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Show r-------------·----------, Tm . . . . .»ICAN (Copy UGION for Th,lo Vevarunent l:lu,>].lmd by Amerkan Leglon News St:n·ice.) Crusader Biggest Money Winner A Man of Sorrows r Ia Memory, February 12• lYearly Tax One and Quar- They thought him but a clown, a tactless boor Who tilled hig days and nights with quips and )t>sts; His hours WHe h<•edless as his purse HE IS STRONG FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE I ·without ambition, blind to worthy quests, Be draKK<'d along hiH dayll; a human clod Who s<•orned religion, mocked awl flouted <1od. the How far they erred! A man of sor· he, 'Who bor.· wlthln his henrt a fatal wound. BHeft of these re JoYed, the sym11athy He <'mV<'u a11d ltung~red for could not he found; The men wil h "hum he wall,e<.l from day to da>· Knew n"t l:e trod n dark and lonely ' way. j ' A man of sorrows, bGrn to pain' and grief, Yet wuuld he not Inflict his woes on I I I'·----------------~ Lest We Forget '---------------- f I Champion :rhre•Year-Oid of 1926. Crusader, the ma~tnifit:ent cht'stnut colt by Man O' War-Star Fanl'y, Is champion of 19:.!6. Hi~:. wlnninl\s for the year total $1GG,03.'J. He Is the property of Samuel D. Riddle, of Ph!ladelphia, who bred ltirn and who owns his xire. Other INHl• ing three-year-olds are E. R. Hradle~··s Boot to Boot, with $114,920 to hi::; credit: Walter .J. Salmon'" DiHplay, with $104,4~2. and the Chula Ylsta stt~. b!e's Cnrlnrls, with $100.37:i. To Scnpa l'low, owtwtl by \Yalter l\L JpfTords, hy ~Inn 0' \\'ar-J<'Iorence Wehher. ~oes the honor of 1'11amvinn of two-~·par-oldl', accordinJ,!' to many nuthoritie><, in!'lud!ng the .Joekey dub. ·tlthong-h hit' wlnuings, $S1.40:l, do not Cltual those of William du Pc•nt's F'nir ~tat·, with SR.S.!l(iO. '!'here ure man~· who will f'laim tltat .rn~eplt T. Witl<·nl'r's Osmand Is R OE'tter juvenile than eitlwr, hut thf're is no way to "ettle thl~ quPst'on. Osruaud wou six rn<'Ps out ot' l'e\'Pn stal'l:,o, H!Hl his stablemnte won tltP race he lost. Q,;mand, heing a gt>ldlng. was "hut out from ~eYE'rnl of the larger the tht·ee-~·rar-old stake~. The leatling ~tnlllon for tit<> ~·ear if' Man 0' War. thf i:lljl<'rhot'l<e, hy !<'air ''!llT)'Ing thnt illustrio•;s n cord on tl;e turf to the nnrs"r~·. antl in his third yPar a~ a ~ire S(:lluin; to tile l'::J<'E's wlnnt•r>< of a total of $3:JS,tn2. K R. Bradley's ~ort!t Stat· TI ls !'econd among Amerienn Rit·<>s. with $~:il,97S. He is an older hor,.;e anti hns 42 offspring In racing, wherea~ :\Ian 0' War has only 2:!. Tlterefore, In his third ~·ear as a sire, ~Inn 0' War hal' ~Pt not nnl~· an Amerkan, hnt a \\·orld reconl, in thP earning pmYPr anti quality of hi" otispl·ing. It wa~ In 19Hl that this goi(!Pn-ltuecl colt l'WPpt a(·t·oss the rat'in~-; world like a ruett>or, and us u threl'·~·eat·-old ad<led to his renown. Phty-~luhuoa. • 1------~-------------------------- Grid ~earn Boasted of "Three Blind Mice" •Notre Dume had it!