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Show , MURRAY SOCIETY Frid~y I ~It·s. David J. Campbell left Jf lti.st week for California. Sbe will 1 dsit relatives in Sacramento and her ~on Gordon Campbell and family at • San Francisco. Before returning she 1 will visit friends and relatives in Los 1 Angeles. Mrs. Curl Hansen entertained her piano pupils nt a sociul Wednesday p,·ening of last week at her home on State street. Your hens must ' have the proper rations in order to Mr. and ~Irs. James B. Graves are give you the Maximum egg production. r<·<·~:>idng congratulations over the nrOur feeds are mixed to formulas prepared by the leadrival of a son, Sutur<lny of last week. ing colleges of the west and tried out and approved by some 'l.)he ~Inrray Second Ward members of our leading poultrymen· will hold a bazaar l!'riduy evening, o'dock possible HPilYI'Il are ut hPginning 4, construition Before placing your Next Order for grain, call us and quality Pehruur~· and Such smart beauty, modern design at th<' ward umnsenwnt hnll. A splenSAVE. at Chevrolet's amazingly reduced prices only because of the matchless rewhich nnanged hft'n did program has will be followed by daneing. sources of General Motors and the savings of gigantic production. Come-Mr. und ~Irs. K H. 8imper of Brigsee these beautiful cars today !--Once you actually know how much you are ham Ci6· hu ve be~:>n visiting at the PHONE MURRAY 56 4762 SOUTH STATE home of ~lr. Simper's futhct·, DuniPl offered for so little, you, like thousands of others, will exclaim-·"How can "EVERYTHING for the CHICIH<~N from PEEP to (".\CRL}~" :Simper, aml other reluti\"es in the Chevrolet build such fine cars at such low prices?" city. Miss Fnnnie Cnldwell left Friday of A Few of Our Bargains this Week, Ending February 5 last week for Los Angeles for a visit. No. 3 Yellow Corn, whole, per 100 lbs. .. . . .. . . . . .. .... $1.90 Mrs. Isabelle Smith entertained the 1.97 No. 3 Yellow Corn, cr!lcked or ground, per 100 lbs. 1.55 ofiieers and t<'acher:s of the l\Iurrar ..................... . . .. . ,. ........ lbs 100 White Flaky Bran, per First Ward Primary Association, FriSmith's Scratch Feed, per 100 lbs ......................... ·-······· 2.25 day afternoon of last W('Pk at . .... 2.35 Smith's Laying Mash, per 100 lbs. .... . . 4800 South State Stret Phone Murray 483 home. Whole Wheat Flour, bur ground,Z4 lb. bag .. -.. ........ ..... .90 J. J. Proctor who has b<'en visiting Whole Wheat Flour, bur ground, 48 lb. bag . .. . .. .. . .. 1.85 +++++++•++ at family and Proctor L~nard son lliH Whole Wheat Flour, bur ground, 9 lb. bag . .... .. . .. ...... .45 +++;;;;;;;:::~~~~~~~=~~=~===~~~~~=~~= Los Angeles, for the pnst two months, .45 Lehi Cereal, Nature's Gift Mush, 9 lb. bag . .. has returned home and is the guest Before ordering your baby chicks see us and save Ella Beckstead, Hyrum Beckstead, lers and sons, Russel, Grant and Glen f his ll.tughter, :\In·. llerht'rt 'fomlln Albine Richardson, Glen Beckstead, of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Lenard md fnmily at :\Iagna. Annie Hibbard, Dorothy Pendiu. ll. Brown were dinner guests of Mr. and :\Irs. lknry Harker, :Jr .. left Friday Mrs. George Henderson Sunday. Friday night, a group of friends Hibbard. J. J. Williams. •f lust week for n two months vl.