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Show . Vol2. No. 36 Midvale City, Utah, Febru ary 3, 1927 Subscription $1.00 Year LIBER TY CHILD REN STAN DING OF GRAN T WAR D MEET INGS IN GRAN T 1 WALK OR NEW ORDI NANC E TAKE TRIP BASK ETBA LLER S WARD FOR FEB. MINS TREL SHOW GET LICEN SE EFFE CTIV E SOON .. Xinety-one students from the 5tb Team Standing A grf>flt minstrel show was h~ld at unrl lith grndos at the Liberty School w. L. Pet. I the Grant ·ward Recreation Hall on were tal,on to the Public Safety Build- Murray .................................. 3 1 .750 I Monday, January 81. The show Willi ing !tnd to th~ State eapltnl lust Fri- Bingham .............................. 3 1 .750! given under tbe directlon of the Ward day, by the principal, :\lr. :\Ia:Uillnn 750 ,. B!Thaboeper~e· ~utl~d ata• was Cyprus ..................................3 31 ·.200 ~nmn~-"" of and two teachers, :\1lss Larsen nnd Jordan ... _ ..........................! ~ ~ , .. ... ..., """"""' l\l(ss Webster. Grantsvill e .......................... ! 3 .250 Alfred Craven, musical manager Iola 'l'hf' ebildren left :\lnrray on a spee- Tooele ··--·-·-·--··-· ...................1 3 .250 .Jensen, assistant, J..eRoy Turpin, • buslinl cnr at noon and proceeded to the 1\lt:RRAY LOSES TO CYPRUS ness manager, Ev~rett Bird, property l'nblic Safety Building where they T·he ::\Inrruy Dnskf'tball Team lost its master; F:. W. Guyman, Eugene Watts were shown in detail the way the fire game with the Cyprus team Friday, Blaine Watts and N. L. Jensen, adver-' d<'iJIIrtment Ullll poliee depnrtmen t and is now tied for fist place with Using agf'nts. LperatPd. The~· were also shown how Bingham Canyon aml Cyprus. The The following aBBisted In the perfortbl' switch hoard and fire alarm sys- :Hurray team !lid not keep up the pace mance: tem worked at the emergency hospital. they showed in bentiug the Bingham Albert E. White, Nathaniel Watts, At the city <'ourt they were given a Canyon contenders , and local fans 1I Art McMillan, Herman Holmgren , Gerleeture Oll this civic institution . wem Anrprised hy the defeat Cyprus I ald Craven, Delbert Ashby Heber Pet'l'he special car then took the child- put ct>er. erson, Elmo McMillan, Clifford Watts, ren to the state capital where they 'rhe results of the game played Fri- Lily Craven, Eirena Reading, Newell were shown t.he museum, the house day runke thrL>e of the team..<!, Blng>ham, i'Uc:\Illlan Harry Smith, Josephine 1 of representn uves and the senate i Cyprus and Murray, go into a triple tie Wallen Verdette Re&ding, Clifton All~hamber, by a competent guide. While II for first place. At least one or these sip, Shirley Blaine, Arthur Holmgren , Ill the capital they were glyen a dis- teams must give ground this week-end, Glen Shaw, Charle11 Nelson, Wilford cou~ae 01~ the cupital a~d state officers. I ~!nee two of them, Cyprus and Bing- CravN~, VeNUe Hunt, Ivory Jtrebs, 'lhe tnp was educflllOnul throughou t '!ham, oppose each other, the game to Atwtln Greenwood, Lambert Watts, nnd gave the children a better and be pla~·ed in the Bingham hall. Mur- Harold Christenee n, ~rge Bloomcleurer understan ding as to the con· ray should retain her present stand- quist, lola .Jensen. tlud of puulic affairs. ing, aR she will he playing the Grants' ville five on the l\Iurray court. Jordan 1 will play Tooele. Sunday, I<'ebruary 6----Sa('rament meetA warning to motor car owm•r8 to T·he new ordinance s effecting dance ing at 12:30. Y. M. nnd Y. L. ;\l. I . ~Pet•d up tlie registratio n of tlteir cars halls, rondhouse s and t>imllar estabA. conjoint at G :30 p. m. early In Fel!ru:u·y bas bceu issued by lislmwnts becomes effe<'ti ve Tltursdny, Sunday, February 13-Helie t Society H. I<J. Crockett, se<:retary of state. Tlte 'I<'ebruary 3rd. Its featm:es are: (',onference at 6 :30 p. m., Grant demand for lken~;e pin tes to date ltns Exclu;;ion of minors, unless accomWard. l,eeu slow says .