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Show i ' r iz wr Advertisements. - r t i F mm0m !' I. ' V ' you v;... VISIT TEE CITY caf v TO TH s : :iiD.8,:AT; ''? .' , Wholesale Boot; and Shoe Factory, r. ; N Grown, selected and put With care and personal attention Seeds of' . up, . vegetables,. Fruits, Flowers, Ttn'.ber; Herbs, v ' - ' .THlaTk STRUT, Ac. A bettor assortment than was eirer offered HARRISON A TULLIDGE, f Chicago; before to the people of Utah.;: ' y-- y y ' .V (raoraiKTOaa). i Also for Sale,- a limbed ; qnsntityof fine Staff by mail 1 v You wQI And tho Lugost Stock of Homo-ma- young. NURSERYtoed fcy mail f ' TREES,'. Sbrcbs. Rcota,-Boots and Shoes. in tho Territory, from 'V BY rsoentaetioa of Congresi,-seednow Peanuts, Ac.. Ac. Artichokes, Plante; Flowering be sent by mail at tho ntrof foot ounces for which you can chooso any Sixc and Style, and ? Dealers Ihrnisbdd with seeds for sale, y ' v t WHEN W.'-- Chicago V Agricnltnral Warehouse, V; - "' ill. s4; lake street, V f i- Wi - : 1 VALLRY-TA- : ; . de - eu s 1 ; tiro cents,- ia packages wsighingf our pounds, at Prices CHEAPER than the cheapest. Ameor LADIES' Boota . or less.or Gaiter, English y; r Stylea. - - V : .V . Tho Subscriber has an entire New Stock of ,rican GENTLEMEN'S Fine or Stoga Boot: ; GinoEsr sEEDs, ' k THis fa .thx btoRk row v ;'A'nd will a xeenteanyorders with promptness LittlsChUdrtns Boottl Liillt Childrts Boots! despatch that ha may ba favored with. eoming to the eity to purchase 9 Parties 'V ;VbaBMda will bo pat up ia aafe packages. for or others,1 buying a quantity of any aise, Prieod eiatalogaea may be had upovapplion-. will be aUbwed a LARGE REDUCTION for ; fion to the E. , J. JOHNSON). publisher, (Mr. " Address ALBERT T. EMERY, ; : CmL ; .v, PERSONS FORMING CLUBS for thepnr-ebaso of ten paira of any kind,- will bq presented Jj. OF STR1YS.? lLIST with one pair of a similar kind; free of charge. old cow, - brocklad faec; Orielight red ' kwallow fork in' lyr each ear, brand onthe loft hip Every variety of Hobo Hanufacttre ea tale :.MB '(Joined). ... One black .cow, line H. A. TERRI, L backed, white tail and the faee, white.in belly, " : off tho Gardtn One Field Cud ' Flsrer C Seeds, loft old Dealer ear. V in red cow, erop mr 4yr and : white, head all in slit the red, vvrCcKHSUENT. C1T Y, 10 WAi' J.- y.;. V right ear and crop off the left. One Mach ' I'h r aid hUcr, white G ARD BN SEEDS of all tbe leading Tarie-tic- s, in the face, swallow fork in the of my .own Raising, abd .warranted flwsh, come nnder in the on brand bit raft; right ear, at usual retail prices. ' the left hip.' One .'red heifer, yearling, line sent by mail, post-paiFLOWER SEEDS, of the. finest varieties,;, backed, crop off theright ear; half crop off left, .y at 60a per dot. papers. and branddd'T J on left side.. One red year- sent by mail, post-pai- d, ateer MS oaf and , in slit ling GLADIOLUS G'A,tiDAVEN8I5, ; right hipf orttp ' right amr, crop off left. ' Ona pld roan hei-fa- r, bulbs of this most magnificent flow- -, Strong tthe left aide. '..Oner' brown