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Show V. y x ' a . 'it1-,- . :;i J '" - A : , ' : ';T :?. :$ .' .w - '" .,.. J -- I V .A, - .7 , ' fj-- r .y t . - ' : ' v-- ; now veil known among oar readers that an outrageous order hois been promalged from the P. 0. Depart-men- t, Stopping all .. mail' matter vfor tthistCerritorj at St.: Joseph, M6. except single newspapers to regular and ;m liter, franked b Mem-bed of Congress, except letter postage, is marked bj stam( s thereon: Thus, booka; magazines, eitcularSjSeds, roots and out tings, together, w)th of other parcels vnlmiblo to their owners, and upon which lawful postage bad hecn paid, are withdrawn from the mail and .lie in heaps at Sc.v Joseph v a total loss to their owners, without anj J'1 preribua notice. whaterer. ' This is, eertai.nl, agreat outrage up- -. on private interests,' and will aflfoet so, riouslj the inhabitants of the region west of the Western bounds nf Kansas ;and east of the Eastern bounds of Oali ub-seri- be, j pro-pai- rs . thou-oan- ds - . ' - . . , .forma. ;- ' J t ' ' '&..- ... ... r S S. Z v. '.j ,..' J . . - ,, . ..I t ' .. ,. .. m, . A ' .. ;, - :Vo . ,;-- Thase who have parcels jfug at jSt. Joseph, must send stamps to . cover 1st-ter poii tege or lose' the parcele. We must also pay letter postage upon all seeds, e.uttinga, .roots bulbs, &e., if we I get an from the Eat.!This lathe way our Government FOSTEBS settlements I:'A tbaunjfonntains.. - : A Chops axDGxabxxs. ; it is , f J - . V Vv' ' V , ... 'A y V.T-- ,'k ' ?J '" i A:' l ; "l V V The Nenr aaMM Postal Order., ;We think . , Both field crops and gardens look promising throughout tne eoantryao faraswe nave seen or heard.1 With' the exception of the 'orchards in the. City and in the southern pprtioq of the Territoiyfwe. believe there we few or no' poeeheg and ; but a small crop . of upples, pi mas and aprioots- -i the effect of the severity, of. fast winter, and yet grapes iem.to promiee a good crop.' 1 Strn wherries,-cu- r rants, gooseberries and" raspberries never produced ' better than' this yefif.:v'.V-.-V-JcLr 24th Wiia kept up ;i n Pay eo by nia donees" on Saturday und Monday, Speeches, Ac:, Ac.,- commemorated the planting of libertyfa standard, : in these val lies, ' 17 years ago. i a;? 'At Santaqnin, on Saturday, the a ward dinner i:; the bowery upwards pf 160 enjoyed all that could be asked for; in.; the eatable' line, and then with speeches, songs andithe dance kept going till midnight. : : A plentifully supplied table for thatnamher, these times, deserves a good wprd. v- Tea, L, - ;1 the first daily puV ,r "v and deteil of arrangement! Itwoulil not bo at all flattering toeay it looks well, for the editor being ari pld fiand,1' at the quill at least, Jluows jhqjw to. do a thing .right, and! the .use oC.bruins ap well ai quills. TUe local and telcgr aph- : ! : ; 3 1 ll i l ; ' . ' h, . ,v ' s?Vl . ,ie Aevci .is given' ln' d&tai!. V;- y.--' ; ; We wonder how, any one can do wlth- of aiews. for the fem.-if-r out fall tho -array ; .i -- . . . ' ..'- . ' t . fy, Jr - I i . ( t, y mi -- .t ' sum of ten dollars iu greenbacka. ..r '' ..1 'Thomas, go on anil prosper,. no, need; f-- r cf , getting shaved. - 1 J - - . . it has come i; - ' -.' Mished in Salt Ltfkc .City.: Edited and . A B Ur II. ;t! T. Stethocse.It y: published by well g tt up, both irf mechanioaV skin y ., . : . Dally TelecrPh.,,vf rrrr A 1;;: v-- j - ? cHi-zehsh- ad SVStwrys 2 p.m 6. f i Viy -- i- - 9 ,pja.,.Ti. Max. 9a.. i'f. MinfiO..;:,,. Thunder 2T.B.'y' : of run last night. 