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Show T it ;( ,. v. JL!C E Suutbworih.: Thee gentlemen aeeiu to ceiling, cut stone front with devicerand ,', lead! off in the flo er r and rui t f all done up regardless of expense. The garlen, line. :ThC firiii named liac a. fine vegetu,-bl- e City authorities axe also erecting s fine How-the a bilc kepundbas garden, girden of well selected aotia, iK the - On Saturday evening, the i6th JnstX radiance X; of ' biooui'-- vrhil eii the ftae'i was performed, in the Theatre, the play; r named ie paying' oauiideruble attention of Willtaji TxtL,f Mr. Tl Ai n per r hy to the prupagutiun: of fruit ireea und sonating the herb of Switserlapd. : "'CEiaBaak . .t"fV"--iV- HE :FA.:':RM1E!R; Si OfR x r- : j,,-.,- r s - VS:. f ; er ; i ; ' At Battle" Greek We visited the of Mr inters and Cupc. W J. ' heir 1 Jtlawlcj.; apple trees; w ere .promising a good bary est of fruit, In cue citj we found fruit still .more abundant, und ; ini many urchiirds. the ' peuca crop seeuied as targe. a usual. V EjbHNSoi; EDYrba'VtBLisHEsi W. D. JOHNSON, ; -PaofJuiToa. - El. - J.:r , t. f - J "Jfc ii T Afeam - CASH MWCWPTTO!r,-mUt UUt for SvbserlptioBt. , Mi 1 vjv j ? ; ; ;;'p;eri'-fw'er;als and veil represeutedj' rupies on. bearing -;- :-". i .f rain ' paUIM witaoal alaut. well Tine ouuld not luok more promts i .v. y ; A ing Gardens ere vgenerally looking 7 V";'s1s.'i ' veil,' irhhj perhaps, a slight lack of Water Tu" sumo iubtauces. r ; Ve had ? the ; pleasuro; of ;a ; long stroll through the jjrwuuus w JDefuenwnjj.wno.ji4S.iue best, if not xfaie largest nursery of w'ork VCmMitfffoiMr jff locatgUnitertiiy lands i ed trees i..we have' seen in the Territory; ... He bos' also a fine, large, bearing ur CHESTER LOVE LAIStDM chard, extensive gardens nd a er umsri; " -- d .: . V:::-.--- ; stpricots-an- i ! ' ' 1 .. j.iv.-.---...- - A - . SF - t j : v;tJOSEPHEJuHNSOW.'V':v: V DAVID ;CLUFF. J UN. ' .'Jt." v . iA. HscorT;; JAMES &:ESOVr?-;0:Euptrittiidtt of Common School, -- A creditable fiower department This last is under the' special super vision of Mrs. lleuieuwaj, who takes a deep' interest in jFloraVbeauiies.?ller :ioliecti6ny.of pieoteesv: carnations and sweet pinks is very large and beautiful; and ber selee- -' tibni i sveryi; admirable. Among ihe moss notable objects : in the grounds of Mr. 11; is a field oOe'edluig potatoes, an acre, at least, in eitentand couiprising three varieties selected from jever 100 sor 's. i The vines cover the ground, and they ore now ripe and fit to' dig for mar itet; yielding heuyi1j Th potatoes are large, sinooihvand jof apparently unex. eeptiopal character,': and w naye little doubt ' of their superiority over any varieties now in cultivation iu this Terrir Z- ' ' " ''"':VvV-!;- : Hints for tbe Qardebai or-ch- uru s ' ' .Tender plants of f flowers trees and shrubs should be partially shaded from the hot rays of the sun untif they get ' ;; ! : weli:rootaiigM If ground can be kept v. well-moisten- ed, ;. straw may be transplanted to advantage through the month of AugasK ; Planu thui handled will bar aVfull S, crop oi fruit; next season, i 5: jiyer yourbsescurrants,' gooseber ne,s,' raspberries nd- any other shrub- - .: bery you wish" thus to propagate.;: X Those - who ,wish to propagate ose- -r ' berries by budding, may do so. successfully, in the common "s ild ? : currant. These make good rspid-grow- berri es : W .V?::-- dor- - .Fruit budding may be done, for mant buds, any time now for a month J; Tuo strings should be out :;, ini ten dayf .after being pat on ; but .the tops should not be cut till spring- liook out for th'e Weeds Unlessvyoa ; arelwiUing they should seed the ground, y: take them out at once. 4 in trenches, if not al- - vr Put add-a-hali- V ; i1:- i your-ce'er- ready done4v.'f-."Vi Keep all pcrfluous' sprouts from the young trees'; shrubs and vin es, land thus . throw all the growth. where you want it suaii fve conn '' loruaitiu answer. We undertook .its publieatiba for; the term of one vol ume ; whether; it paid 'ot'nbUfTais; wi: bave near iy:lacV; were We to notice throughout oompiished, and we find 4it don't paylf 4 vi pleased u general spirit of improyement in fruits onouia tne sumoer pi paving suomh of;. Uie iardenV and Vwc .and be increased,-- ; so that: we may sse trust that not many years henoe Utah can prbepects justifiable, we ab on if not, boast of her fruit as being as fine and we DAVI l: CLUEfjf JUKf in at great iariety jM pM first volume-- -f or the present. ;? lfyou Sta.te:On"thiisbhtinent; want en agricultural paper in ' this Tec-recent tri p to t ie Cifcy we ha d yi;The'5mproveuiehts ju the oltjj exceed ruory, senu in me ..j-nuw)rpwnf.; jr - : I.si ; 1-- ihedats j; ; ' !-- t; v In-ou- r ;tbatVpf vfo'rmer' '.Mtttp ,W Watb favored with' a ;sa iialf-doze1 n Thos.' : wnerfronti being ute f ro m ao'Aii Spanish: Fork; Day are some Nephr orchard Mai and and return! on sntall in ected'; going god;- gaien, ng from the Oonfer'; houses; among the number Jennings cum bv ivivr vavif ff.i.v-.; diAOnre SWCeS o feted loaded stands IaaAai..- tnd with ab new stpre, bow fruit, heavily ut.comp v v aaqbiOosexTing .iaanj.: taings -- tested inier-j:- V state'ybuiidbge are 2 : i'iAasa. 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