<dt Hvrum Stocking of South Jordan ;\"ith her <lnughter in Sun l!'runciseo. Glen Smith is home after spendgave a party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Veorge Goodrid·ge who are mov- ing several m~nths at Preston, Ida. was elected president of the Parent:Hiss l<Jvelyu Walters entertained the rotation grazing a~ eompan'tl with the I The dances m the amusement hall Teachers' Association of the Jordan ~irlt~ of the llo-Yokel club Mon<lay Yery light use of the entire ra n~e all(l iDg to Westwood California to make Home l\la1le Candies their home. ~es and luncheon was have been discontinued until further District at the final session of the l'Yl'lling of last wPCk at her home. t•loser grnzing the ;;econtl •t ime oYer . Fou,ntain Sl'nice 1\Ir. and ~Irs, Gordon Cnmpbell an- the runge, espt'tially where tlll're wus' Jordan Round-up Saturday afternoon. notice. enjoyed by 66 guests. Geol'Ze Goodridge left for Califor- nounl·e the birth of 8 son, horn to them a shortage of rHngl'. Mr. ~nd Mrs. William Landers of' Our sympathy goes out t<,> the Cresward their of nia Sunday morning. Mrs. Goodridgl; Janunry 5, ut San Ft·andsco. Kidvale are receiving congratulations cent Ward in the lose The two-day eonference on fore><t Ju honor of thl• hil·thdny annin•r- rest•nrch ended January 4, rPpresPntn· and family will leave as !<OOn as on the arrival of a ·son. Mrs. Lan- chapel by fire, Monday night. Miss Grace Lancaster is spending school is out, to make their home at sary of Syvert Shultz, his dau~~;hter, tives fmm T;tah, Idaho, California and ders was formerly Miss Mae Brown Light Lunches the winter in California. Westwood, where their older children :.\Irs. Mitchell Iftty<len entertained at Alaska having been in a ttl'ntLmee. of tifs ward. Mrs. Lydia Bateman is able to be now live: Mr. Milton Goodridge, Mrs. a dhuwr Sunday evening at her homu Mrs. Cleo Blazzard of Murray enFresh Buttered Popcorn at tertained at a shower in honor of her out again after suffering the past George Bywater and Mrs. · Austin on West Sixty-fourth South street. All Times :\h·. ancl Mrs. George A ..J~:>nkens enPeterson. mother. Mrs. Ray Haun, Wednesday week with bronchitis. Myrtie Warner, daughter of Mrs. tertuill('fl the Country Cousins Club Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hl>gan, Mr. and Progressive game were afternoon. 4894 So. State played. prizes won by Ml"S. Curtt:s, M:rs. Geo. Henderson motored to Salt John Warner of Sandy, is improvin~ memh(•rs at a <linner followed by Mrs. Lenard Malstr()m, Mrs. Bertha Lake Saturday afternoon and attend- after having dyphtheria. Mrs. War- ennis uml dancing, Thursday evening j --·-- -Haun. Mrs. Lon Hibbard. Luncheon I ed the Pantages and Orpheum thea- ner moved from this ward about six of last week at theh· home. !++++++~~+~~~~++~~~~++++~ :\11'. und :\Irs. John How<• entet·tained was served to Mesdames Marie Blaz-1 tres, also a dinner party in hortor of weeks ago. + I~ Bateman, Dallas of marriage The ·t nu'mber of their fri!'nd:-~ at tlH!ir home sard. Bernice Blazzard. Ivv Haun. of Mr. Henderson, it being his birthMurray, Elsie Stoc.king of South Jor- day anniversary. On the evening they son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bateman "'l'dne!'ltlny enmin~ of last week. ·~ nan. Ol~a Sandberg, A. Lundquist,. attended the dance at We"t Jordan. of Sandy and Miss Lucile Williams of annouced. been just has Lake Salt Any homemn kel" ean beeome a good Mr. and Mrs. Gladner Sellers, Mr. Ovard, Leroy Cook, Ray E. Cook. X Designs, Cut t'lowcrs, Potted and fighter little Sandy's is Dallas these cotton picker at the white sales David Evans, Ed Evans, Joe Hubbard and Mrs. Harold May, Mrs. B. H. SelPlants or !