< "Fou;Horsemf'n" and Penn its ''Four Magician"," but John Crtrroll university, in Ohio, boaRted dur· lng the lal't foothall senl<on of its "Three Blind ~lice." Pat McDonnell. playing In tb!' backfield, and Hill Herzog and Dick Quinn, who held down the two tackle positions, all were tnnd In the left eye. Tex to LoRe Title Will Visit Battlefields and Cemeteries on Trip • 'lnety per <"ent of th~ Legionnaires making application for resen·atlons for the trip to F'rt.n('e to date exprPss Intention to ma.11... the battlefield 11nd cemetery tours. North~rn I•'ranre IIPd Belgium, the Alsne Marne dl~triet, Chateau Thierry, Solssons nnd HhPrm<, the .1\feuse Argonne, St. :\Ilhiel and the Champagne sector will h(' lnclut!Pd In the tours that are avallnble. Paris located In the henrt of Europe, will be the starting and ending place of many European tours, both before and after the convention. Eleven lead· lllg tourist companies of the United States and Europe are co-operatiD!! Wlth the LegfoD In plannln1 the tours The Bo~ton !ted ~ox arc go!ng to tral!l again at Xew Orleans. • * • Ohio ~tnte football el eYen has Prhteeton lbted for a gan:e ~oyem ber ri. 1H:.!7. • • • Jack Del::mey Is ?Ianning a tnur whieh mu ..l' tal>e :11m ns far west as the l'acific coast. • • • 'lhe' size of the baseball dinmontl has remain<'d the ~anw since the earlie~t days <~f the >:nme. .. . Xew York racing as5ociations $:.!.:.!:Xl,ll00 in stakes pur~es to owners lu 1 !l:.!G, I rll.mtt>d .. .. * Training lor Children f::t Develop Americans Urs. Maude R. Curlworth, chairman of the American L(cgion auxiliary's nntlonnl Amerlcanl~m C'Olllmittee, In a mE'ss tge to state Americ'nnism dw!rmen .:ent from nati•mal ht•ndquarlt.•rs In Indlnnapoll«, Ind., outlining the auxiliary's program of Amerkani><m work for this y<•ar, !'laid In purt: "We must know that our ehildt·pn an- ref'eivfn:!' suf'h trnlning ns will dE'l'f'lop rE'al American eltizl'q~. Tl1Pre I~ ll0 more ltnportllllt part of C'hlld Wf'lfare work In Alll(·riea than to t<>nrh nn'l train the rhilcl to be a true and loyal citi7.Pn. We are fortunate t(• fn('llltll' within thP l'anks nf our anxlllat·y larJ,!'P numbers of the young nwtht>r~. The~· Ita vr tltt• opportunlty to kt·('Jl in C'lo~e touc·h l>ith our ~~ lroolll and to 1-'E'I h:tt·k of all those lf>,\('her:< 11nd direttm·' wlw at·p upho!din~ Amerle:•n ldPal-< in the t;rhools, and who ne<>d the suppot't of all loyal citizens. ''1\'lth such co-opPrntlon of S!'hool and horne. we can f!nin nn a~~uranct thut sallwlou~; antl l<nh,·ersi"e lnflul.'nces l<hl'll not rl'tl<'h out· c·hildren. Tolerance of tlte opinions and Ideal!' of other~. and il snre. ~teady. persu!lslv~ Information will accomplish ultimate!~· our J,!'reat work arnonr- the women of America." Golf is a game for the million!<, hnt upkpep run::; Into the billions. mnklng- it onp of America's IP:H!ing in· dt"tr·iP~. Figm·ps compiled, r:ft(·r n round-up of statlstit·s 'OY<'rir•g n<>arl~· four \H'<'ks b~- Hny !•Icl'arthy, n•w of the eounlry'::; foremost J,!'Oif \\Tile,·~ and prol!loters, re,·eal the a>'toulllling fnet that golfers in the C'nitell ::;tares ~peud at least one UJHI a qttnrter billion dollars eyery 1:.! nwutlli; merdy for H1e ruaintPttaiH'P of tltPit• ;::mne. 