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Show & $IEBS pBA -- i. Wiwj!T i:. bs--.- PiX.E theage of. forty And other girls,. said the old man, positively Tv ; will give1' you three thousand" house, determined to ?hut with Kate? Then 'I xn'ay asV'wfrll go One utmost.. 'day's otioii presented thie playof 'Thooor friend ties dining with bimj end said, to my home. Five' thousand I must have ' I have set my ;mind upon it.?? "And I fcentlemanftoVf all h o us e,,' Although VYou i have everything m j have bfifc & wife.? It. the can here' that heart wish: just a strongly determined to ,'dJ. eastthe of characters might have been Thats what I have said, was the'old mans' said . I must think of . tt, only better in' some instance f,s' till- the- per-A.- ho, amt thentisped: Jnto silence. ' for d leplyj so I suppoeo the matter is at an T; 4 : - ; - half-jeking- ly . - - - - ?: - l 7 . - k. f end; everi we will be good friends endyon must aometime-i- ' ruu over and sco,:.f J v rtei This ended the 'conference and they f A.' The ted ma mountedhis horae pat rourg end rode, down toward the road but just ' ; as he was about. opening thogaie; stoop- ... ;V infrom .hi' saddle, the- Jaugiiing-facei Kate'sprang through the (shrubbery td Skve him the trouble. ,4Cai!t you accept my fathers terras 7 i,Y.i, by George I wili.if yon say' so was the inatantane Ous response. The i come over tomor tow m&ri ing before 10 oclock ai d tell him d" like a fairyV;'--smorig- ' Bo; qnd ? the girl vanish t he 1 ea vs The J y bang man rodo slowlyhomei bnt he was on hand next morning, according trf bidding, aud maragree ried the- lair Kate iu two modi hs alter. hour V 1 will " ' As a that time.' specimen of the absurd, we can-- 7 t notdo better'.tban to ;cit f caie that oc '. we call.' cite had , snreeefo eurred In 'a country village of Tbere was a cetain Zncharias thoAgl uuu an. and let's near iromjoBr I valuable farm of a deceased ic.j a Pbeblea,--atout, indnatroasr sober and: ' i. . at unclejfaw that two1 things w ere absolutely bashful farm hand, a resident of that local- -i something be dona. Itia high, timo oroe j of the comihlt'teese jaamed and pre. I "cessj nr tp. enable hi t succeed i the didy. Zach w'aa. celebrated not for what ha if say, but lor what bedidhot, his silence fafetbeiag dwifa to take charge of the I worn s . a matter or marvel fbCaugh all that.; . v HU and seeond a being the., department few thousSiiri dollars Jo stock it wii h. He chattering neighborhood.. The first timo v..;.; i could; not', helpthickinglo himself that Zach showed nie' admiration for Sally, V: Tpds-ibl- y these two'great'aids td hislgap-Th- was by seizing a. large basket of cow feed, 4 f Ear pinesa andpraeperUy.m'igbt'be found 'to1 she was about to carry 'intortbo atfibirsv July numbers of Godeyt, -- our and hurrying thither 'in. a frightened wayv hie. Kelf ' W?tta' this .pars, ftlerwon s, .Arthurs, tos-jadj larer at)ed upon arborseback, journey qaneb as though he" yr "ti king it from a Hallows are. received, Anu, t ie 4 distant part of the country, and upon bqfning house.'? Alter that, Zach seemed Jjni4 and tfceir ta be perpetual ty, on. the watch for oppor- - ; M? wlaip ! of jragrl in ;.soal: , s i the person of, a" old gentleman wha tquites to save tnc fair Sally from heavier.; ?' ij at8 These delicare attenti-n- a could not r i if jogging the aatpenray.sThe compa work. I nloha dlued fail the attentloiie of the Widow:' to attract at a themselves ?of ofjth'e form wayside innnd alibfary - together who i really1 rsuecting the yoonrf. Brown,? which ftamiaedthe I ' JurinK plvandy. welcomethese We shill ever ' times. the elder, man, invited him-- into he hbuso o apend . yourg man Opened hia household treasures to oar sanctum, and telling all bis plans and aspirations, when the evening and from that time Zach wsii A; old gentleman addressed the younger r a fixity - e . would git in the chimney will cheerfullv order t hem for our sub ' II the 1 rather like y u, friehd, and yout corner. or the hCusecarcely i. . wk : honest way of telling .your: eiory, and it ever - speaking, . dividing' hie attention, o.u will come ana eee me, I ehall be glad, equallyr between lka An and fea sting his have three daughters, ail ae good girls ss oyea ofi 8ally. - For tiro years this quIstV, Woodei ing . , ever ljved. ';RWe oyer and see me tomor- - aiioratiou went '. as be there to letter d unless aflernoon why, the 'wag nothing row.take postage ani prevent it, ; ment, inner, atay ip prepaid ; did I which will thov ' ' has' not;; ngver ebanee' mmrryo to see fair . ehoh. Ilence youe boen'.;;.' give narked with stamps upon , ' t young manin- - known whether ha'ideg arose out of ZiJii ;; A he seat to the pub- - J should ' the . the to poakige I inaking own! hrdin,. or whether ft wts a hint from rppoialy agreed y ; f : r lisher, with geqnestythat the stamps be' only one coridltion,' that' the young ladUe a friend, but at last ; hedid find courage td.'.-.V ;; the tbW in was. done , I It bd informed the pop; question hktAre ?' ndt should iof ' pf : I b affixed before mailmg. - , ' . and way. - 2Saeh came, he drank, and took bin T ' ; ibe' errand; ; This waq agreed t :t ; WO seat-ir the chimney-cornewhere. he gat pv-f A -: Thfl.'hef djay, at the t rrrrrr, theyiep&raied as nausl for a few minutes, .and ., : the . quietly V. time mpp. dismount young Oiinn(nvrllha appointed a Qneation. uieh without any previous symptoms, edatthedoor of the housp; of hfs ifew- - rose I $ 'A''- y '. : V; and' was heartily welcomed up t6 his furl hefght,tix feet two ihoh-.rA--;-, made friend, The mealwas enounced' a4 ' 'the three us, puling his. head up; the chimney r so little of hipi was sben ; above the yoqng ladies and therr mother Were Intro- that outand delivered the following oratiQhtW-vvwaist, dinner duced. 'The over, they oncemore love J edmebodyas Veil If for--- . a ch at. somebody Wall how. 'Out do walked j i; mi eccentric, uif aurupi, uie winnw, loves 1 , somebody '! somebbdyf . somebody, ht was. the, old j" j ybu like toy dang like, the silly; and a hundred olhersty would marry 'somebody; Zach remain- - , I ', z A : first sre f all could the' cite question, They base gentlemans Of the eectatrie,W j with ed his head the this ,? after -J chimdey mid op the vbung man a well'lcndwn merchant, Who was. one ) nice girls, very-nicbf s i miouteej-fiXdeathMorlsotno f I a apechfgileat VAnd of f. afc next a. sot dlntno .Uv yfhicb them.doyofi fridids house, tboutfuliy. ..Ahe came forth frtfm big place of refdgeij.; best ?,was the . question. .;. Tiio until ' ' ; Kate ! ; She isTtharming, and If zat the ed'rnesL Aibliqitfoh of VVrdbw BroWn iotfversatldn.Tbeerchantdid not pos- - f youngest suni-A'- f face a with like setting' tjitf aim: glowing to be y6ur must I give :V"' jou Thls wiJl never dO,to' take -- The thi.:g wav done,howgver,-aii- d n Zach A " me Kato JV and Sally were' mafried in afew weeks :;;A he couldappreciatt.an apbrecatioq which I the i yoangest hy rfll odds- - the prettiest,, After,,' an d We are Convinced, that if eitBer I must said bid the I the gentleman seriously. following I lis endeavored' tp'show by them of ; v coqld "bo Indilced to talk, now, taodeP of action Do"yob like tpaet, I have faerornone,wa8 thoresponsepokeh after a trial ; years; they wnold Av A of a dozen How 'did 1 Miss-iYes. mqbhlmopey yoif responded the decidedly. they were : entirely: Satisfied ' With Five thousand dol sav that at the- questiOo. fcsy you , wanted ? lady,' slightly-smprtsmo-'e.tif popping' the question--- ; Yes. lhsc ' js lars will put' my farm in excellent order, that Butlered toastV i f'.'J 'esMeswvdHmeseowwaesww1'-1.- ' y.' tomor-make worth theasand tt and twenty ns married. dO Let so I: get l liV btra'EgSr s speclmen of the abrupt we abaIl row. I must have five tboustnd. dollars.1 i i. - r- - ! d - . -- -- .. -- . : ?, A Mass-'chiiset- .. . ta. : : , - n' A!-.- . -- e 1 . A yi - ! 'f my ';!. .rjwjfa 1 nf old-fashion- , s . . f Bny . - . . A i V - . . . m - . V 1 . . : !. . e, . ! son-iD-la- .:1 w ' : . ed . As -- 1 B |