<'lower Seeds. Our It will dawn upon your has many friends in West Jordan. days. &nd to the U. S. Department of • prices are lower than elsewhere. food consciousness that Nora Bateman has spent the last Agriculture for the bulletins on "Se••• I<'uneral work a specialty. Phone ; you bave met with J)ertwo weeks at Riverton visiting her !Pction of Cotton Fabrics" (1449-F) :f: orders given best of care. fet•t breakfast satisfacI sisiter, Mrs. Rolland Page. and "Prinl'iples of 'Vindow Curtaining' tion when we have ' Nora, Norma and Edith Bateman (151 G· F) 'l'ht'Sl' tell how to judge served you ham and •:0 visited in Salt Lake Sunday. wt>aves. finiRhes and dyes in cotton fabsugarTemlet·, eggs... 48:~8 So. State + ' Mrs. Arminta Egbert is spending rit's for many uses. t•ured ham and eggs of Phont> 1\lurray 44 ~ two weeks at Midvale. unquestiont>d newness. A birthday party was given in hon- lmstihl!'. This weed spruy is reported ... 1032 I.j. Residence Phone Hyland 150 l or of Mrs. Ernest Silcox, Monday to be patented. • ++++-!o+-~~+-~<++++>1 ·~ night. Progressive games were play:\Ir. l>enet·ke, director of the U. S. ed, prizes going to Mrs. Ezra Miller Sheep l<Jxperimml't Station nt Dubois, and Mrs. Ella Bateman and refresh- Idaho, ;mi<l that his experi!'nee showt•d ments were :;erved to Mr. and Mrs. one per cent ewe per month was proper Ezra Miller of Riverton, Mr. and stocking for the range at his station. WHIZ ANTI-FREEZE • ! and Mr. i.\1rs. Irvin Olsen, of Murray, STORAGE Ura:r.ing Inspector, .r. 0. Stewal"t reMrs. L. W. Tripp of Lark, Mr. and ported that all tw<'nty-six supervisors Mrs. William Harper of Midvale, in thi:s intermountnin distriot and 90 Mrs. Annie Hibbard, Mrs. Gertru!fe per t•ent of the rangers have received JOI<~ E, "GELI{E !Squires, Mr~ Ella Bateman, Mr~ in~ruetions in charting plants within GAS & OH. COAL Shirley Richardson, Mr. and Mrs . exp1.>rimentai qundmts which a r e Clinkers o Ilarder-Cleaner-Hotter-N Donald Hogan, Mrs. Rachel Drake. nRed to indkate wbut iH happening to EXPERT REPAIRS Soot Dirt-Less Smoke-Less Less Mr. and Mrs. R()bert Pixton. . or the rRnge. He emphasized the need for Less Slack Mrs. L. W. Tripp and little daugh- working out standnrds of water de· 1 REPAIR SERVICE Just What You Need For The i tcr Heloise visited her mother, Mrs. \'eiopment projeds and other range 4!188 So. State 1\lurray 91 Brooder i Ernest Silcox this week. improvements. Ask Your Dealer For It I Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Egbert spent Assistant District Forester Erneet Monday in Salt Lake. Winkler in charge of grazing, stated ~-====================~========----·~:-::-:-:=:::::-:::-::====-=== Miss Gwenith Silcox spent ThursthRt sheep rangeH will ultimately be- •:0+++++++++++++++++++++++++-t•+++•H••t•{•{••!••!••!••!<>!••!••!••!•{••!••l<++~·+<:+++ day at Sandy, the guest of. Mr. and come grass ranges and cattle ranges {• of' Mrs. Jack Smith. ot• become weed ranges, as the sheep pre· (• Miss Ella Gardner is a little better fer the weeds and the cattle prefer the + (• after being seri()usly ill the past grass. Price, complete with (• I (• month. Carburetor and Ignition Adjustments Forage plants do not reach the prop- of' Batteries, Tubes and AnThe "M" Men basket ball team is ·:· They are building er stage to be good until thirty days (• going over big. + tenna, $115.00. great hopes of going to the tourna- after growth starts and H requires + 102 days from time growth start& to + Cliff Simpson, .Prop Phone Murray 337 ment. + ot+ All atationa foand baatantly Dr. and Mrs. Christen Jensen and mature seed, according to experiments ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++·+~•+•~~ on one controL Can be c:alldaughter, Larna visited her sister, of C. L. ForHllng of the Great Basin Experiment Station. Another experibratecl for waYe leagtiul. Ill- · Mrs. George Goooridge Saturday. corporatea new a)deldecl com• The West Jordan "M" Men played ment which has been in operation at L.