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Show ' i" f 'y ..o.lO 'T 'V- , ' ' . " - Y':: 'V V. f: ' .': Beautifhl eyes I ye liaaiit me still, ? M Though years have passed away,; love-lig' new-bor- gs . . - . . - . - ; . ' ,4 - Iwi, i BU1LD1N5 UPON THE : SAND. 4 , i r is-co- ld i . ''' ' t ,; V !' '- -r . s . r - ; ' i V-t- r,m '' ' XY - v. ' V ; ; V , M- X- X x.M. i I. 171 I' le possible fo man to by. enthralled. :ihei' shackles of physical slavery are as the reM d .;! .Thojia''Dt,;- - galia of royalty,. when contrasted with the p -- ?. etfers.- of eutrsmelied.r thought. The .. .Spanish Fork, July 19 1864 We copy the following, ;on this snVect, groan andTamentatioiis .bf the snffering ,. bon dVmau are as muircompared with the'-from a correspondent iu the fairie Far-i- sr stifled ac'cusatteh and aeonigirig( oppres-- - ; .? ; .. A r siona of the nian who sells ttiat birlhright, '. j V . v yit i Four years ago T set out. an orchard In and dares not give utterance toVwrongs be ' one of the- worst .rabbit-- ' burrows in Mis-'- 4 is compelled to endure. Al men, however,--. catahot-bKouri, and yet I have, jiad Ad. trouble with bound; correAly appreciated the. value of rtlb ls. X paint my trees with common having white ead tiixed. with lard.. One.paintine mehial independence, they cling to lt witli V . every two years will suffice. : Mjr, orchard unyielding: tenacity, deierramed tO'exer-----.- -' can't he i beat- f'r its age no trees look cise their preiogatiye wfile life sbail en--1' belter' or thriftier. ; Tue paint' made, in dnre. :; Thry may hava to euffei1 poverty f labor, but ibe noble r;: that way does ' not seem . to injurei them.1 obscurity and. above and bevond such Jiia.';-- ',", mind f heard an old farmer say that he never- durancesTbismiiid conquers. difficulties had any ..luck, with trees unifl hetommen- ' asesile every obstacle with victorious'1 ceji usig paiiit.?; and faels ..reanimated and; rein- We take the following fifig Jhe VtfSey Streuglb after- every: ponqueat- ."?V Farmer. Em ' fid n ' cel co en arm ; The .Triqmph' Imparts ' Kill a rabbit- and 'cut it In. two pieces, which has once obtained victory la ready-- ; h'" " tlitn rub the bark of each ouhg tree with for', encounter ; so the ' tnind ...vbgli has The rabbits will hot trouble thd Irises scaled one mount qf ; nifficnlty is thereby .' r. .'. that season. Increasingly prepared for attempting - Blood is a safe, (effectual and assy reme- tht?r exploits..- he iron sharpeneth iron, so of Jblood. tho- does tbe .energy ol one intellect impress ,' dy. Two. or jbrte ; rough! ymixeX in six quarts of water,pj!t and invigorate all within its circle.'; keen them .o If qgraphy has done jqiih to elicit the.latent -on with a brush,-wil- l heuyj reine occur go over them again. '.ftvV abilities of many ,a yoq h- - Asthe Intel- - '' lectual Elijah; has asiceqded to eminenee, Clab OXfaeneri Fork. his mangle has beerf caught by an aspir- - : Spaxiisli r. f'... r. 1, and emu I atii g E:aha. Ib :'' , V;:"' ' Dxae Sin:--O- ur meetings still continue, "vi'r to.". Post;hpcp ere hot very largely attended.' on. bnttiey a had fine account' of'Nsusy' times.' Wp specimen of potatoes exhibited en tiiedtu j ... ifJi.ne,by E. Sjott.liiet Saturday even currants, apri ing 1 exhibited some fine 'cots and encumuers. ; 1 think ' that .we . 'Potbid Boat YHsoair asD tlie ftwa It haabeeu ascertained by ex p cribal I soon be' able to eompelq- 'yth me ' good fresh, yeast, taken idtern- - ; ,V clubs in our eisLer cities. a is :v' ally, sovereign remedy for putrid. sore . ,'-With reepeet,- Ac.,' throat. . It giveealmost iastant reliefs It THOBaeT)at, has; withiii the. past winter, been eucce e.vV Spanish FqrJk, Julv IB, fully uied in two 'cases of malinant eed r- lel fever."-- They;. resided in my immediate Men ne ghboihood, and were despaired ef by .V ; t1r an kble phyeici.in. piec8S of putrid'fleeh : ' hv v' cturr. sy - .vf their throats. 1 -acthalij, caine from i ?, ; ' r 'Vt; ' most. thinkers V iNxaa Young Iniportant fo;ma Pix. Take one teaeupfnl of ; ' Section of the human fitmily. The, aged sugar or moUeeeer half f Aacnpful of vine-- ; cannot remain ou ihe earth' for ever; "and ode egg wtlLbeatenbne'.tablcepooiiv; the jirospecls'woulJ be Indescribably hope- g'r, tul of flour, and a little nutmeg.' Sir this less .ueie. there 'no all together, then add one pint-o- cold wa- -. prepaiiug to fill 'their places and. discharge tqr.-..- This.., is - sufficient , toe.' three jiies,. their Juiiei.v Special attention ehould be Bake witii or wilhout a top cruet. ...w.: devoted .to the young. They arq the wpjlq Dousstic Fxuit Caxs-- Soak two enps In au incipient state, and, tberefore.eiiOuid ke Caret lilly soeltered from the rude blast, of dried. fruit over nighty in the, morning!, simmef them; lit. three' cups of 'molasses,; and nurtured ;iu to an intelligent and. with" spices i add' two-thir- iP&.y.