Show I PIONEER OF 1847 DIES IN IN WYOMING Richard Era Erastus Egan n 76 former l resident of Salt SaU Lake and for many years bishop of South Bountiful died at his home in Byron Wyo late Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day night His Ills body will wl be brought to ta Salt Lake for services a an ad d Interment lI He came to Utah in 1848 with his pari par- par i e Later h he rode a pony express out j of Salt SaU Lake Lako and then located on a farm in Ruby valley He spent a two- two 1 year mission to England and was ordained ordained or or- J a high priest upon his return j and appointed bishop of South Bountiful Bount- Bount ful ward He lie moved his family to Byron By- By ron fon in iii 1905 and engaged in farming |