\Dl' ATTEND.-\N!l' LICENSED El\ffiALMERS that showed years, 13 for station this partment metal c Ia a • • i a. Buttlerville "M" Men Tuesday eveof vegTrulJ, a lonc-dlataace radio. 1 ning, the score was 43-14 in our boys' on range with 15 per cent cover the run-olf was of cent per 95 etation, favor. from melting snow and 5 per cent was A new and beautiful fl,.e4913-15-17 South Stat& from the summer rains, but this 5 per Telepbone Murray 4 tabe radio inatallecl in a macent carried 98 per cent of the sedhoran7 cabbaet, in which iment. When the cover of vegetation there Ia a built-in Maaicone was increased to 40 per cent the runand compariaeat fer batteriea. Dr. Arthur W. Sampson, former di· off from summer rains was reduced by rector of 1he Great Basin Experiment 54 per cent, but this increase in herStation in Utah, and now Professor of hace<>us vegetll'tion did not etfeet the If you are interested, range management at the University run-olf from melting snow, Professor Wm. G. Peterson of the ask for a demonatration. of California, told the forest research conference at Ogden today that Utah Agriculture Experiment Station brush land is valued at from $300 to said his experiments showed that sumTlae new fl1'e-tabe 1-75 eonaista of two stares <4i non-oecil$1,000 an acre for watershed protec- mer rain did not penetrate deep enough latinr radio frequeacJ aapliieation, re•enerati,.e, Creaendon tion in Los Angeles Country, California, into the soil to contribute to the uncontroliecl detector and two stages of audio frequencJ ampliwhere they are even planting brush derground water supply. It should be made dear that the fication, with means for uae of power tube in the laat stage. seed to reestablish the cover where 1t figures apply to herbacous vegeabove A beautiful and 1'erJ efficient radio at a remarkabl7low price. has been '1\iped out by fire. The resistance of various seeds to heat is' tation aittl not to brush. For Sale by Supervisor DeMoisy of the Uintab being studied by Dr. Sampson, to desug~9!:ed that the Great Basin }'orest termine the type of vegetation which ean be expected after brush fires. He Experiment Station investigate the efreferred to sodium chlorate as .a g()()d fect of brush fires on forage producspray for weed eradication, it being tion and on watershed values. "THE WINCHESTER STORE'' Supervlsor Benedict of the Sawtooth non-poisonous to stock, although 11 bas UTAH Y, Mt)RRA 4814 South State the di!'iadvantage of being highly com- questioned the value of deferred and WHAT DOES IT COST TO PRODUCE A DOZEN EGGS? Only Volume Production Makes this Possible Smith's Cash Feed CARLISLE MOTOR CO. WEST JORDAN "KASH IS KING" I LAMEOURNE 'S CONFECTION ERY =======---=·/ i t • •i Buy Your Flowers In Murray i f MURRAY FLORAL I Ramona".:::~ ~ UTAH-GR AND ~... NTROL • CJkfxmL· .UL ,;o,Q, b~~ JOE'S GARAGE I I 45th SOUTH GARAGE . Expert Automobile Repairing Reo Service SIMONS & BRINTON UNDERTAKE RS BRUSH LAND VALUE HIGH Fred Carlson and Co. Dealers In FEED FLOU R • COAL SMITH HARDWARE I PHONE MURRAY 422 Murray, Opposite City Hall ~ |