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Show • Eal t Lak e· Pan ter of Sara Mr11. Lizz ie with h Ben . Mrs AN ORD INA NCE day Sun t spen . pain Des l Ora . Mrs y. IXAXCE eontlrmlng the Brad OHD AN and Mrs. Rey nold ily. fam and e . ·Pag nett ence . N . Mrs Flor TO . ER Mrs and RIV Mrs . Mar gie Bish op 1 o Gould ol M mrge here <.ieo B . erty Mrs prop N and the M Mr. upon t of nessmen n Wed sse~ tma ed Whe scar rs. sy Hug ely ente rtain Mr. and Mrs . Geo rge ancy enne y, rs. of To~le are Vl.sl'tm· g Wltll M•·•· tlyr ultl Da1" P Mrs. La- ,fter desl·rihed, ou the Wes t side ol. · .._d the pas t wee k a t 'h Nich a Emm . Mrs v-.. ney, e Bee ~ ana Mr. of e enhom d ter the ayso n Vlsl.., day even ing at et, G2.G Wes t of the Ceu Mr. and .Mrs. J. N. Hau mon Fen ster mak er, Mrs. Lor a Bak er ;tate Stre . Tho mas P. ~rady, Sr.. vifta . Mrs Mrs and of or Mr. hon of in e ush her hom at Forb y ter part hole Xo. 36 Les . rise terta ined at a surp The los.ing side o! the Rab bit Mrs and Mrs. Erm a here of beginning at mun op rnAlls retu ie e Gold Pag . P. Mrs T. . ush, Mrs re Forb s whe Mis e, Pag erly tie Sha rp, form nsio n Xo. 2 at a poin t 797 hom e last Thu rsda y in hon or of Mr. .l:iunc, unue<· cap~am liyr um .l:i. l:h·auy Ger wer e dinn er gue sts Thu rsda y lt•wer Exte . k them Coo with orason Dec Pay er. to ed show g eous bein ellan it , misc ·2 feet Eas t und 9::iG.71 feet Xor th and Mrs . M. J. Tisc hner Forb ush. e a very succ essr ul uanc~:: o::.a~- at a gav hel Ra,c Salt . Mrs of of d A klan n. Fran gree ise Ard and s pink .Mis er of section Amu:;e- tion s wer e in thei r birt hda y anni vers arie s. Gam es as gue st of urua y evem ng m tne Ward Sha rp and Mis s 'rom the Sout-hwest rorn days lette ral Vor s seve t Mis spen e and Lak ed play e serv wer Bas e and es ent.s num ber of gam wer e play ed and refre slun on ente rtain ed ;, '1' 2 s It 1 E Suit Luk e . Lars hall t ia Lyg rnen and Fern of d Han e. M. Pag M. e . Mis s Joyc won by Mrs in~ thence ~orth ed to 35 KUelts. · Miss Grac e Jam es of Bmg ham was priz es ing at the hom e of the )Jer edia n and runn Nep hi on even to ay rned Frid retu of e ers Pag e Rog Duk da Ver . risMrs surp Mrs. Geo rge W. Bill s was nd gue st ot M1ss Mar y San dy and er in 101 feet and thence Ea:-;t 2Gl feet to a k--e wee show a s eous day ellan misc four a at ding er spen form r afte side of 45th South, Mur ray. Mrs. Wil ford Bi!nnett. ed at her hom e on Satu rday in hon or Sun day Ger tie Sha rp, a rece nt <Join t in the Sou th Eric kson . . Mrs of or hon s. ed tive serv e rela wer with ents ed ting play eshm visi e Dai nty refr of her birth day. Gam es wer yel- t:.ncl iner sect ing extemdon :'lio. 2, for Mrs . Jim Gas kill and Mrs. pale and in l'tlr. ~re cl ions ente orat pres Dec tion e. ocia brid Ass ary beau The Prim 8-incb 25 gues ts. Man y usef ul and and refr esha nent s serv ed to Mr. and cupi e brid e the rons truc tion of a 6-inch and H. t..:. .1\lanJca wi!re guest:s ~aturaay to A on . hall nder ent lave sem and amu low the at . play a ived pres ents wer e rece sewer exte nsio n ~o. Mrs . Ger ald Bills, Mr. and Mrs . Al· evenin,g at a hous e part y at the) 10m e tiful cent erpi ece deco ratio n sew er pipe line in 1 form ed the Salt of son Iver ay. WilC. , Frid er Peck Heb lyn op Bish lison Bills, Miss Ethe e ciu·ds 4. o.l' Salt Lak e. erfie ld and Fred B. o.l' Mrs. H. Jolm son on Den ney and Lak e was the spea ker at the Parent~ for the tabl e. Fav ors