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Show v'-? " X. 5' i. W V $" 4 s ' it . C i f lasArtBa ft v' r. ' ' ' .' j-- y ;; - -- hi ' r; - - v ? V. The following liy a correspondent of the, Ohio Cultivator, is worthy, a trial by all lovers of this delioiohs fruit : ;f Procure vnur tre s grnfted upon-th- e wild plum stoeki :;.The tree partakes of tlie : natiire'of; the plutn, being hardy, not winter killnnd , putting out late in the spring,wiU never.be injured by the frost, whiieVthe.naturiil . lifetime ofdhd tree is beyond that of our own, so you tna labor Lorerapo ration diminished, may depend upon peaches every year iy i Ths blades ;dre ofs more value, tun for period of ti me, without ;; r. r tun; than hayi if properly cured, hut for and,forlong the destruetion and discouraeing influ-eno- es sfake of the eyrtfp,- - they! should:-po- t attending the growth of the cpxn-mo- h ' the ,, stripped until you are ready to jjnnd peaoh. V i the cane. Cane.froxenin the hill V that unMonk or G ROW! ko' S QtJs shx s . usually 6f little '. value,' while ;0Vxt the. der. shelter isuninju'red by An excerlent mietbod''of grdiiig melfrost, on- -less i allowed to ' thaw again, when fer- ons,' squashes jZandQtber suehregeta-bles,wher-e S' in J!U ensue.; This a. person'has hut little.roomj speedilythree and about1 nt .wjsies days, to'ihnkojhe mbei of;m i to ususlly requires dairs the osinoi.s.moref plant ihemsoihatthey will run those three wi" :durinz VV I m SkhiaaAi) ikeii m aMP ViruVlAIlt tl IlfrAv t trejlia.eCioujopright stjikesyatoU . and the , ....... syrnpwiil be of snperior quul two feet aparc?.eiich.. wnj,lhtHe. centrh of Whicb plant .the vine ; ns they begm ' .Too is takemin little to ii ran,; support them On ..the trel lis bv preserving pains r. seed. Select from the earliesl ripened nailing ui!iirHlaist;nd when the' melpUs r. stalks. ; f The rest should be dhpadfor set erect a she f fdr T t by ) pi aei ng short i r . feed; it will be found nearly. twice. ad paces of bosrdi soniss ' the sluts preV' n a tri mental ras oats. Blymcrs & Co.Jt viously hailed on.;. Tbefruitripms ear' to'WlsCbhFentioiio; lier this way. than wher. on the grdnndVt correspondence d : Jt - 1 '; , - :' - - r- :;-..:- nr ETj 5 vty . ;. .:'. s' - & r; How to Crotv Peaches svery Year, Vi. - Harvesting tjanoshould- begin as soon !?:. browned.. and 01 honc the see'd-iafter : oonnt should it he allowed ' i. vnmj'Jie jj kias become, fully ripe. like placed Tinder a ahl; or stooked fodder. corn with command protected ' In this way it may he kept over winter, if i ,..j. .Goring from one to four .Greeks i found ', matter' in W" of great .benefit. rThe r green in fconse-t- and the stalk beoomesdried, ':, and f o is flavor, finer, tho vV quenee syrup , ? -- ' .i - s, JVr.r-- Harvesting- - Kiiga. Cane. s - s vMra: tyvii .vi.v-f V?TO.. ??h Vt ;?. ;.& yrtf . r ' . ' ..' - S t ratvhrrr f es ' ' ' ji , i ... to. .';.It,is great; teistako; devote the same. plHCoof 'ground lb sura. wherries often sevemj years in ucceion often as yoa ns a nwbed is madt-a- s i ye ih em ii ; f r e ih . r reset u u r ? p 1 nn t in. Strayrhet; . : j, of piece grnnd t grow. the seem .exhaust to lies ground.ol Sumer, element they - need sooner Than' almost' nny olber plant, and U is difficult toAnd a feri iser that will snppl 'the waste.'' , Where the ground , is muderately rich, nnd where strawberries have' not. grown. before or t' least in some years, they will be satisfiedand will do better than if pampered with, a varisty pf arti fieial . L- food.' Hiiiy KeWrSeil fo ' . v f 5 3 ' .. . : ' oj sg ji r- , j 4 v' ' - m - ' r 1 K - Gsar Coltors. Mr.Knox says 1 K ft v . 