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Show ' V' . ' .' . f y.1 r s tS '. V'v,' v i - :.: i. i - -' ; ;? - j. ' V. ' : v' ,? 'C . . t . . 5- - . A .i i ' i. . . are a good " protection of C)over should- be cut Immediately after, also destroy blossoming and before the seed i formed. lice. against 1 1; They : insects in a It should be cured in euch a manlier as to .' ;v other numerods troublesome lose as as possible, and there' , ; v fore garden,. .r can be treated rot exactly as the uatu-rPlants, when drooping, are revived by are: should not; be long It grasses ": few grains of camphor- v , j'., to the: exposed scorching snn, but after r 'vk'. Fcariare sn id to be much improved wilted, add partially dried, it should being he forked up into cocks and left to cure la by grafting on the moan tain a sb Sulphur is valuable ?. in ; preserving that! pttitjoif v'hs foiirik .or fifth day, i' grapes,1 currants. and gooseberries from when the weather i f air and ,warn., open sirit iin' heitir or twojSud it will be fif v t 17- insects: " Black sulphur sprinkled in the aiid. nest and feathers will. keep liens, chick to cart to the barn. : V Clover curediu this way without loss of cns snd othe fowls free.' from; lice-;';- ; In feeding corn, sixty pounds ground its foliage, is better for milch cows And for ' il)D any other hay. It niay. also be 0M in sheep one hundred-poundU iliCj, 7 fed. to horses; that are ho brd workei, !or ' A 1'r ' . the kernel,' to young stock, but ft ii most invaluable for ; Lard never spoils Jn- hot weather, if cows hi iuilk. For other, farm.htock. it ie - it ll well cooked in" trying 'it .out.' )y,y or h froai two thirds to as ; ' Toads cab-ki- je I ; -- s . " , . s ,T- - . . tliree-fonrt- he Corninenl should never be 7 gro imd; much as the best hay. Manual or cullure-- TejT fine,' it injures the richness of .it. Rutabaga is- the onlj root that increa ees in nutritious qualities as it increases feirnpe- Gulture. Agrl-- -. .; "I ' - rf ; i , s . s . - -- 4 . V g. - - . - - ,M s at "H be-l,hi- . nd r . . V . U V -- sT F. A ; V-- -- . - n . bor-rowe- n. , - . -- do-niee- q -- ?; 1 - ..i K V . -- r. - r- - a .: . v ! tic ji-d- Auu-Cica- - e"- t i. in, to v' , V. H AI. Chaffin, .of., Worchestrr;; dropped''four .'iambs on fife 'i5tn mti: whose ag-- . r J saut gregate "weight was 34 lbs: All are I ; to be doiug well Culilvator.' f . ja ' , .A. punctual- - man ia very rarply . a poor aiau, and never a man of doubt-' ful credit. Hia am all accounts are settled, .'and he never meets with , a difficulty in raiti'i.g money to pay largo, demands. ' Small (iebia neglected '.ruin' Cfedit, and when a hin hss lost that,, he will find biaiaelf at ' the bottom of a hill ho cannot well ascend. ; ' iff .V e-- t i . y - ire-quen- tly 1 -- - V 1 - v ii(0rAn Iriahman was employed to trim some fruit vli ees.- ; Hi wett out in the morning, and tu r turning fit noun ha waa asked if ho haff completed hie work No was,iihe reply, .but he had cut them, all down and-- , waa going ;to trim them; id the ' ' - ; - afternoou. i fc.' j - 1; p 'Arry said an English father to ; I.. hie ion);'op'hupand' go down to: Mr.'.. 'Arris's,' and hak ?im.hif cr.as ha bit Ijqf hash or huak to make ha 'ammer ndle.'' 4 sr J- - 5v w . Life is a constant stiuggle.forrichssJ ' 2 which' we must ebon leave bchiqd.'. They. seem given to us a a nurse' gives a play-ihii- ig to h child to amuae'It until it fails': V asleep- - lj y .. V (L3B "Grandma, said in ihtelligenthut; do you want, soma candy 7' craity child, should (llien-gotilk some dear,' I 'Ye, the shop and buy me eome: aud ; will give you f nparC.'fr-..v.'--- ; if surround cd'on all aides by; the biishcnees of anothers prosperity,libe the scorpion, , confined within' a- circle of'.:; fire,? will, stiiig.itaeif to' death. gEayy. - ' : ' . . - . en-groa- sed - ' . . T Sweet olive oil is eaid to he a certain ! A 'Correspondent. Prairitarmer say e, cure for the bite of a rattlesnake.4. Jip' the heet-- aspert is always a Southern' fast hard has proved L.!r ply it internally and Externally. . It will beyondThis; doubt ebout idea .matter. tlie my. bites: .if For example i in toy own : vineyard,' ,lso ours bee. stings and spider , all - i. ' ' I applied immediately., vl and other leading : Catawba, Isabella, my Vermin are kept away frfiin grain by viiifes. kilied almbsi to the;, enow line, x of garliowhen ja V ing the except. abnt. three r four . hundred ' hsv-ii- g sprinkling na entire Southern ...aspect" I Totind .'bave.y- -ent in the Spring, anil exposed Jiem geen to great, extent.9 The high: Timber, vv;i tathe weather with tne bark onj decays er the land of hill, with a southern aspect themore safe against winter kill!' g the aueh sobner than if eut in the fall. If yoiir . land lies lower. than ktapeyine.' It no costs more worth a oolt to rinse V 7'W.. ) ' the land) particularly against $150-a- t four years old, than it does one the