'I' IIi~ expenditure of $1 ,:!.1:1.000.000 Pad\ y<•ar is t·onlined to tl•e 11t·tual eost of playing tit<> game., The pnnrmous total is !<pem ouly on tlUf'S. hall~. cluhs, dotlws, t':tddy llirP, luncheons und !ncidentnl,o; f;UCit a~ tips, t·e:uly tet·~. eH·. It tlnE•s twt take 1n tlte property value of club ext.><'ntlYP«. f'h•rks and otlter !Jelp. C\Hlsf>n-o tive figurt>s are pre~Pntetl hy Md'arthy, based on expC>t·lenr·•! in playlug the garJW ar. :1 year:; of ol•--Prvntion, an(] he finds that golf c· .•sts eat•h play<>r in the Pnited State :m uv<>rH~e of $1,000 a yPar. :'ll!'<'ar~hy has projPt'ted rnore major matt'hes on the links than an~· othr>r man In the sport. and hu~ dirE'ct<>tl the trnnseontinentnl tour~ of many prominent plnyer>;, including Gene Snrazen .•Jim Hamel> and Joc-k Ilntdtlmn. lie iR at pt·esent sports director for the Florida EnRt Coast s)·stem. According to the tahulntiou compiled by McCarthy, there are nhout 1,21\0,000 golfer~; In this lnnd tod·1y. Then~ are 3,;;00 eourset<, and wit)l the rlnb mi.>nthE>rship averaJ,!'fng . on!~· ilOO, the total o:l' players reaches 1,0:iO,O:Kl. There are at l<>a~t 200,000 phtylng the municipal links throughout the counh·y. The a \·erage yearly cost to thP player. of ~1.000, If~ apportioned as follows: ('lnh due~. $100: hnll><, $100; clubs (repiPnishin~). ~an; dotl1es, $~00: luncheous, $400; <'addles. $100; lncidE>ntnl~, $70. 'fhpsp are all con!'PrYat in• figure~, hasPd on n ~~·mp o sinm anwn~ hnnc!r·ed~ of golfprs. In this total arp not fl•;llt'( d thP !'XpPnSP of <'il-:mir,::: of <'I nhs, fmtctions, (pssons, or parchal'<in~ of sto('k to join a dub. The munit'ipal golft"r hasn't thp dub dues. or ('Ourst> hut his !l'l'<'o?n fpes will aYf'ra~-:P ~100 a ypar. Some of the pln~· Pt's stated th\•ir golf !'Ost thl'lll :l':.!.fJ(Kl :t yl'ar. Othprs !'llld It wns around it~ ru"~e The American Legion, as shown by resolutions adopted In national <·onventlons, is oppospd to any rtlO'il'ment that would wt>akPn nationul def('nse, not be<'llllse of militurislll hut heeau~e 1t helien•s that the lu·st in'<unmce against war Is to hP pn'lHll' d to adequately d<'fl•nd the nation it war is thrust upon u.;. n•en. AllloB~.: Its mo>'t af'tivP IE'nders In jes•s and jol<t>s he sought to ftnd relief; against ultra-paeilism is Xational Vice Thus gaininJ.:; strength, he '\'al~ed Conmutlltlt>r .Jolin K Curti,:,;, long and {.. rt~ct ng~dn. pt·omilteutly idPntifiP\1 wltlt Legion ac- I Such was the 111an they t·alled a wa;: and c1u\\·n. th·ities in the ~Iis:-:ouri ntlle~·. and The bywood-and the glory !-of his with tlte commereial untl husine,;s intown. ,']1oma~ Curti.., Clark terests of J\'pbraska. Hp is a~~ol'iated with the Lincoln ( !'ehr.) ehamher of commerce us dPpartmental secretary. ' Ln~<t yenr. pMtieularly. he delivered a number of a<ldres~es In oppo~ition to I November lt, 1!13. the unusual nctivity of the ultra-paci- I fists In Nebraska relatlv>! to cornpulMry military trnlnlng In the Univer· Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. sity of Nebraska, located at Lincoln. 