\lr. Croekett, and hllli- panied by parent or guardian. Sunday, February 20-Cltton wood cntions point to a rush ut the la!lt of Suspensio n of dancing at midnight. Stake Conference. the period allotted fot• oiJtuining thelll. Absolute doRing at 1 o'clock a. tu. Sunday, ~'ebruary 27- Sacramen t Mr. Crockett said there is little excuse Licem;ing of dance halls on a quartmeeting Itt 6 ::~o. Specinl music nne! for car owuers to fail to obtain plates erly plan, to gire county commissio n Stnkt> ;\lissionar ies. in the first two months llllOWEc>d by.luw power to revoke in case of disorderJanuary was a record breaker for 1 und that no extension of time can lie liness or continued disobedian ce of law, attendanc e at Sacramen t 1\Ieetlng-. ~>Xl.et:lc!l. The statute makes it unDefinition of "cabaret." A vernge about 35 pf'r C{'nt. lawful for any person to drive a motor Do not forget Grant Ward's HomE> 'chicle 011 the public stl'I..'CtS and high- . Coming and Reunion, February 22 and ways after March 1, 11!27, without n 1 23. Banquet and Program Tues!luy ; licemse plate issued for 11!27. Grand Ball, '\'ednesda y. Wedn<>sday night daJJces are great. The two magnifice nt school buildings just completed at Riverton will be dedicated in fitting manner on Thursday night, Feb. 10, according to - - -the announce ment of Prin. W. R. Stev - ·- Th.e Mothers' an[ Daughter s' ban- ens, of Riverton. The school board Do you wa!lt n purebrend calf. sheep quet, an actiVity of th e young Ladies will be in attendanc e 100 per cent or 11ig? Do you wnnt to help impro\'C :'rlutu<.l Improvem ent ,Associati on, strong and Dr. Arthur L. Be-eley of lhe.-1tof'k in our county? no you kn.Jw was held Wednesda y evening of last the Universit y of Utah will give the tint tho J)('Ople who make the world week in the Ward Hall. and proved dedication address. This school plant go round art• the Olle.'l who Ilroduce a very successfu l entertainm ent. is not only a real credit to the board something worth while? Who learn Various committee s of M. I. A. girls of Education and Jordan District but thl' prlu,..lplcs of e;ood business and ae- had charge of the affair and demon- stands as a monumen t in the foreFriday's snowstorm brings the pre- quire the hnhit of thrift? strated their efficiency beyond a ground of Utah's Education al field. cipltatloo, both for the month of JanHere is the plan for n "Salt LakP doubt. ! I It ill in the fullest sense the latest The Arueriean Red Cross has been unry and tor the ~~e~~.aon beginning County Junior Lh·~>..stock Clull." More than 125 guests were served word in modern school plants. .requested to aid in the nation-wid e Octoher 1, abo,·e the normal, accordWe want ten boys for the Calf cluh, at the two long tables that extended All are invited to attend the dedisearch being conducted for Fred A. Admitting the validity of contracts Ing to the records ot J. Cecil Alter, ten l!oya for the pig club and tt>n the length of the hall. cation exercises on Feb. lOth. La Rue, who disappear ed December 30, entered Into with sugar manufactu rers meteorolo gist in charge of the local U. boyR for the sheep· dull. We want The decoration s were in red and from his home in Grand Hapids, Iowa. 11 year ago and acknowlet lging the S. weatber bureau. According to Mr. bo~·s Just like you who are Interested white and were clearly carried out l.r. :J'he man is :~!l years old and Is de- bonus, the Utah Sugar Beet Cooper&· Alter, a fort:r-sh:-mlle gale ushered