4i that-- : -- , . . c-- .. f. . s 'Viv.PBaoisru t bawx Rosas' - J. Mr? O. Per- -' tmcklqti v i ; : . m. . a a". - S I o V. i- -j Wn - : ; . l-4i- r - r !, Is- . - t1 . . ba'f-a-pin- . .f'Torcultsire .. . fc . .!. - V, yt : 4 'A-- - . m "VVsAn ;; acquaintance' tics .j' - 'u y - s .... i. Vf sCpund ' u-- ;.. - r'v " . Chronicle, strong- yy, in the Gardener ' ; recommends pegged down roses fur jjr 'i-', tne flowdr garden; lind states the adyan-h:- " i be I. sThat amiieh. greater tol tages ;.V r'" i quantity of good.hlooms are produced ; h''- X 2. The blooming: period is niuch pro- -' loured; 8, Many kinds whiah are other too tuachf crowded with buds to power; will become speedily and.power- r. 'open freeiy wri 11 thus prodnce blooms fully apparenfc.-ri'i1-V-'?;, v. The ; plants gre less great iit ' human .the : To xxxovx worms from subject to injury rom vfirids. take two i dunces ot. putnpkip J system,4 ..3 - a - f ' ' S; f thoskiris off and beat them with Moores Ku- - yceds' v . uli ;V : ii, Mpmjh(no Appls Tawts. 'nn . equal quahti.tynf sugar ahdNew Yorker says ;,VVi vcertuinly up.with .. tf water rTiike At a Joseaftreea 'iK yi.Trnnld tnuleh newly-plante- d If it does not operate in 2 on1 stiff soil liable to ter fasting if planted': of castor oil. is to be ftaken. a doss ' H A liake. - 1 Mulching may be substituted hours . , whew help is seareeftnd GxTMin How 10 sago pi,.AsT8.fTake Vf.'i; there ds a great deal to do. , .Mulching is anif strewamali quantities where they 5 equivalent tot a life sssuranoe. of; the f failftd of Wef have nevor iequentir 4.rv?V 5 Q A?' sum- the for rid theru entire ' ' . of i. getting : w outalL. but' one oane, and.,- -' ' year hit odts theiiext Jfii I cuts that back to ihree eyes.; These prddqce strong fruiting. cfyi.es for: the ' tninljenr. cut uujt ea 6h V J. '" d p Item ate uiprighL shoot ey'ery year. D ; , ; I?1? ,.t snminer the newgrowth of tJiaV- I Jj spurs is prnebed in, retaiuiing'as mariy' ledves, last ns the, beyond, there cluster, J'" nfrl!hAviffti ,' prunes' in No- - ' riI A. correpondeni: of the. Germantown are filnilUpii vCmber,-A.'v Agrii!ulturl8t. J,t' . Telegrapk says '. that, coininon copperas r. efficient' and is perhups. one of the most ANiwGRarTixoVVAX. One? pound :iU five of rosiiii; alcoliol one ounee oupoes If two pounds of copperas be dissoUed ' f i n' ten quarts of boiling water and the beefTllqw,dnetablesp6on of spirits of rosin: Melttbe bv,era slow turpentine. plcos where. filth, sulutiqp poured-intnecessarily accumulates, its deodorising , iy u ajbu r'JiiaiBUACU .ueilTlIjg tho vines grow too rampant. Beginning .with the,, newly-pja- n ted vinPj. he cuts .. . jv'.. n,- - ouiuiiiinkijv ,y pnilQia OO alcoholosrii!g hause. it to lump,' worm agaiir until it- - molts. j yuuwij .. t! .ji - J s ti.! " "V iWtepintheCanada Tarmerenje ris i t wo that ''', jj il ; pal 0 f hognf h?5pjcct0d j eachif oiepai f received jji with their food,r the othier none. t fn a , ; sTi ortti math e sal fed mueh t'j pair stronger : appetitethan the ortherSw9' V-- ." When killed the result was in favor of the sidted pair:' .M V'BlAKORk-otsHclis much ore raiu-- ; :j able thin: thatof cattfe Sfi'bqnds of ,1. ; ' . . snll; 200-lbs.- hda - - r up the feet of 1 9'vf bens; having broods, in a bag. They Mantks should never be placed iti con- can do little or no damage by soratch taet with; t he ;ro ots o f a tree, in setting a Itwasirvan9 an anti tkav. aaf manw Anf Wnk1) a1 il TtnWnpifad AfirtliT omonfl. in - ; ; . . .. i .'' v. J . t '' soil wilft AldAA |