-'XW- . of a cup of ' xqjnhood. soda mid nour v ftleaepoonful of Youug ihouare being cared for, and, .ehortening, 1 i bettejr they, care'for enough fo. a stid batter. - An egg or two' v wht have.begculo themselves.-?- ' This is a sign f proypri.y. iuipiqvea .it; J'.V X Heaven helps thosS,that Aelp.LDemselveeV S, itaisio Bread.' AII klndsv of ralMd ' XXj. . V' as it, is beautiful. bread or cake flee is. an apbqribp aa-tr,'.t , quicker, in the VVV'V;, . To impart wisdom is better than to con day lime,. when the kitchen iswarur, than V Iii wintor, .; fer wealth, thougii he who can. bestow jp'ib at nigh i, when, the fire oat ' is greater than lie Who c an .oniybeetow any hing niade with yeast should be made v otxe. 'Alt external posesftidns are early' livtiie'evening, that it may get Wtirt .J ' butvail moral and jntellectual'ie ed to rise befdrh the kitchen gets' cold' and deposited where pel Corns-MeCakes e quart of sour iher moth iior rust "doth ; corrupt, : nor milk: one tablspounf ul of saleratueatirred ihievee bYeak th rough add ateal. He whose -; - , .eggs, one table-reasure belongs id this class will receive iiidutil it Iro.hs ; four will?-makas meal much spoonful ofsatVas lisown withUsury.V a stif ba $ butter the pane, turn y;y Independence Vis the : birlhrrghi in tho hatter. tier, K h' thick, and bake .bartered for of man a birthright 'i temporary elevation or secular subsistence; V WAvt.E s.i Four egg i orie quiirt of a I the ugh, Ini its originalbestowmenf, itie of butter, a lit marked with the' impress of the Dlyinlty, milk;' a quarter-of-a-pou; floyr to make a batter, s hnd is intended' to - be preserved- in all , its he . -- , j-- - , e - . w.-ar- . e . i7-i- - t . fu'rr - qu-ul- T - . . Y V V U-- 1 - Beyond the days of youia ; Tot if ye give not heart for heart, . ,,, As well as hand for hand, 'A' Youll dad you've piayed rue unwise part. .. : And bailt upon, tno sand." 'Tis well to save, tie well to haTe, A jgoodly store of gold, And hold enough' ol shining stuff, ' For oharity i not Bat plaoe all your hopes and trust On what the deep mine brings ; t;. ,Ye cannot live on.ypllow dut, Unmixed with purer tihinga f; , ; p i'r , ' rV ' And he,y!wbo piles upi' gold alons Jfc : i i ".rj : Will oAeu nave to etand Beud his eoffers ehest and own ll fV 3 'iVj Iis built upon the s&ncL'' ? K Tis good tv speak in kindly, guise, fc&W And soothe whereer ire oan ; . Fur speeoh enonld bind the human kincL I- ". And lore link nu to man. ,7 i Bat stay notat the gentle words,'. 7 Let dued with language .dwell-- ; ' j.j,r .The one" who pities starving birds, Should scatter crumbs as well.' v-, sv The' mercy that is warm and true, : - Most lend a helping hand ; For thdse who' talk,' yet fiul to do,? v : Bat 'build upon the sand V i - i v ..'' v - ',o. Bat have a eare, ye yonng and fislr, . Be sure ye pledgw wilhtrut.; .Be certain that your love will wear . v, , ' - - i . - Sinee myrtles grew and roses blew,' ' .'And moraingjbroaght the sun. i" - - Tiswcll to wpo; 'tis well te wed, ' For' to the world has done, . .'- . OIU T 'i ; ht ??; 1. - f th-m- - Y. .; '. r j .gittfevKSEP ': ;?. together and plaster the trunks ot the txc rabbits iirtll hot' touch SW,.-- Your violet huea and bright n day.Yr. lirigbtcen as M y Bat ye whatsadncss round me clings v " What deep heart-panand sighs! ' For I eh never claim, them miue-- - ' 'y V Those beauteous, beaming eyes. ' Y Though stars may light their silver lamps ' And shine like precious gems ; ? more love Enchanting eyes I ye M Than costly diadems ! ."Y. X ' ?n: Then Memory do not spread thy wings, J For I could not forget Thu crystal Aeon of those dear eyes- v M :; V When drat their glance I met ' ' ' v... fan ' u1 - ' T" IE YE 3-- BEAUTIFUL Y v MX -. v. '. T: H E vFjAjR; M: JER ' SO; R A C L E , ft -- .'' ,v : . s '1 ft J u. . - p. V - ' - Hoiisewife'gCorner. , ,. - - i -- - ! 8tcbeifor ,quiig , - ..-- . ; litii-gtifiitliigC- f . i ,v Vig-qro'- us ds -- Correspondencea Rabbit a pifrdllng Tri. j lf(A! J A' ' . j . - r i In Ulinois and Penn have I where iived, I have known sylThnia, the ravages 6? kpplerees eecured from thein with straw. I by; wrapping y i suppois ihey can also be successfully "feuded against their attaeks in this Terri-tor- y by the samrf 'meaBavs'-j-f-- 1 ' ; h Yours fraternally,; ' AV.MlLTO N Musssb. ; 'V.C;Vity July 1, 1W.-- ; Bao tJosKrK E. , ? r Enrrom Qbacus r TV J1'.- - v. . .it Havlngnotieed in our a question rfel&iive to trees herewith sendiCiabbitsgiXdling. you i ikki I r.k lz "gribulthril-pdpe- n. . : -- ue - Als flt. ineu-durin- g,. . self-propagati- . , -it .1-On- al e half-an-inb- half-aii-hou- r. - p T nd - i- :h |