ering plant will bo sent by mail, post-pai- d, old at hob .vi : heifer, eome white on hip and taiL-Onlight- - 20c. eaeb, or S2 per dozen. ; Also y 7: d yearling etoer. Crop and aUt In right ear, f TIGRIDIA CONCHIFLORA and a wallow fork in left. One old, brown, At 15c. per bnlb. or 31,&0 per doun. Both VV'. old red .',Bne bach, erop off loft ear. ' One these rarie ties are of surpassing beauty, and aide ; crop apd under- -. rtoer' branded O should be in every collection. V'-;. : bit in right car, cropoff loft." One. no! inarkaor ImridL... Ond b -' f.'dsrk red heifer Address, n: A. TERRY, Crescent City, In AN Ode yeiring ateer, pala -Jr old td ieifr V'i' t'r.d red,O oa laft aide, J on rigiit hip. JOY : TO THE. AFFLICTED I Jne old 'aiaef, deep red, upper slope in the ; ! cs,r; whire on. tho flank. .One yearling D. Hi; CROCKWELL, '.'VVight T brindte ball, crop off the right ear, alit in lafU . thf Preiient, has advice.)? By'tbe f la jr fcld, Ted&nd Whfit j,crop off left, under in himkt'lf located brand oa: r igat alia net legible-. :: . Spring Lake Villa, I-- - fueSxi h:--- ;and - . V J. : E. JOHNSON Mfcltf TREES.' - . , V.- - HAVE for sals a good stock, of assorted TREES: budded and grafted, of the best varieties. Apple, Pear, Peachr Flum, Cherry, Also shrubs. '. Apricot, Nectarine; Ac. i G. 8L. City. . L. S. HEMEN WAY. T - - . v.v-v.'- .: v-.-o - - t .yi-f- ' -- --i- and-'nec- KERSER FM Alt AND FLOBIST 'i SANDUSKY ? Growerpf Grape Tinea Lawton Blackberry Strawberry, Raspberry aid GoPseberry Plants Roses, Flowering Shrubs, Flower Seeds, Ac. . , Delaware Grape VinesSeeds, Plants, Ae., ln variety, sent by mail. Catalogues gratis.': vr - r 2-- yf . ;w OHIO,: 7 . -- - ?;i, .V; 2-- yr . 2-- yr e . 5l- - V on-lef- it " 2-- yr f - 2-- r W Oj, year. in g brindla heifer, an allow fork I;; in tho risbt . 1 - - ; - ,i :-- 5-y- rs . KQBBEAST' A if V-- 2-- 1- -rt - 3-y- jr fi-- ? "f1'-.- ' : j . k f T v.-f - -- ? - . . - X'-;-:- . y:vpiiovo''ci'r, .01 - xi . i. L, . k-- .. . r -- i--.- v: . '.Vi Catalog ecs,.on r.koiTXRS ppU-ei- vaKD-VV'- . MAILED 1'REE Io JOBPRIBiTllVG. at tbi Oracle w.ffic' sK'KK: K:izy Si;'ii : . : .Done-ekptdltlbfisl- . t i TZY E P e Coin pie' . A- M1 i DUOS.' fib CO muni cxtt, heiuusXa. t , ii ?r HEGElf H : yn - IK - r 3-- yr mw.-- : f-y- v Stock of Merchandise suf4ed to the TJtab'.ami JLV.partieuIarly Weakness of the Back; VVbllps,PslnfuL or Emigrant trade." Baled sf Wholesale or reton free.or 'Stoppages of, the MENSES, tail at the lowest price for. Cash,-Foror ' BARRENNESS, Ac., Ac. V V, Skins, ;V ' ' All wishing to roiisult him by iBRtl, vrtli 7 Vi ..niLKs NElYi GRISt .q receive prompt attention by enclosing $1,. 'Vj sr. moose, Ji confidential. ? TH it KEELER htw' ftelr New cAlyin All commuiiicatione ;. strictly SMI ' v.v or ness ; vVii, " I on Salt Mill running and indrder ronndkeepar, ; ;ATrii. STORE r .Pleasant Grore. ' ' . V:?s labove ...? 