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Show J.-:.! V'::' 'Jjii"""". -'- ?v.-.yr. VT--b;;f'A,.- io'.i:c:l'i:mi's "The il f'y s Young Folks 'Corner; 'i:AniWi to Enlf mai, Ate, in c: 01, v Gab - w .. . v.-..;n- - e r 7 tti sabsoriber about llhiosths asjo old HEIFER, dark red, branded casion., invited Mr ' Sterensen tb 1 Dray P S on the left Wp., ' No.;pther; markp rjmisiB. ton.. On one occasion? an animated dis bered.'.Any person giTinginfprmation so thu cession tpoK place; between himself and she may .be fbund. shall be rewarded! No 9S, "No. 97 Meeting-hous- e. l?r. Backland on; one of .hit farorile the- :: V;; ;1.PmW'8TKl!'.C.'-of coaltV,Bdt the l:i Spanish ForkTlTtah Q&'L'-:'i&DWlt'fr No. 99. Ox team; i No. ories as tojrJbefornatioaBuekland much, result ..was; that DfiZ a: 108 Bwj.wht.v;H,ft 103, Chocolate. Swiisfi ! greater (master, of tbngne ;Jence than Ste- -, y. renson, completely silenced (htm. Next TPOR the purpose of improving the breeds of m or ning. before breakfifiiitj wh en Jie was ; Territory, Bwme in J? this imported,', last walklnpttn the frpu,nds, def ply pondering; Summer, Fine ; iS ImproTSd ajpairof y 1 l: Wiliiaui S 4, am composed of 8 ettersv &r, Follet came up and asked him what hawas..thiiiktng aboutyy.by,. Sir My 7, 6,- - preposition :':;: a tvn. .... f a um'ent it thlnkinorer am Wiliiam.'X a nountheSrf o, 9, j-' ' :' 'J 2. 5. 3. 4, an adverb I had with Backend last nizhtT l know for farther' particulars, with'stunp'onolosfdad ..v..:. I'am right,' and that,': if I had only the dress.J. E. JOHN'SOir. 2, ft? 6, an adjective ake VilhvTJtah county. which he has, ld haT words of 7 0, a line oC Units (ommsnd Spring , 4, 3, .':..1-:a fl beaten, him." : 'Iiet me know; a about it, whole la ah artisan. And my paid Sir Williamjl'll see what 1 can do V FROM Spr&g Lake Yaia,' amsyev ago; H. E D. S. for you.'" : red.and Speckled "BULL, Ths t sa sat down in an arbor .wbeaihe a fine, Me 6 5 about medium siie.' "v"ben a old, pr years himself made; istute, lawyer tKbronghly :.:CW&.T eamnsiad of 11 latter I. micircle, with in. the po ints of the' case, calf, was branded with a, with acquainted on the: left' shoalder. the 2, is a fishr-ihtelii--. centre, ; iqio v?i., leal lof an the all with it entering j 6, 7, 8, 3, is a Ughtfood of his will be whereabouts genee thankfnlljfr about to pleadrthe dearest iaterests 6V 11, !1b M - JiBL. 3 0H?rSQN;.:LV jorrow;;; ceited.by .i;Slr Robert , Peel, on m.pre Jhanv one V oc- From one two-ye-ar -v. , ' ;- Imfortei) Enifma. , ' - v -- "!', ' ' w - ' .: 'kyf in 18, - 0-i- n, . tlpresnbaof - snnjeet 8ir ViUianv rose, up .ruhbing.Jiis hands wittf rlee Now I read r for him.'' ouecuon , oi Tiino- 4, Sir Robert Peel was made acqutated with the plot, and adroitly Introduced :tHe snbX ieet. of the controversy atter dinner: JTtf 8,12. 3, 6V li; :MmA rfsult wis. Ih4t In. tfta argument lh at. fol A x; ehamital And iny whola is a powerful lowed, the man scienin.vwes OT'erebme by the man of law arid Sir William Follet had- - at all pointe-thmastery nv.er Dr. do Docaian t yyoaf yoirsay, ijr.;.te. venson1, ..asked" Dir.'1 Robert. v in of Will rtat? dwell mansions high onIr say thw : "Whv.said he, H r' . v Soueht for bv nobles and the great mat. or an toe. powers, above, and. under the earthV fthere semi" to! me;. ;t to no Yet, without falsehood, I could say power so great as the HZfBj thoMaaiids oft am thrown away. fiTIt is.said thit Ctfioaidi speiks An4 by them 1 resp lendent