1 "Fonr ><core Hilt! ~<<•ven )'Put's a;;n our Curtiss at one time worked in a post f~ttherR llrnnght forth on thl~ ''ontinent office under civil service, taught school, a new nation ('C•n<•eived in lfbpt·t~· and bA.I been an assistant cashier of " dE'dieatPd to the p•·opo!<ition thut all men are ereated equal. !'ow we nre engaged In a great l'ivil wnr, tPllting wheth<•r· that nation, ~o <'OnceiYed ami !<O tledlc'nt<>d. t'an long- endure. Vi'e nre met on a grPat battl('fiPid ot' wa·<'. \VE' have eome to dediente a portion of that field as a final rE>stln!C plnf'e for thn"'E' who gnvP th(.>ir Ji1·e" thnt that nation might 11\·e. nut, In u !urge ~>ense, we ('!lnnot dedicate-we !'annot eon:'1ecrate--we cannot haltow-thiH ground. The hnl\'e rnPn, liv!n~ and dead, • who struJ,!'gled lwre hnve consN·t·ated It, far nbove our power to add or detraet. The world will little note nor long rerm•mber what Wf> !'ay here. hnt It <'an never forgPt what the~· did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to bP ded!('at<>d hPre to thE' unfinishE-d wor·k which tiH'Y who !ought hPrP have this far ~o nobly ndvnn('ed. It '" rather for us to be here <lE'<licated to the grent task remaining bE-fore UR that from these honored dead WE' take increa!'led dE'\'Otlon to that caul'e :l'or which they 11-'RYf' the lnst full measure o:l' their dPvotlonJohn E.. Curtiss, that we here highly resolvP that those dead shall not havE' diE'd in vnin-that bank, attended the University of Netbls nntion-under God, !'hall ha\'e a braska, practiced law, nn<l served new birth of freedom-and that govseven years as ~ecretary of the Neernment of the people, by the peopiP, braska Htate Hallway commission. for the peopiP, shall not perish from He saw eleven months' service as a the earth." prin1te and corporal in the World war, joining the army through voluntary InFAMOUS UNCOLN BUST duction. In American Legion work be has n1issed only one state convention and ha~ attended four national com·en· tions. He sened on many ditrerent eommittees ot Lincoln Post No. fl. the second largest of the state. and has just eompleted his term as commander of the post. Among his many connections, he has bet>n president of the Lincoln Lions club, an organi7.utlon of younger lJUSi· ness men of Lin~oln. Hoh Colemau, V<'IPran catcher, ha,; be( n !;igup<J a~ t\l,wa:;t>r of thl' Knox · ''ille tPam of the South Atlautk I{ U;:ul~. • • • ~,'()() FnrthE'r figminJ,!' brings the annual cost of golf In AmE>rica up to ~1.:i00 . ('(!0,WO. The E'Xt ra $:.!!>0.0110,000 tal,es in hotl'l !IOU travel PXpensps; <'OSt of !'ir;ar,; and !'igart>t t<>s <·onsut·H'(I tlm·il.;; golf r·ounrts, and the drink b:tleYPII ginger ule is <·ostly. The cost of golf is :"tupPntlon;;, and I~< n serious problem for the l'nitP<l fltatE's <1olf RsH>eiation. whiC'h IF~ makIng eYPr,v <•ffot·t tfl ket•p do\\·n the PX· IH'tHiitures npcessaQ' in <·onnP!'tion \\'ith thE' :-port. The $1,000 estimntr is renlly low. )'et It does not em·tall the numher of nPw players that tuliP up the game every )'ear. It has tnk~n nhout :~6 yenn; to •lPYelop a pla)·in~: rliPntele of 1.2:i0:000, but if thE' <·nst b t'Nlueetl even sli!