4 miles Goshen; Creek, SAMARITAN DRUG v j: of the public, file invite Thev aVv PUFF JBR,! n". be able to give full.ea-ti- sf they .will ,yW here may be .Joimd R Genets! Assort- believing J,.V f t: j; action. Nurseryman , Seedsman arid ; Florist, ment of Dn:gi, ; Medieinee,xPye Stuffs, NORTH BRinGEWATER, MASS. : Perfutnery and Flavoring Extracts. ; Alto ; V fcr GRIST ? MILL. ! and No--, i Catalognea and circnlars sentoa application; a large stock of Ribbons,, Laces GRIST-MIL! WAGONER'S in rXV, exchanTe, :1k wanted,: 4 an aleo ba. had of j. E. JOHN&ON, Spring tious, for which bnai-nea- e, a i4 Valley; doing capital bake Villa; to. whom reference may.be made. MoneyVall kinds of Produce, clean cotton, j:Y,ihroto Warranted to , give satisfaction. and flannel. linen and hemp Bags, Seeking, ; brO" Trv and V V for old -;-i,;.W,.vTnOBB1in.-4'Co..:'.-.r Iron it yourselves and aee!. Ilppe: Vialirttll Boxes, 15. 8nakeCiixik, ''Juno j Ac ken 'v' Glass, Ac., WASACH Co., U. 5l5, jOIC- StEEET; EW syOEK. ' ri h ' 'y r- -- v , 2-- yr. 1 - B O VPEL&, CK, .HEAD,-."nd .LIMBS Vt,fle benefit ell fvADIIJS that call o him oufferlnc from KallW--- of he Womb, - -- yr . -- 'u f ST., ! 1- - 2-- yr : CITY; POTTERY . half cr&p ia left; branded P left hip.--- One TBarIing,lrd gad white heifer; branded J on left hip;T crop and alit in. left ear.vOno old. liua hspkt broe :.le face ' branded job left !v,; fd, ifl - :j' hip. OaV pale red- coW, old, glit' in left "' si r; branded flgura 3 on left eide; bob taiL One U old, woito with black spots, square crop had uaderbit in right ear; figure 3 on left aide One old speckled steer,, branded AC on old etag,. red and white, ; hip. One branded S ou left aide. " One' brown ox, vld, brandod x bbaix on left horn,' 31 on left ll bid eidj aad figure 2 11 on left hip.1' One apeeble Hear; red ears. ;' One red yearling, crop fj I , j'-- X ? underbit in left ear; figure 3 oh left aide; brand not knewfiy on left hip. n- - A v; s, - . ; ; Vfs a GREAT ; SALT ; UKB i iGvo'ip.rnr,'' -- each -. wanted fmidOdiately. per-manen- Vy . IV 9 Cabi-nat'.mak- ere - ' DrJ. h Carpenter, find ON SEC OND .SOUTH; TEMPLE ' Opposite HdiiW, H, Hoopxas Re - ' , V; deuce, in the baskhknt' vC the S ure ?. formerly occupied by Moorit A Greene. We hard tin lurifi, and are constantly V nib nufi clui Ing, a eunenur article ot PfT-- -' :; TEUY WARE of every 'description, which 7'V 1 . will be sold pn reasonable terms, Where he treats,' with oucceas, all of the y USTLead Wood, and all kinds of Pro- exchange, v. Don't forget BYFSEABi AKD THETI1 I du-- e taken. INinthebasemejIT. ; He '.cunt RHEUMATISM without fall ! u: CROKALL. CARTWRIGHT A Col If IIo ;elii(, all Chronic1 Complants of th 9 OLIVER, LUNGS, ; Outfitting and General Merch andizs - -. - - h-'- few- good P.S.-4-- A r t ; i- SPINNING- - WHEELS SASH, FURNITURE, ad a hundred other' : things, at reasonable prices . Grain ..and cciintry produce taken in ' payment, and the highest premium allpwetf-1 'V".- on Gold. "'I'.; 2-- yr V. I!.- A iYPREMlUM 2-- yr I V TEN NEW. FIN LAYSON RH at tbe old atari manufacturing the 1 d, a x "V "i hKKp J"1 l 'S.V. S' 'l . ' I, i. - SCHOOL CARDS Gan he had at the 'Farmicf'f Oracif zs- - O&a'J .f. , . i'! ... yA. V f V.7 f- y K |