tn in and will prop~>rly enre for their the favors, flowers and in the cosso:.'Pibe<l as having blue eyes, dark th·e associatio n, in a resoh1tion adopted the snowfall, and the fall was measur- animals. The County Ag-l'iculturnl tumes of the waiters. Toasts were 1 brown hair nnd ruddy complexion. He 1 Saturday by its directors, "would high- ed at 2.2 inches. The storm brought Agent, M1·. lfnrtlnPau ; Dr. ::\I('afl, for- responded to by the following : Miss is 5 feet 4 1-2 inches tall. He is be- llr favor" a uniform pricl' for beets in thto total precipitati on for the month up merly with the V. S. Veterinary Bu- Lucile Woodhead , Mrs. J. W. Grace, Union Pacific Orchestra of Los AnliPved to he suffering from nervous Utah and Idaho and commended the to 1.411 Inches, which Is .09 of an inch retnl, and :\[r. J. H. ;\ltmd<>rfiplrJ of the Mrs. F. W. Richardso n, Mrs. Henry • geles Rendered Novelty Program trouble. advance It hafl offered. The meeting more than the normal fnll. For tht> T7nlon Stock Yards of Salt Lake will Beckstead and Mrs. L. F. Pett. was held In the state farm bureau of- season, the precipitat ion has been 5.48 nil cooperate with you, help :-~ele>Ct Miss Esther Whitmore was the As is usual with Draper Poultryflees. Evl"ry beet growing district in Inches, while tbe no.t:mal recording Ia your animals, visit you eYery few toast mistress. men, the dance de luxe given Jan. 31 months and h<~lp you in any troul>l!> the stat<• was represente d. Growers 5.40 inches. A pro.gram, arranged by Miss Cora with the services of the Union Pacific trom the Sevier district urged the as· you mig1l.t have with your sto<'k. A Goff, was given during the evening Orcnestra of Los Angeles was a suesocintion -to makf' nn effort t~t obtain time will be set fer you to exbihlt and consisted of the following num- cess in every way. The committee The Arlington Parent-Te achers' .Assouniform base price for beets thruout your animal!!, and a prize of about bers; Reading, Miss Carmen Cropper in charge is entitled to a vote ciation met at the Arlington School of ap-the state. Directors of the organiza$25.00 will he p;ivpn to the boy who character dance. Miss Helen West- predation from all who attended last Tuesday, January 25, 1927, at 7:30 the tion inl!isted however, that they could makes the best showing with his stock. lund, Piano selections , Miss Phyllis affair for their diligent service. o'clock. The ' without mutual agreetake no action The communit y slogan contest con With the shl'Cp and pigs you will will Watkins, of Salt Lake. A very interestin g program consist"Knights of the Notes" rendered a ment with the Idaho State Farm bu- ducted by the Draper Civic Club has haYo some Increase this year to hl•ip Dancing, Laura Samuels and Susan novelty musical program that was en Ing of music and danus'S was furnished rt>au, the Idnho Beet Growers' asso- been given r.onsidera tion by many pay for your f'fforts. Of course with ·McGhie. by th~ pupils of the schooL • tirely different. The shock upon one ciation and the manufactu rers' organ- enterprisi ng and ambitious minds. ti1e calYl"S it will take you longer to Dr. Samuel J. Paul of Salt Lake,, occasion was :;o great that one of the ization. It was nssC\rted that the base There will undoubted ly be much realize an incomE>. A young sow wiU then spoke on "Child Hygiene.'' .l!~ol· dancers found himself confronte d price for beets in Idaho districts was good material from which the judges o•ost you about $15.00 to $20.00, a brood lowing this, Dr. RothwPll gave the rethe problem of carrying his $7.50 n ton, while throughou t Utah, may select the slogan. Many people sow about $40.00. All animals will be port of the committo:.