(htl~·. It ~hnuld IJOt take morP than fh·e ~·ear.~ to hrin:!' another millio!l pla~·en' into fhl' fnltl. Ahaut half a million dollar.- was in,., hed in this g-o! f pil~l'imt•(!'e. ns !(•1lowR: Hail road fares, J:;.to.ooa: nwaJ..; antl other expf'n~es on train ride~. !';10,0(:(1; hotPI hill", $:.!:i.OOO; rlotlws fnr tit(> trip, ~100.000; E'quipnwn1. ~:14.0dl: pUl'('ha~es dm·ing stny in ~t. Au~.:u:-:tin<>. $1:i0,000: salari?s of llH'Illher~ til't'in~ ah~en<·E> from lm:-.lness, $Uifi,OOO. In Amrrican football this !<<'a.•on ,J. Fitzgerald of Tuft!< mndP thP long-el't field goal l.Jy <1 :o;J kic:k-ii:i yards. Jtmue~ :n "'11~- doesn't ~ ew York just organize an C'ight·tPalll major It ag-u" illbitlc the Lily anu nlwu~·s ltaYe a Wlllnl'r? Reindeer Study .\ stut:y of rPindeP>', tlH·ir t·are nnd lln•t din.!!, is hl'in.~ mad<- sdl'ntitically hy wtPrinat·ian" in ~lherin. The !;U;.;><ian native~ In :-;it.<>ri:\ tlPpt>tHI UJl· on r·pirtdf'Pr for mnay of tlt(•ir wanb. 'I'll(·~· ltarue><~ rPindcet· nne! n,;e tltun as other 1•('ople U:'<e horse:-:. Tht•y d:·Ps~ thf'm~<·h·ps In rPill'leer ,;kin nnc1 mul,p Pntin~ iiiiJ>!Hll<'lll;.; :11111 tools out of I he rt>indt>el" It oms. If epit]('lllir-s hrPak out among tlt(·S\' nnimals, the 1111 ti\·p~ suffer !'P\'PI'I·b·. When Back Hurts Flush Your i 'i Kidneys as You Clean Your Bowels Most folks forget that the kidney", like the bowels, sometltues get sl u~ gi~h mal dogged aut! need a 11 u~lting ocru~ion:tlly, else we ha\e baelmche and dull ml~ery In the kiuney region, tS>:ve:·e heaU.aclle:;, rt.euwa tic t-. ingcs, torpid livPT, acid sromarh. sle<·I>Iessn<'>l-" anLI all sorts of bladder di::;order:!. You simply mu~t keep your kidneys active und dean and tlte moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney regiou begin drinking lots of water. Al.<o get ubout four ouuees of .lad t->alts from any good dru~ store her .... take a tuhlespoonful in a gla~s of wutl'r before brPakfast for a few days and your kidneys will thl'n act flue. Thl~ famous salts is made from the crid of grapes an1l letnon juice, combined with lithia, an1l is inteutlt•d 111 tlu~lt elo;,:~Pd kidneys and help stimulate thetn to actiYity. It ulso ltelw• neutt·alize the acids in the uriue "" th\'Y no lougPr irritate, thus helpin:.: to rt>llere bladdt'r disordPrs. .Tu<l Salts is inexp<'nsfvp; make~ .t <lell;;htflll errenescent litllfn drink which ~:~verybody llhou' :l to~ke now nuJ thPn to help keep their :, id- .. . •• ..... • ''·"< •' lll'YS (']PUll. A welf-l,uown IO ('nl drug~;ist says I.e sells lot~ of Jad S:llts to folks wh•> twiiPYt:> in tr.\'lng to corref't kidney rrnuhiP whilE' It i" nnlo; tronhle. Imitat:on Forbidden If Is a::nill~l ti.P lo.~w tn u<P an\' palll•liiP,I' which bt nr;; a l'<'q mhlfltlt'P to l'ni'ed ~tntr>;.; 1 toi'P.I'. .\lly paper l:toheS ll'ltil'h iF ItS(·] on 1l.l' ~<Ia~<' or fm· otiiPt' Jllll'JH>~\'S o.' t1 is naturp 1:1• ·• ll · I p~01' <I h, til(' •'l tll'f o ~ th • SPl'rPt '<U'Yic t-. Tl'f'll un tlepal'llllPIIt \\'a,IJin;.:-·otl. .