shine; staadV I tbV I'm inill, fiequeot ' with winter hi Noft csrefor His whirl wi!id. ittarms, or battering rain. "3;2,-l,-- Domestic, I am; present too.:-:-:your fire I Warm at ease; :v Xjai....i as- your just where; $ou please S Jiy .it,at loor, or in the hall; i. '.::, Op. mteammana.'lii ?i garden' crawl : V 'xerre at the tpilet,,or in my tjo the mr. a. nappjr grace, v y ; hiimble aud so sway'd, $ thb. Jetliioaea thus I've made the :, stout afraidf y.'' Sard sind nnfeelin I : remata,', ; x'i And great ones have by me been, alain m T)Hh of theiBjjiches I have .trnst, guard them .mould'rihgiu the dust - T'am avr liflTe : : : .'..1'' .' - KHad .":.?-- . V AIL"'?.-'i- a 'J tf sofitfht wlthleare M a aafi JVr one whole tear con salted'; :Thav tline elapsed," I'm thrown aside swvwa. yyg$ ., yj-im- , y. . a wbrd.of five letters.'- - iUa or j !- . - llarmonk Organ i& Perfect Dleloded 1 Owner.of the.; Letters. Patent, for Harmonlo. Attsehment. Bass Dajnnet an3 " - .V- at -- SrWarn ' COTTON f ''j. . y ; V ii t i aTT Take awfeV jj-- . -- aad any lafarmatiak ralati i ,.'' ;r .;: t: I ? : BaitLa1;t: Lattartaf laiairjhrliilantwTd-BT4ectar- ' .V.: vr EVERY i a to prioca, AI14.INS ari vvnTT-nrw- i . "as i n f wa Can ; mail aral4 rtfh Farmer iphould know tAat hi .wo itd$20per : week', : ' with one of Aikin's oelebtsited Knitting May. chines.;; It : wiU .earn.lu jost In thirty dsyfc v jnreigM rrjee,. complete, O. c Weiglit40-ipV:.li from eo cents to. f1,80. . Jsend ror eirouiar ana . . t J;".v!;: send samplas. ; v-- ai 4 r WA i : av ... '.v . wag seeing a lady at a party with necked dress and bsre arms,. aamirauoq : py. saying sne . - j .i B J . j. 1 r I ae li '11 s . evak vaasnnaiLdaak t j I ! . ') fig- ifi;i:Hfev',i BfiANSON r- V;:t.Y ,..' . AVj - fitL10Ti GenelAgenJs? . V'i ' ; tl. 8nMin4 tot Mlii&-tiratt$o- f.t-- : a AgT-- uicai;vA - - - :" i.i.'.Vi.- n'V'i--'- :4' l ir ' :; : '.J.f '!.-.- '' - r 't . 5. tm. ' .' . ) - " '''i. l-a- m ; t amount or rlonr: T upon yu; take away first) add i'tay tn first' and seeond, And I. am above and round, yo)and'.my whole-i- s Id' every ri i nrniahed. rjonij-.!- J' ' ivmgli iioio . ' 1 N - i Come on.witb your grist w.bere.you ii ifit jpoT'tiiroid f'SpogiUk'eGfTdebti v. ' Sole'Agent "for'UTerrltory a. ehoioe sasortmetttof VBRBENAS ' ' 'r r.ofHAVE "de oould be raxious haes. and as niw aa sired, now readv tor nottintr or tranrolAnUng in Pianoforiesi Music arid Musical Mds tiie garden; '' Also many other raroGABiDBJI AaS m lapply h ami TiaMab1f ind .1 hsra th BMMHjtr smaitenwaU UH.fu:-;'wm uvwajn A linn x u iui t TMoiriBC 9toos sad Oral la 1,". pantBt, RAYMONi BBS,; TAddressHENRj; Bi a JK pounds of iuperfinS: and V 10 pounds of BRAN to the A L E It A :T U rf , Fof sale, at three block north :of th Meeting. Bass. r ?t :y factor House, Main Street, Nephi City, hy;iv p-i- c -:' 'AX OUJX.. lv: S : : Jr- ,irSIL1L":'S(IBIhHMMBir!i : A IV CMC BL'M V : G HIST MUX; V elean and pure article of 'pAIRT BXJI XX. always on hand snd .in any quantity to suit r"; A liberal discount to Deal:s.Vv s Also a good article of '. - j.R ::U'r johkson:. : tra: jov .- .Spring Lake Gardens, v ; .? b . .i". imrv i-'- : .. 4et .l" a I .; glftef-gab'.'.:'.---'- : 3- - s?IiAlfM'i.-iliAti- YEUJXABLE3 and FLOWERS, h -- - '5 i WE hare a few plants of the S WEE'f PO TATOE we can furnish by insii f Also msay Tarieties of HOUSE and other PLAVTS of -- t -- J . W;- 'itkzi '1 d, ad-voe- ate if; 7, 10 11, : ! half-bloode- - :1v:;i?:,-4- Ciit- t |