>e which had been off the floor in the dark. ex<·Ppt In the area where the Gunni- from out of Draper have participat ed r('gfstered. A ewe tbnt has been bred 'I'h appointed to see if the local dentists d . . f t' The violence of the crescendo e sQcon ot a senes o par 1es son Sugar company bas been active in one slogan being received by tele- to lamb this spring will co.st . . . nbont 1 _, would cooperate with the Associatio n b th St Tl , Alt 1 ulmneous ly extmgu1sh ed the light~ p anneu y e . 1eresa s ar recent months, the base price is $7.00 gram from California . . . . S40.00. A calf will cost about $40.00, L' • t in Its work of oral hygiene. Dr. Roth. T ues d . and caused this fair lady to famt. ..,oc1e y was given ay evemng, a ton. The Gunnison Sugar Company or $50.00, and a young heifer about ., b well rt~ported that the dentists would en lead both so1, e ruary 1s t a t the h orne of Mrs. . Drapet' Poultrym has been giving three year contracts . · 1 $100.00. be very glad to help the Association ,,, C O'B . Th a large cially and mdustria ly. nen. ere was with a base price of $7.50 a ton. You will be finanePd as follows: We "'· . obtain 100 per cent perfect teeth iii attendanc e and all present had an I have Some bankS that will lend yOU the Arlington School. Fire, Monday afternoon , destroyed the money to buy your start. Y ou will enjoyable time. the almost complete Amuseme nt ~h-e your note endorsed bY your .Mrs. James W. Nibley entertaine d After ha>ing lost track of each other Hall of the C:reseent Ward at a los11 for a period long enough to pay Itfather at dinner back Thursday for Mrs. W. J; ,. , for thirty-fi,·e ye,ars, M1ss ?o!arw of about $15,000. The County from the Income from your animals. Wales and Mrs. Henry C. Taggart Two groups of Draper Park School Crouch, chaperon of the Chi Beta EJ>- ·dep rt nt d er Chi f D 1 · ' a me un e oug as You will have the to •k d •'th of Salt Lake. girls demonstl" ated under the direc' The ;\lurray City teachers held a ~llon sorority at the University of Mle· Harker with the aid of chemicals . s c an " 1 meeting ~fonday of this week at which . sour!, and George C. B. Acton of Bing- kept the flame& from destroyin Mrs. 1>uane Turner of San Francis· tion of Miss Blanche Mawson at the g the l ~roper care Will soon ~e paid out and co is visiting•a t the home of her Jordan Parents Teachers Round Up meeting the report of the county teach· I ham, who were sweethear ts In their ·main chapel The Amuseme nt hall l tavetedseverltahl mTore. ammals than you ers convention held a week ago Satur· student days In lS..'lS, have met aga i n which had ·been under con.etruct! 1 s ar w . The Junior High girls in the unihere is an unlimited parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wanon fi ld 1 h berg. Mrs. Turner expects to be here form costumes adopted by the school day, was given. In Columbia, Mo., an d are t o be mar- for some time was completed with a e d r g t here w atillhome . for good sheep a month. 1 l\lany items of interest to the local l'ied the last of May, and plan to make the exception of plastering the gave a dance drill and song, and the inside 1 n phgst. ehw ass1st you in sell· . . ng w a you ave to sparp, and you teacher·s were presented nnd discussed thetr home in Bmgham. Miss Ardis Rosse was a guest on younger children of Miss Mawson's partitions and. finishins- the roofing. will be doing something really worth dancing class featured the work of and which will be considered by the · It was very difficult in fighting the while. Send your name and address Tuesday at a luncheon given at the l.ioard if education. home of Mrs. C. E. Burns of Salt the dancing course. The following