\ ~<'a,.. • autlt'lrit,,· sa~·,; thnt ltlost of the paper mortPI' whleh PPI' i~ U~t-t! on thf- ..::tnt!'l• :s ~Pllllinf'\ tnol1Py. ... : 1 ; Work of Leon Hurwitz, Presented ' to Congress by Euc~ne Myer, Jr., of New York. An incurabiP f',\'lli!' i;.; "Ill' wlto wi II e: II UJ! a fri,•ud on t Itt> tl'alll twxt "Uili· m<>r and ask !tim how the ~ame i:; going to come vt•t tom<•t·row. 1 uL • ' B C:t " znco n S est ~ ory Conveys Good Lesson • • ~onH'tlme · WP think the stud~· of sci l'n• 11it:tion b;v Tex Hlclmrd (;;howSl I entifit' agrieulturp is a llijW tl.in;,: Hilt ouly thought of within thP I :-:t ft>\' , in the photo) that Sammy MandPII ~·par~. <iiant;; of inteiiPd, lik(' tlu t\'ill h(' one of tltt> four tith··holdt>rs great and dPat·I~· beloved Linf'oltt, saw I to he dethronPd In 1!1:.!7 Ita;; drawn a far nlwad of their tinH':'<, (•H'n <·on reply fro111 the llghtw<•i;:ht champion cerning Sll(·h homely matters ns th(' that "Hlekard will lose his title of fertility of the ~oil. \\'(• give nut· worltl's ehalltlllOII hoxing promotPr, ren<IE'l'~ below what is •·on«ltl'·" ~ ·t 1 '" tno." Riekarcl forecast thut MickE'~' t•oln's best story. It was told to at\ \\'ulk(•t·, mlddh•wl'ight, Pete Lutzo. assPmbly of furrners at the \·J.,, "' ... \\'(•lten\·pigllt, a•nd Charley (Phil) addn•~<s. We eomrnend it. and the IPs Hoo;Pnher;.:. bantamweight, also will son it conveys, to every thoughtful yield thPir mantles. reader: "An eastern monarch _once char!red ; his wise men to Invent lum n ~entetH'f • "' to be forever In ,·lew, and which Manager Bu•·l;y Harris, UJIOn his should be true nntl appropriate at 11 11 return from Europe. where he went time!! and ~!tuatlons. They presented on his lroneym()on. tlt><'lared !J(> hehim the words, 'And till~. too, shall lievl'•l IrelatHl had tilE' he~<t ('hatH'!' o:l' pass away.' And yet, let us ·ho 11 e 11 tul:ing to has<•hall.. "I think thP IriRh Is not quite true. Let us hopt>, t·ather. will In time turn to haseball." said that by the best cultivation of tiH thE' brf<Jpgroom. "~he Is :<<•Pidn!; physical world beneath and the moral ·':JIIIPs t ll::t wi II t1fl:ori·e lt,•r from world within us, we shall secure nr· Euglish sports." Whf>rt onP nlll>< an individual, social and political pros ye tn·pt thP major lt>ugue •naml~<>rs perlty and happiness, whose cours• \lc<:raw. McC'arth;v.. Maf'k, 1\lnri:rrty, shall be onward and upward, anc lowle~. l\l<·lrml , -~~ nd_rick~. Bush un:l which, while the earth epdures, shal ·nrril(nn--lt would ~ePrn that Ute Irl~h aot IIUI awa:r."-Farmer and Breeder ..., 1n·etty wt•ll In chnrge <>f tlte tParn~ 'I Tanlac. The recovery of Mrs. ,J. J. Lueb, 708 S. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, has ex· cited much comment. "Tan I ac san:d m;> from pu .na.ncnt d is· at.il ' ty," says :1Ir3. Lucb. "For almJst ten ycors I had been troullcd '•'llh intii ; \l t1on anti cons 'quentl)' "as ~,1 sach a run-down l.. c>udJtlOil tl.ut v. h e a I t.te :-m:,-thing out of the ordi.:.:.ry, I suffere•l tcrril!y and t2rame awfully nervous. • Jut now, T• feel and lo.Jk better tl.nn eYer 1 tJf~rc ard can eat anytlll!l"'- 1 glve 'l'anlo.