aurrunding I would not4 recommend you fo North, i "worth $50.V The same! applies to all if Catawba, you do, you muat cover plant atook-raisinSecure good breeding them .best way to do any in the fail the If?.', ahimafs. cost appear r.ow iiid leave the coEer on till the firei though the 'first ' ' fi r;4f r.'S high. : of April. too 11 " wasted often husbanding' your Bj s'7 U"4 . rl ' 'fertiliiers'.and keeping up a good eom- - V.Novxl Modk ov.Ttiwo HoasxsThe . heapyhuvwill increase your cr ops Iceiande ahave aourioua custom; and a a post two-fol- d. Mich. Farmer '0most effectual; one," of preventing horses from straying. Tie lhe head of one horse to the tail of the other, and the head of this Hon. os Sviwxa Ifs. Chas. ; 'v Ejtohum to the tail-o-f theiocmer. . lln this staelli nia to in New letter the YorkSa Sumner, that' they can move either bck impossible tary Fairthus alludes fo the jfew Eug-lan-d wards or forwards, rone pulling one way kitchen i&if and the other the reverse; if disposed to tV. was in such' a kitchen that king Al-- r move at all,. it wilt be In a circle, and, even :v;,'fied while, tbs housewife baked at the then, there muat he. n ' agreement to turn v'tv .kitchen fire.' .And when sur ancestors left their heads In the same direction k a kitchens such tre i England, blazing j V .T them. The French Jcitchen ia very v A Pot.it Bov. The other day, we ,V- different;. Tt. is a handful of cos Is. on a were riding in ; a crowded railway .carriian pila of' bricks, with Innumerable sancr-- X riage. At one- of .the stations an olda seat,-whepa na, but with no generous fire, and no entered and was looking around for d 1 a boy. ten or twelve jt&j orage Vopen, capacious jambs. The Gauls it. from ancient Rome, or perhaps rose' uMnaiaii,f;';vr-'.:,;V"- -i :y Y.'' Cesar left it with' hia. eagles a nd bridges.: Take my. Beat) sir. ,y ' The offer was. accepted, 'and the infirm Its progenitor may be found inttie remains t.1-v of Herculaneum and Pompeii, with bronze old mRn sat down. did you gi ire me y bur ; aeat of brick.. But the. Bid he eonwilmes instead, Why ... J '' tons never adopted it? inquiied of the boy.;-- 1; Becaus e you TajS olinraud l am a T ."V Sbiwa Kxcusitt on a Fash. The bVy lVr'was the Taply, rThe pesangrs Jfforfc Lae Exprtt save t The exueri were much r pleased; and g atifid,,. For ' s ence of the. advanced agricultural nations my part I wanted to s ize hpld .of he little fellow and press him' to my bosom v '.like Eneland, Germsiy .and France, goes C1 2i to show that of a are? abeep necessity .i ' It Bxgixs with a1 Ho' Is there any of husbandry.' on good general . system ; for : George -thing Hogden ? Inquired a ?5 ke lands amidst and highest priced maii one '' 4.Tn yonng .York'posl day. at. tnerNew drnsesl population.. .They,' afford as office,.;':!-- . f lth id y'- Three days sir. Nothing, 'v. in food much lo.maii to their iir porportion' a ask for Tbe lasjt letter; day, V .'own. eoneumption'.df food, as any other Georgs. happening tb' watch1 the .clerk; he suddenly domestic animal aa'?-vf ere 1 Say, yo'ure;'loeking crisd ? It ie said that turalpa of small aiae.have aintngihe baitches, abd ifay hkme begin . .rf .r- Fo.tia IAhzs , at a Bixth! We are foruitxi that a Cutswuld ewe ; bslui ging - -- i - "t-r,-- N: -- Many farmers tbo little reallza that th. beast ia susceptible ofpain, that they suffer keenly from v neglect, .and fondly, enjoys kind act" from the hands, of their No man should become ao r .in hia pursuits, and so eagerly grasping lor profits, that he should neglect to care for hie animals. Beasts can' not tell their sufferings, and advantage if ' too often taken of this ; there is money te .be made'by their seiviee, and makes ho odfls to many how hard they' are worked, or . how'groaeiy they are neglected alter the day's, toil ; i ended. Kludur ss to our animals ia no .pecuniary loo to tl,' but of great pi otit, for they will tliiive, i.u 1; o .us-and daily become iuqre v'sl- - ;; )l ' UHble. , Br sides there ie a eaulactlott4fu" ; f. kiiuWii g that hi have acted liuinaniy even M to a ;uie.-- Iui vj .. - - r ' ' V. " al l'.v bTS! to tbe. Brute: - - e -' ' E. ?'- - little-foliag- . O L Gutting and fcdring ClbtEr. ... i n- . T H K f F A R M E R? 8 -- O R ... 'I". V... K.s. J Facts worth r, ' - v, - : Remembering: ; i ' , '1 - 'V-- . e . ' V 170 u. k- ' ,'.Av "f - . should becommemced Manure-makin- g in' earnest. Pile ; all' ref use on to.the 1 eompyst heap (gSS Mirth should bu the embroidery ot , ; Vur; couversationtrnot thie;web ; na wit; tbs ornament 'of the mind,, not the feature: ' . ft: r- ' T 'ifeyer rctire at night;withont being' wiser7 iban.vyon'. were in the moniing, by, havidg learned eomething' useful during the llfiy-- -' zi- 's-.- .. ' H W'1 ' - ' . ; . yj-- . r gJg" Thera are jying looks tas well ss J diadem - plicg smiles, deceiving' Iying'words, sighs, find, even lying ileqca,; Le scen ss 'ws rise to com - j |