and plac Butt A. mas Tho Shir . .Mrs and Mr. and BE IT ORD AIX ED BY THE liam Bill s and Mrs. Clem ed and Mr. serv , was east er dinn the (' se for cour k wee four last war left the May en motore<i Class, Sun day mor ning at \Dli RSI ONE RS • OF Gre CO: rge 01<' Geo . ley Can tonw ine of Salt Lak e, Mr. RD Mrs BOA A and rs. Mr. colo g from ailin ton prev mut wer e also in the with a trai n load of TE OF UTAH, chapel. and Mrs . A. P. Ras mus sen and d!if . Sun e, Lak h Uta Mr. and Mrs . Clar - 3Il'R RAY CITY, STA to for exlaid they rs re cove whe nity Sun . vici held and was rton ting Rive and Mee Sac ram ent dau ghte r, Ferr ill of Midvale, Mr. RPction 1. '!'ha t the asse ssm ent list Mrs . Bes sie Forb ush spen t last t · a ence · Sha rp ' Mr. and Mrs. Alm ie BWlth for two wee ks. e · gon be to ion pect s unct conj Park l in Ear ing and sure r of Mur ray even s Mrs . Arc hie Park Mrs. Cha rles Tho rn macle by the City Trea ~ ---· ..... ......... wee k at the hom e of Mrs. Geo rge day CON'I'INU ,.,D and Mr. bon ON Eric ERT nee RIV ea . tmg and mee nzo war d teac hers of Lark , and Mr. and Mrs . Lore er, Blan ch City as eorr eete d and appr oved of Salt Lak e. on Glov mps Leo . Tho Mrs ay and Frid Mr. held e ton, wer Nor ices . serv solo F'un eral rend ered a voc~l rd of CommisHow ard, Mrs. Jose ph Park s and Mis s Elv a Bra dy ente rtain ed on Sim pers Ros enha nd, Wal lace l'Omplled by the Boa e t cam h Cor deat er, s Glov who e, Don Pag 1. and mas mg Tho read for a and L. dau ghte r, Myr tle, Mr. and Mrs . , Clar ence ~imwrs as u boar d of Equ aliz ati at a fam ily dinn er in hon or ris Sha rp gave bson day Sun Jaco ds. Lulu frien rg, and erbu ily Mill a fam his ered to k rend as a shoc uhu tting on ald Nick les of Mid'(ale T. Butt erfie ld, Mr. and Mr~ Wil Sha rp, And rew Review of the prop erty But - of the 64th birt hda y ann iver sary o1 ch ah Blan hari Zac rg, by erbe red Mi!l offe the k was of er p Pray Sh~r G. of l:-\tnte Stre et begilllling y, Sr. mus sen and John ford Cran e, Mr. and Mrs . Jet Bills, i. Lyg ia Lars on, Mr. and Mrs the West side e Lore nzo her fath er, Mr. Hyr um Brad wer for< Brad kers ers. spea The spea e t eld. e terfi wer cy and iden ard Pres t and 9G6.71 wer e Mr. and Stak e Mis s Bea trice and Rut h How Les ter Forb ush at a poin t 797 1-2 feet J<;as . Mrs op, Bish • old Har Lak e, Gordon S. Bills, Out -of- tow n gue sts Da~ s Salt of Fo~k n Old. ense Wa·rd Reu nion and of Mur ray. The i'eet Xor tb from thl' S6u thw est corn er ner Ros s New man . Tur tavi W. Gus G. . ence Mrs Clar . . Bills Mrs id and Dav 22 Mr. op Bish and Han sen and m t e war will be held Feb ruar y ul "Mr. and Mrs . Tho mas P. Pag e had John were laid for 35 gues ts. rs cove the d cate dedi dy wel- son. Man y beau tiful and usef rybo ilton Eve Ham . 11! Heclon 6, T 2 R, H 1 E, Salt Luk e M. hall ?r mas ent roc Tho sem rs. t amu Mr P an ay, r. M d Frid of sts M soh gue n, Alle and y as thei r dinn er man . e ived wer thence gift s wer e rece grave.... The flowers Bu~;e and .llerecllan nnd rm~ning last wee k. m come. • Wed ed and Mrs . John Fran klan d and son, heau tiful . rtain 1 met with an acci dent ente = on of deLars ose "rs . Jack .od ente rtain ed . 