-: a] 1 the credit f(';' my marvf'I<'US n·cov ry. J<]very wnman sho•tld tnko it, r -gularly.'' 'l his "' on:l.crf1:l t :m:c, roauo from ronts, •,arks <tntl 11 rl r, , hclvs build up WG ' k toditl, frc; the sy"tem of I::Ji>0'1, drives out eaus ~s oi' pain. I.cncfit by MrR. Lneb's e:;.;perience. Let Tanlac hllp you to glorious health. Get vour first bottle from yonr druggist.-today! ~ 011n· upc.n a time a tnnn made a sat! mlstnk <·: He \I ( nt intn a IJarhPr ::-.hOJl for a <JUH'I' ~lul' t' tht> day after a ba"<'· l.Jall :-:t'antlul hrokt•. 1 / Suffering from Nervousneu, Stomach Trouble and Run-Doom Condi.iion, Colo. Springs Woman Restored to Ileallh. Thanh • • • t~.»;Ctf...t.:"> BY ! Curves Way to Fame ... ;~~-'("" ,,,n ~A...,t\l .,~·~:tt:t>~ Mrs. Loeb's Quick Recovery ter Billion Dollars. poor; "~as MUCH MONEY IS Sr'ENT ON GOLF I I I Baseball in !roland * C/MENTHOL Bob ronnery of St. !'nul !(raduat('d anotfll'l' of his 11layer~ with the ;.;ale of Third Ba~e.mlu .Julian \\'t'ra. a ~·oung· ~ter, to tit<' :'\pw York Yanke~. COUGH Il:JlOPS Turks Wearing Gloves . . .. . \t< t ht• rpsult of tile '!d >ption in Tu(·''·' of mod(•rtt Eu. opPan drp,;~, • • Minneapolis I~ ~<aid to have paid $11,000 to Duluth for Eddie Hllddeu. hocke~· !'tar, while both clubs, were members of the Amateur Hockey assoeiation. • • • In re the H<lrn:<by deal : The York g,·enin!( \\' orld ~a~·s New would rathN· sep a home-mnde tlul•l onP transferred there for • ne~s rea:wn'.!. New York team busi- \\tlarin~ n·Joyp. t ltitu· llurold I 'artson, 1·e"••·an Ph Ill~· plteher, just an averag(.> mat. for ~·pars, suddenly acquired nn effE>ttiveue~:s on the mound that. made htm one ot the greatest pltchPrs of the Hl26 season. A brilliant year !R predh tPd for him this season under the management of Rtul'l'y Mclnnll'. nt·ti!'h·s of lllndr·rll \\'<•at·in).: a[lparPI :::,T<I'Iuall~· lian· ;oppE·at·<'fl ou the ··tnLt..; of Constallff•H>ph', hut thP favor wltlt whi!'h thl' hanil-enn•ring~ \\.'[•J'P l"l l't IYP<1 \\'i\!" surpt·i~Jng. 1 1 T!.ougltt ~ n I'P tnlgltt!Pr· than "t "'111-!'1 h of IIalld.---Roplto('IP!". , Pilot Moriarty Has First Speech Ready • • • The 1\lacon club of the South Atlat>tic lpagu~ has tweu promised the retl;m of ·l'itdt~r Dull' It \Yick<'r hy the j Louiwill<' duh of the American asso<'i atit>ll, on optlou. • • • Golfing euthuslasts near Boston are plnyiug golf in the snow, and using 1 ctl go! f hall~. ~o make them distingulsltah'e. WhPn a bug ~;ets that tat· &ol .. he's gone !or I!W"'- rl"nrks Hrt" •.. \',';'l'thy .MikP llld\ally, nt<•ran utility intielrlE'r of the Ameriean leuguc. Is thl• llPW managpr of thP Iliugltu mton team of tit<' Xew York-l'f'nll"~·h·anin league. 2 g Gpor·gE' :.roriarty, ne'" pilot of thP Detroit Tigers, told the serihes he ha~ frameo n spE'eeh for the tlrst umpirP who pull>< a bum de(·ision on his team. George salt! he 1 going to say: "I know how rotten you fellows guess, because I was one Qf you once myself." W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 8-1827, |