progrnm will be given fire on account of no water supply. to the Murray Eagle, Murray, Uta·h hy the }f. I. A. of the Murray 1st ward , Lake. saying wheather you want a calf, sheep next Tuesday Evening, February 8, Monday evening an entertainm ent CATHOL IC SERVICE S 1927, open night for February in the Morrar aDII Midvale was given at the Stagg home on or pig, and just as soon as' we get 1st Ward Chapel, East on Vine street enough listed we will call a meeting Smelter Street honoring W. B. McSunday, Feb. 6th, 1927 ·and give you all the Informatio n and Ma88 In Fraternal Hall 11 a. m. Ginniss on his birthday anniversa ry. Hyrum Stocking of South Jordan At a meeting of the directors of the lJeglnning promptly at 7 :30 p. m. &!ll.llstance we can. But get busy and Prelimina ry program : Sunday School 10 :00 A a. late m. 'supper was served and dane- former school board member, was eFraternal Hall Associatio n held at Song--Congregation. Mass in Goff Hall, Midvale, 9 a. m. send In your name.s. . ing was enjoyed. The guests num- lected to serve as president of. the :\Iurray January 29th, 1927, the followPrnyer--Ev~>lyn Bringhurs t. Sunday School, 10 a. m. bered twenty-fiv e. ing officers were elected for the ensuJordan District Parents-T eachers AsSiogan--L ornlne Sherman. Rt. Rev. John J. Mltty, D. D., Mrs. Bishop Andrew Larson was hostess sociation for 1927-1928. ing year: Chorus--Beehive Girls. • ot the diocese of Salt Lake visited Inlo members of her club Monda,. afPrin. L. II. W. Canneglet er, President. NieLsen of the Jordan Reading-- Sarah Krebs. Miss Laura S. Butler formarly of Salt the Lake Catholic ternoon. parish of The Murprizes were won by High School is the vice-presi dent and Wm. Scott, Vice President. Vocal Duet--Red a Frame. ray during the week. He Inspected was the honor .guest at a miscellan - Mrs. Wm. Maycroft and Mrs. M. J. I. B. Humphre y was elected as the H. T. Matthews , Secy. and Treas. Vocal Duet--Red a Frame and Merl~ the church property at Murray and eous shower given at the home o:t Joy ta and Fiscal Agl'nt. Mrs. R. W. Born on Main ~~reet, I Thursday evening Hobbs. of last week at secre ry. llldvale and approved of the plans for Class work as usual. After class l·rectlng a cburch in the property on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. lhe residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. P . LOST- Bunch of 4 keys on ring. work a social under the direction oi Wasatch ave.Due, Hurray. It 18 ex- Borne, Mrs. W. D. Kuhre and Mrs. Rasmusse n an entertainm ent was Finder return to Eagle office. Reward. I the Recreatio n Committe e will Jx> pected that wort will beJin in the Mary Parmley were the hostesses. given in honor of Mrs. P. C. Rasmus Adv. • held In the amusemen t hall. Dancing vary near future. Games were enjoyed and supper serv- sen on her birthday anniversa ry. A games stunts and refreshme nts will bf ed to about sixty guests. Miss But- late supper was served and games The visiting speaker at the Jordan Born--To Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Nielson engag~d In and a good time Is to b{' ler was formerly a Sandy girl the were played. Those from out of, Stake Union meeting of last Sunday of ca_llfornla, a. son, Jan. 30. The people of the daughter ot former Bishop and Mrs. town were Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Garff, I left a suggestio n of deep significan 1 enjoyed by all. ce Friday evenmg of last week, Mr. ward both old and young, are imited A. J. Butler and will be a February of Magna and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1 with his audience. His thought was 1 and Mrs. A. P. Rasmusse n enter- to attend. Admission free. brhle, Theison