5(l1 feet, for the purp b 'iort nwo Gree la n Mer kor~a Fran Miss e er h J Heb a . th H1g room t r1 Din ner was William, Mr. and Mrs ting . Fun eral se1 vices wer e held for the gym M1ss Phy hss Greenwood ne~day at a quil fray ing the eost of <'onRtructing the for ay Frid was lone he and e, ise gam g Ard rs stlin wre ghte a dau In es ol. dam Mes Scho land and for and laid Mr. rs of cove son serv ed and Ear l Blak e Gar side , pipe ;;ewer line, IS IU; tu;s y CO~ h of San dy. th Smi ie · · re d the back of his and Mor ine Cas Ann n, Mrs . Emm a Gath erum , Clau de Gath - Mrs Aar on Gar side who died Sun - th row n an d lllJU Goff, Nea l Olso r'IRMEI>, and tbp IISSt'~sments made Mis s Elou ise Dowdin~ of Salt Lak e Sab ina e himj caus to as and way a ange such Gor in erum , Wil lard Gat heru m and Tho mas y Rub head 1 ad, for kste ill g Bec day· at his hom e afte r bein and retu med in ~aid completed list t Sun day with Mrs . Sem ira Goff. Grac e spen At d. lize para rily pora tem me Gath erum , Mr. and Mrs. Tho mas beco na Len nber g. the past year . Pray er was offered by to ut·e hereby confirmed. Mrs. Jess Nix ente rtain ed Satu r- Chr iste Slea ter, Mrs. Sam uel Bair d, Mrs. G. s. Bills, the spea kers wP.re John last repo rts he is slig htly imp rove d. Section 2. '!'his ordi nanc e shal l take for Mrs. David Lyon, Mrs . Geo. day day S. Sun a ert was Rob _ rt . S~a Mrs tha and Mar s Mr. Mis TO Slea ter, S OIL . CO. Han sen, Hen ry Bills. Tho mas M. eff!'Ct one duy aftp r its pui.Jlication. Mrs. L. Brad y, Mrs. Byr on CUL MER PER DRA Ray She phar d of Salt Lak e, Mr. and Ham ilton and Bish op Dav id Bills. gue st of Mis s Deli a and Modena Man - Nix, IN E VIC SER PAS SED BY THE BOAHD 01<' ' Tho mas . Mrs. A. Pete rson and Mrs. , Mrs . Guy nne Pag e, Mrs . Halt~e ka. hTisc J. ){l'H RAY W. es OF S SIOCioEH CO:\UIIS Pray er was offe red by Nix of Bing ham , Mrs. Jam of Janday 31tt S '!'HI H, UTA Y, CIT Mr. and Mrs . Alm ie Erec kson of , D. H. Free man and Dau ghte rs, Belva, Mae, ner Bur ial was in the Sou th Jord an rate ope ers Oil Co. will Culm The . Mrs n, Gree r.ge Geo . Nance. Mrs . Will uary , 11J27. Jrtr. and .Mrs. Z. T. Butt erfte ld, Mr: y flowers spok e Mur ray and Mr. anj Mrs dy an up to date serv ice stat ion at the man Bra L. The S. . Mrs n. Gree mon of Clem ily er fam and Mrs . Jack Wib erg and man of Wes t Jord an wer e the dmn Stat elin e Serv ice Stat ion of Dra per. I. LES TEU , swo rth. the deep sym path y of frie nd of Ain d Floy . Mrs and Geo. . C. . Mrs Mrs and and Mr. Mr. and Sou th Jord an g gue sts Sun day of orin mot the llay or The ir plan is to give l Ped erse n was a Bing Pau . Mrs I, XSK Whe tma n of Pay son, Duk e Pag e of V. Erek son. est adv anta ge of thei r w. J. w ARE tor Sun day, gue st of Mr. public the full visi ham Nep hi and Rola nd Pag e. City Hec orde r orga niza tion in both product~ and in Mrs . Jess ie Ber rett and Mrs. B. Mrs. Mar tin Ped erse n. and Mr. Dav id Bag get of Bur ley, Ida· rove Imp an be . with Sew er Exte nsio n No. 4. This will k visi ted Fird ay of last wee k Mr. and Mrs. Hyr um H. Gra ham serv ice. ho was the gue st at the hom e of Mr. Pac form (Sea l) Bill ~umber 29 t over the serv1ce that the Mrs . Car rie Coomber. and son, Floy d and Mrs. Sam Bec k- I men and pain Des and Mrs. J. N. Hau mon d for the past A. D. . Mrs ren· to and able Mr. of Publl~bed Janu ary 3, 1927 I Ger ald Bra dy JV[r and Mrs . gue sts Wed nesd ay ! er man agem ent has been er dinn e wer d stea e wer nite Gra of th. mon Mr. Arli e Des pain cler with its limi ted faci litie s. . GE!rtie Des pain . Mrs of. and Mr. of Mrs Dav id Hay cock of Firt h, Ida. sts gue er dinn day ray, visi ted Mon day with .Mr. Sun AN ORD JN,\ NCE ( spen t .the past wee k with her aister,~ Mur ====== = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = ~ ~ AN OHDINANCE confirming the asse ssm ent upon the prop erty here inafte r described ou the Sou th side of poin t Eat~t 48th Sou th Stre et from a on the West line of land owued IJy ..