of Manufacturers show tha~t to meet assessed $500,000,000 a year, and that $40,000,000 to $50,000.000 a year has been added to these interest charges since 1922. While the national debt is decreasing that of political subdivisions ha.-; increased until it will surpass the . national total, unless drastic action is taken. IDGH SCHOOL NOTES R. T. A. TO MEET A meeting of the high school P. T. .A. will be held next "'ednf:'sday evening at 8:00 p. m. at lhe high school. A Rplendid program bas hl'Pn arrungcd dnrine; which Dr. ~riddleton of Salt I..ake City will gin' au illustrated lecture of his truvels in ~Iexino. All pa trans of the high sehool are I UTAH-GRAND COAL Harder-Cleaner-Hotter-No Clinkers LPss Smoke--Le:-ls Dirt-Less Soot Lei'!s Slack Just "'hat Yon Xeed For The Brooder Ask Your Dealer For It DANC E FRATERNAL HALL,MURRAY Every Saturday Night Music By SOCIETY SMART SET ART EXHIBIT AT HIGH SCHOOL The Art Department of the Murray High School bas arranged an exhibit of the I<Jisin collection of pictures on 1fehruary 9, 10 and 11. 'l'his . coll~ctlon of pictures are prints of famous pictures of the world and are of interest to everyone. at the Hil¢1 School. The purpose of having this exhibit is two-fold: First, to stimulate a love for beautiful pictures. Second, to ruise means for "the purchase of pic- BENNION'S A. B. LAYING MASH A well balan~ed ration for laying hens Cash and carry price, $~.20 BABY CHICK MASH Containing choicest of grains, Fresh meal, Bone meal, Dried Milk, etc. Cash and carry price, $2.75 DEALERS IN HAY, GRAIN AND POULTRY FEED SEED AND BULBS COAL UTAH GRAND-- -.MUTUAL ROYAL CASTLE GATE ...................... ~·~++++++++++++++++•lo++++++++++++++++ DOES YOUR HARNESS Need Oil and Repairs? . IF S 0- The Murray Harness Shop Is At Your Service SPECIAL DAIRY FEED Come Early To Avoid The Spring Rush "EVERYTHING FOR THE HORSE" Cash and carry price, $1.85 Mfg. by ROBERT HECKEL BENNION'S FLOUR & FEED MILL NEW SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS Murray, .Ut. Phone 46 Shoe Repairing-Floraheim Rubber Heels on all Repair Jobs Florsheim $8.85 Sale Is On 'Till February 1Oth Auto Curtain Repairs MURRAY, UTAH •. |