and Miss Joyce Rideout of. that the Mormon church organizat ion tained at dinner for the following • A b'&' bazaar will H given here Mrs. E. 0. Jensen ~n~ined the Salt Lake. is of such a nature that the poorest g~ts: M1 and Mr:i. George W. the ward Thut'eda:y and Friday, Feb- 1'Elite' dub at her home Wednesda y Friday afternoon of last week and the richest members are put onto Bills, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Crane, 1 Do not forget Tuesday Is the last ruary Sand 4. Laneh will be eerved evening. Sewing and games were en- Mrs. Leo Anderson was ho'tess at al the same level. In the Priesthoo d orMrs. Ella Butterfiel d, Mrs. Joseph day before pr('ss day for the Eagle. both days to the echool children and Luncheon was served on small 500 party. Three tables were play- 1 ganizatio n social standing or financial P~rks. Mr. and Mrs. Jet Bills, Miss! and please let us h('ar from you every everyone else a~ing. A well &1'·1jjoyed. ta~les to twelve members. The club ed. The prizes were won by Mrs. prestige are dropped into oblivion. Beatrice Howard, Ross Newman, Mr, week. ranged progmm wlll be featured on will meet this month at the home of A. W. Bowen, Mrs. Clyde Blasius and His illustratio n was that a college and Mre,. Hen Howard, all of R1ver-1 ThU'l'Sdfl.y eveninc ending with a big 1Mr. and Mrs. Alma Smith at Draper. Mrs. H. J. Grant. The luncheon fa- prof~ssor of the U. of U. and a street ton an:i Mr. and Mrs. Allison Rills, 1 Frank A. Egbert, a resident of Sandy dance Friday evening, in the amuse-! Miss Ferrel Naylor, daughter of vors and decoration s were in sprlngl swee-per of Salt Lake City are on an Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bills Mr. an•J has bC('n ll<'ensed to pra<'tlce pharmacy ment hall. Everyone is invited to, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Naylor returned colors. 1 1 1 equal as members in one ot the high Mrs. Shirley Cantonwi ne William! in the state If Utah. attend. Livestock , grain, fancy work 1 home Sunday, very much improved Mrs. M. J. Joy was hostess to the est callings in the church organizaBills and Miss Peck of Salt Lake. and all kinds ot useful things will after a weeks stay in the L. D. S. members of her club Tuesday eve-1 tion. This looks much like a religion Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Larson and i Phone Murray 35 and let us know be sold at reasonabl e prices. Patron- hospital suffering from spinal menen- ning at her residence on Holden 1 in which the quality of the soul is sons spent Sunday at the home ot If you are going away, coming bnck ize your .w~rd. A_ good time •ndj gitis and pneumoni a. L~ttle Melvaj Street. Bridge was played. 1 the basis The of judgment and exaltation Mr. and Mrs. James Stanfield of J or just staying at home, because we goed mu~ lS prouused for all thoee Nay1or ~ h~d pneumom a also but prizes were won by Mrs. A. A. Lar-j lies within the reach of anyone who 1 Hurray. 1 want the local news. who attend, I • her eondition Is also much better. son and Mrs. H. E. Phelps. desires to ,gain it. New Rivert on School To Be Dedic ated l Boys! Are You Going In For Livest ock? Mothe rs and Daugh ters Hold Banqu et WATE R IN PLEN TY HAVE YOU •SEEN LARU E? l UNIFO RM SUGA R II BEET PRICE Poultr ymen Dance Was Rig Success I • ARLIN GTON TEAC HERS MEET Intere st Keen In Drape r Slogan Conte st I Midva le Locals A LONG COUR TSHIP MURR AY TEAC HERS MEET Cresce nt Ward , Su ffers Fire Loss Drape r Girls At Paren t Teach ers Meet ftrel. I ASSO CIATI ON ELEC TS OFFIC ERS I Hyrum Stocki ng Is Presid ent of P. T. Ass\\ Sandy Pick-u ps w. Visito r Makes Vivid Rema rk II I South Jordan Bazaa r To Be Held Feb. 3-4 tn; I |