· Hen ry How ard described as being 3.75 ees degr 89 th chai ns Sou th and Sou -~ Eas t 457 1-2 fet::t from the Nor thw est wrn er of the Nor thea st one qua rter of t,V Section 7, '.r 2 S, U 1 E and runn ing • then ee Eas terly alon g the Sou th side of Eas t 48th Sou th Stret::t a dist ance I of 3657 1-2 feet to a point: Sou th I and Sou th 83 degreeB I 992. 04 feet I 20 min utes Eas t 1254.3 feet from the Nor thwe st coru er of Sec.tion 8, T 2 8, R 1 E for the cons truc tion of a concret e side walk 4 feet wide and 4 inches thic k with dr!Yeways 6 inches thic k. BE IT ORDAI~ED BY THE BOARD 01<' C0,:\1:\liSSIONERS OF MURRAY ()ITY STA TE OF UTAH, Section 1. 'l'hu' t the asse ssm ent list mad e by th!! City Trea sure r as eorrected, appr oved and eompiled by the Boa rd of Commissioners setti ng as Equ aliz atio n and of Boa rd a Uevlew of the prop erty abut ting on the Sou th side of Eas t 48th Son th Stre et from a poin t on the We:st line of land owned by Hen ry How ard describ ed us being 3. 75 chai ns Sou th and Sou th 89 degrees Eas t 4G7 1-2 ft. from the Northwe~>t corn er of the Northt"'lst qua rter of Section 7, T 2 S, R 1 E and runn ing then ce Eas terly alon g the Sou th side of Eas t 48th Sou th Stre et a dist ance of 3657 1·2 feet to a poin t Sou th 992.()4 feet Sou th and nrln utes 20 degr ees &1 Sou th Eas t 1254.3 from the Nor thw est ~ Sect ion 8, T 2 S, of corn er R 1 E, tor the purp ose of defr aying the cost of constructh:ig a conc rete side walk 4 feet wide and 4 inch es ced pla and els Cam d TH IS age trie thic k with driv ewa ys 6 inch es thie k, IS HER EBY CONI<'IR:\IED, and the t. An d it was no half-way firs m the asse ssm ents mad e and retu rned II\ • said completed llst, are here by con verdict. NeYer in the history of smok' firmed. Section 2. This ordi nanc e shal l-tak e ing w~s a cigarette gi"Yen a leadership affe ct one day afte r its publ icati on.. like Camel has today. PAS SED BY THE BOA itD OF OF .MURRAY CO.llMISSIO~ERS or· fav the To find why Camels are CITY, UTAH, THI S 31st day of Jan · uary , 1927. ite, jus t try the m. Yo u will find the I. LES TEi t, Mayor ice c~o per fec t fragrance and taste of W. J. W.A.RE!IISKI, will u Yo d. nde ble ly City Rec orde r tobaccos, rare Side walk Exte nsio n No. 11. t tha ss dne mil llow me experience a (Sea l) Bill No. 30. Pub lishe d Janu ary 3, 1927 oyment! ~tead 1 ce~etery. UN IO N EA ST MIDVALE .. , ,. ..... I This- modem age puts ·Camels first gives endless cigarette enj For the choice of the mo der n ag e..Hti"Ye a Ca me l/'' REA LTO RS STU DY DRA PER COND~ONS Rep rese ntat ives of a Salt Lak e Rea lty Co., in coop erat ion with the man ager of the Dra per Rea l Esta te 1 Serv ice spen t cons ider able time on Mon day stud ying the Dra per . 'Sites for Model Pou ltry sub divisions. On the whole, the imp ress ions wer e favorab le and it was decided that Dra per has suff icien t avai labl e grou nd to acco mm odat e any and all who desi re to loca te in Dra per on pou ltry, dair y, or frui t farm s. .. - ) Mrs . Ada L. Sull ivan of St. Louis has buil t up an exte nsiv e busi ness in hand men ding and emp loys a larg e num ber of exp ert need lewo men . |