1 K b. S ,' 8. Mostly clear. ,, ; Cloud yt' 3 p.m ',.1 2.--D-rops IIaxtest Is rapidly ' comingAin withyery fair crops of wheat, barley, " . A-y,,'-. . - a.tJmoky 8. -- ' t ' Cloudy and appoaranee of rala. Smoky p.m;' Hbowsra 8. and ; oats. ; Some have commenced a , B. week ago. There is qukba demand for jrSinoky aadsrindy.y V.; r ' 8. Mostly .clear. Mot. .y. V. ; ... .1 ' harvest bands, with cafoity of help and 0 Claar. llotUr.1 ' r. ;f ;f-A; i good wages offered. Sur lively, boyef- wind i now is the" time to make ybnr' breadi 1?. Pleasant. Small Fruits &c.,; ft t. Save every bushel, for it will be wanted. J3, 4 a.m. drops i'v The most prolifio branoh of ,our rants Look of raids ; has made tbe hay crop at 1 we ever noticed,1 was handed "us by Mr. short. Haymaking, commenced some 18. Cle&rbat smoky, A small ,E Whiting,' of Springrille. ' r two weeks ince. 's? tf 18. Clear. 11 inches iu ; limb, measuring single ' ' WxaTHca Has been" excessively ' hot JO. length j produced 7)4 ouuces of the eom-mo- n Partially cloudy. y v red Dutch currant. ; The sampleiof and dry, with winds, clouds and thhn-- 1 21. Cool breeze. ;. pleasant. day. gooseberries were very, luge and Anev- du and an occasional sprinkle of rain pleas an t.7 In the garden of H. A.. Qheever,.Fro-vo- , Vegetation grows excessively rapid, re? SdAClear. 25, we eaw gooseberries dhat measured qoiring a good deal of m oisture. ; Gen- 26.in" circumferesoe, and from erally, there is a soarcity of water for 27- -: five inchee v' t c' J 28 llo,. 7: u , o ur own garden wo Jiave pieked them irrigation,' as muit be under lhese 14 w We are to learn 4D to sorrry; 30, the'pOnnd.Cleaf, .weighing ; Of the native.Deseiret currant we saw that the people of Payson' are .suffering j 3f.o. rain , '' there baa in' jhg City avariety of huge black seed- - somewhat in their fields aud gardens for though ' tikaight.' ln;May we had 111UU OTtrwlittJi.: v;-- wuatof of rain.; A; A? ; lings, measuring 4 inches in oiranmferJ f i,i j,, ; - ,.j. lie obonr will .have readers been . These easetj ' Many.of .specimens pi veneey AGENTS ASn; DxLI'Q0XKt ,SrBSCXlaXB8. to1 see thrs :4 Abstract in'Our, paV.j;'--..-- ' a in: e ordinjy ' way,.without Our agents are, authorised to rdoeive i' Friend Pearcr i kindly proffer ,t or stripping the, bushes of. other from i ;Vjtfroing subscribers, greenbacks delinquent r i us thern nish mpntliV-kk ifruit. Far better results might be bb br other good p j tp every Our; iy an equiTalent of $2 f ; ';?.!r;.tained' by better cultivation and proper in speoieTwb - dollars in TreaSury tisenswiil feed favored rbyathisj apdedii y. treatment. ; 5 Notes will not canoel the aoo ount, as it thus be posted in : the ; atuiosphericai r of ;kT.he our, Dixte, j - 11 thneo interested: in. was. expressly Understood'between iis changes, Hsu i tho feigns ,pf tbomsfj ' i. i o gives and prosperity of the and subf cribers no t pay! qgtip dd ranee, "northand. we .in v?'ythe eontinuation .Oracle get the names , of those in their that we; were to hareiwo'hashele of jeepeotire lobilities who wish to become' whekt fromeach. subMrir Wc will .subscribers to the Beoond volume,' that however, accept one bushel instead, afwe may determine whether we oan con ter the present harvest. Let agents take Atihue Its publication. Ko time should -- . : . t" ' 1 - i- - i s - ' io.-dsa- f4 ,14.--Cle- ary: : . . l5.-farthq- - 17-D- : j, r o. 19.-do- ud . . 22.-r-Co- A- - . - r - A - : - - o!. 29k-Thnnde- - r rAl - ; : -- watw.ru5;y-.- ; ;J . Stained , ; . . vv.i-- - .. Let i s, . J-r- - ; . A -k . liw-Cc- pir currant, ; - |